15,688 Topics
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I have some JavaScript code, currently it takes a users location and reorders a HTML ordered list to dosplay a list of items which are closest to the user's location. Can anyone help so that the items in the HTML list, which are in for instance a vicinity of 1KM … | |
this is my javascript code for infinte carausal which is working fine but it is not taking more than 36 entries . <script type="text/javascript"> $.fn.infiniteCarousel = function () { function repeat(str, num) { return new Array( num + 1 ).join( str ); } return this.each(function () { var $wrapper = … | |
Hello, I am working on a site that has big image on its background. So when the page loads, the image loads very slow also. See the picture to understand http://i1235.photobucket.com/albums/ff429/rakwel10/loading-issue.jpg Slider images are also problem. What are the possible ways to solve this? "$(document).ready(function()" is not also working. Pls … | |
How can I write document.write() functions inside a struts form. Although I give the id of each element in a javascript file, above js functions always write outside of the form. I need to add a line above of the s:textarea which is come from the javascript. How can I … | |
Hello, I am trying some code I found on the net for a fade in/ fade out slideshow. It is working fine on FF, Chrome and Safari on Windows. On Chrome Mac, the slides appearing one below the other, on IE8 on Windows, the text under the slide, does not … | |
I want to validate time format by putting time picker on my form, then i search for it in Internet and i found it [here](http://trentrichardson.com/examples/timepicker/). I follow the steps, but it is did't work. In my page i just want to receipt time (hh:mm). i need it to validate the … | |
Hi there. I have a menu which is toggle-able with jquery. By default it's hidden until the menu link is clicked. What I've been asked to do it make it so that when the user clicks it open it stays open from page to page. I'm assuming some sort of … | |
Hey Im using Web Storage for my website and it seems to work locally but not online. Ive tried different thigns (which I shouldnt because it should just work) but it seems not to work. The only conclusion I can come to is that it has been disabled server side. … | |
<?php foreach ($_options as $_option) : ?> <input id="xyys" type="hidden" name="xyys" value="<?php echo($_option['value']);echo ($_option['option_id']);?>" /> <?php if($_option['label'] != 'Corte'): ?> <?php $_formatedOptionValue = $this->getFormatedOptionValue($_option) ?> <dt><?php echo $this->htmlEscape($_option['label']) ?></dt> <dd<?php if (isset($_formatedOptionValue['full_view'])): ?> class="truncated"<?php endif; ?>><?php echo $_formatedOptionValue['value'] ?> <?php if (isset($_formatedOptionValue['full_view'])): ?> <div class="truncated_full_value"> <dl class="item-options"> <dt><?php echo $this->htmlEscape($_option['label']) … | |
Good day all: I'm wondering how does one go about excluding a particular item on a form from being taxed? I have a check box, which onclick, calculates the sales taxes on all items on the form. to perform the tax calculation, I'm using: var tax = ($('#taxbox').attr('checked')) ? (subtotal … | |
I want to change the radio button color when i slect them and then change them back to default when I deselect them I have made some code but this is not working as it should be $(document).ready(function(){ $(':radio').click(function(){ if($(this).not(:checked)){ ($this).closest('td').css('background','none') } else{ ($this :checked).closest('td').css('background','red') } )} }); | |
Hi, I have a form with various elements such as ids, location. I need to pass these values to a php file through a javascript function. Right now I am able to pass only ids. The Form <form action="display.php"> <label>Your ID</label> <input type="text" id="ids" name="ids" value=""> <label>Location</label> <select name="location" id="location"> … | |
Hello ppl, I am learning PHP. I already know some programming languages, so i didnt read whole book i had, but after i read part of the book, i understood that i get the information but can not use it, so my question is-Is there any videos or books, which … | |
Hello, I created 2 lightboxes on my page. When I just had one, everything worked fine. The 2 lightboxes are not displayed at the same time. There are 2 links that open each respectly. <a href="#" class="lightbox1">Open box 1</a> <a href="#" class="lightbox2">Open box 2</a> The following is the HTML/CSS: <div … | |
hi, i posted this in the javascript forums but didn't get any replies, maybe this is a better place. i have a website for properties (rent, sell, etc), using php and mysql. i allow the admin to manage existing properties by selecting the property id from a dropdown that lists … | |
Hey DW fellas I'm having some trouble when I run my code on IE. I tried it on Chrome and Firefox and it works, but it doesn't at IE. I think that is a Javascript problem, but I can't find the solution. So please, if you can give me a … | |
**Hello every one, this is my first post since the day I registered. I need your help as I'm new to the programming world. I'm doing doing JavaScript and so far was going smooth.. But when I tried to work on the exercises that came with textbook, I failed. Here's … | |
![]() | I can't think of how this thing is called and so I can't find any example on google, I'll try to explain my vision best I can. I want to have a list of square divs, each has contant (but that's not the point), so the divs are standing in … |
i want that when user type username in from fiel it validate from process.php and after validate it show result in front of name field . i want that when user select uk from contry it show uk city and if selected india then show india cities how can it … | |
<html> <head> <title>My Facebook Login Page</title> </head> <body> <div id="fb-root"></div> <script> window.fbAsyncInit = function() { FB.init({ appId : '220467641404829', status : true, cookie : true, xfbml : true, oauth : true, }); }; (function(d){ var js, id = 'facebook-jssdk'; if (d.getElementById(id)) {return;} js = d.createElement('script'); js.id = id; js.async = … | |
Hey, I was wondering if someone could help me with this. I want to, when an anchor link is clicked, the id of the link is grabbed by jquery then passed to a function. The id is would be the same as the id of the div that is used … | |
Is there any way I could make specific text strings "invisible" on my web page? For example, If I were to specify the string "hxxp://nullrefer.com/?", I would need that text to appear invisible on my page everywhere it's mentioned, automatically. So, if the url "hxxp://nullrefer.com/?hxxp://www.Amazon.com" were to be mentioned on … | |
this is my javascript for validation of a form .It works perfectly <script type="text/javascript"> function validateForm() { var x=document.forms["contacts-form"]["email"].value; var atpos=x.indexOf("@"); var dotpos=x.lastIndexOf("."); if (atpos<1 || dotpos<atpos+2 || dotpos+2>=x.length) { alert("Not a valid e-mail address"); return false; } var x=document.forms["contacts-form"]["name"].value; if (x==null || x==""||x=="Name:") { alert("First name must be filled … | |
a script which will show a page content like video, photos to a user if they share it on Facebook. i mean to watch a video they have to share it first and only then they will able to watch it from web page...can i do it with javascript? like … | |
Hi guys, I have a maybe simple question, but I'm wonder how they do this: [http://www.blacknegative.com/#!/adisseo/](http://www.blacknegative.com/#!/adisseo/) background image scale perfect in all screen resolution (even 2560x1440 or 800x1280), and the background picture is only ~1000 x 1000 pixels. I make similar effect with <img src=""> and some javascript, but they … | |
I have another problem that is driving me crazy. I separated sections on my page with normal anchors, but when I click, they take me to the part of the page where the div is, and I want to keep focus on the top part of the page, I mean, … | |
When we signout the form How can i disabling back button and, not only disabling back button but also delete history from browser. Suppose i used <script language="javascript" > javascript: window.history.forward(1); </script> to disable back button , its working. when i go to back list and click previous histories it … | |
Hi, For some reason form submit is not working properly while I am using Ajax. I want the result to be displayed on the same page. I am using Ajax for this, but when I submit the form, only text is being displayed rather than the actual value. This is … | |
Hello: I would like to get confirmation from user, if a particular checkbox on form is not checked, whether they want to submit the form without checking this box. I have written the following, but need help with it --missing something. <script type="text/javascript"> function taxable(){ if (document.processEstimate.tax.checked == 0) { … | |
how can i submit a form when the page is loading..my code is here <div id="main_div"> </div> <s:form action="getpagethreads" id="ini"> <sx:submit targets="main_div" value="submit" /> </s:form> actually i don't need to show any buttons in my form...what can i do for that? |
The End.