15,688 Topics

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Member Avatar for dineshswamy

i have an web project asssigned in my college . it is just to create a website to host events , such as quiz , puzzles , basically a website that has a functionality like topcoder.com. Im totally confused what tool to be used . i know php better. but …

Member Avatar for aerofly5
Member Avatar for jacob21

[CODE]validate: function () { contact.message = ''; if (!$('#contact-container #contact-name').val()) { contact.message += 'Name required. '; } if (!$('#contact-container #contact-phone').val()) { contact.message += 'Phone required. '; } [B]if (!$('#contact-container #contact-phone').length()<>10) { contact.message += 'Phone no should be of 10 digit. '; }[/B] var email = $('#contact-container #contact-email').val(); if (!email) { …

Member Avatar for stbuchok
Member Avatar for f_atencia

Say I have the following code: [CODE] poNode = poEvent.target ? poEvent.target : poEvent.srcElement; [/CODE] Is there a way I can force Internet Explorer to use the poEvent.target object?

Member Avatar for Troy III
Member Avatar for mcwebalizer

Of course, I make code for marker add and move, but how do I can make deletion option for marker? And how do I can make automatic route creator from marked point A to marked point B? Anyone know? [CODE] var riga = new google.maps.LatLng(56.878999, 24.455566); var neighborhoods = [ …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for geekme

Hello, I work on ubuntu and have installed javascript plugin in eclipse IDE for java EE.How should I us it now? As in will just saving a file with extension .js would make it a javascript file?And also how do I run it on the browser.please help. Regards

Member Avatar for MrCapuchino

Hi, I'm not able to toggle a ui class in my page. Basically here is my code: in the jquery document.ready I subscribe to the event $("#bBuscar").hover(changeButtonBackColor, normalizeButtonBackColor); then the other two funtions are like this: function changeButtonBackColor(evt) { $("#bBuscar").toggleClass("ui-state-hover ui-corner-all"); } function normalizeButtonBackColor(evt) { $("#bBuscar").toggleClass("ui-state-hover ui-corner-all"); } the button …

Member Avatar for MrCapuchino
Member Avatar for niche1

I'm trying to write a function that counts characters in a <textarea>. My current problem is to trigger an alert in my function so I can know I'm on the right track. What do I need to add to my JS to get the alert to work?[CODE]<!doctype html> <html> <head> …

Member Avatar for Troy III
Member Avatar for emily-bcot

The code in the first Code Block is the source code. After the source code is running. The code will be changed (See the 2nd Code Block). I want the class(i.e. 'even' and 'odd') of <tr> tag is only displayed in the 'table1'. However, currently a nest table (i.e. 'table2') …

Member Avatar for twiss
Member Avatar for AjithAnnadurai

Hi friends , How to post a picture with url link in the forums . please help me . if we click that picture means it will goes to my target url . how to create this link ? . pls help me

Member Avatar for ratnamstone
Member Avatar for Dragonbaki

Hi experts., I need your kind help on about how to handle Naviswork ActiveX control integrated with HTML, PHP and Javascript. I need to display a Naviswork viewer in my website. For that, I created a Browse button to select Naviswork file. After selecting the file, the file path has …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for vaanipala

Hi, I'm not getting any response for the following ajax request. I'm getting the following error when i try to run request_get_xml.html im mozilla firefox: XML Parsing Error: not well-formed Location: moz-nullprincipal:{d4e6a0fb-93c0-4ef4-82cf-7ccbd5c1e02e} Line Number 4, Column 2: -<CATALOG> -^ does anyone know on where i'm making a mistake. thank you. …

Member Avatar for vaanipala
Member Avatar for 7kemZmani

Hello, I'm using php code to retrieving an array from database and place the result into checkboxes but after the last checkbox input there is text input (hidden by default) and the last check box name is 'other'. I want to make the text in visible if 'other' is checked …

Member Avatar for divyakrishnan
Member Avatar for Dragonbaki

Hi experts., Can anybody know how to select and upload multiple files using javascript [ with php too ]..? I dont want to use silverlight or flash..! I just need to do it in simple way.. Please help me..! Thanks.,

Member Avatar for karthik_ppts
Member Avatar for karthik_ppts

Hi Frendz, I'm using the following code for generating the alert message. [CODE=php]echo '<script>alert("Your project has timed out. Contact your project Manager")</script>';[/CODE] Its working fine in my local server. But in online server its not working. whats going wrong with this?

Member Avatar for P0lT10n
Member Avatar for urtrivedi

Dear friends I need free vertical tree menu as shown in the link (green one) [url]http://dhtml-menu.com/menu/dhtml-floating-menu-sample.html[/url] I have heard something related to FISH, fishmenu or starfish menu, I am not sure. I have seen some fish named menu, but now I am not able to find that link or forgot …

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Member Avatar for vaanipala

Hi, I'm new to AJAX and i'm trying to make my first AJAX request response program work. My code works fine in Mozilla Firefox. However, it is not working in IE9. The following is the result i'm getting in IE9: today is July 11, 2011, 10:55 am Notice: Use of …

Member Avatar for vaanipala
Member Avatar for serdas

[ICODE]function updateStatusViaJavascriptAPICalling(){ var status = document.getElementById('status').value; FB.api('/me/feed', 'post', { message: status }, function(response) { if (!response || response.error) { alert('Error occured'); } else { alert('Status updated Successfully'); } }); }[/ICODE] hi this is what i understand in the above code if there is an error it shows "Error occured" if …

Member Avatar for mcwebalizer

Where I can find Google Maps with route creator, object point and description tutorial? i mean this for make travel maps. I Would integrate these maps with these options in my Website.

Member Avatar for Moderns

Hi Mates, Actually the below code only creates dynamic DIV in IE, but for Firefox it does not create any DIV. Also it does not create the event onclick to be triggered when clicking on any area inside the DIV. I want to create dynamic DIV in firefox and IE …

Member Avatar for momonq1990
Member Avatar for f_atencia

I'm trying to get the properties for the following objects: 0: [object Object] 1: [object Object] 2: [object Object] 3: [object Object] This was generated by using the following code: [CODE] var s = ""; for (var property in this.oProducts.Product) { s = s + "\n "+property +": " + …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for Pavlos1316

Hello, I am trying to update my PHP CART without having the page refreshed! Here is a part of my code... I will just use the UPDATE_QUANTITY part (there are ADD & Remove) My Form that holds the quantity: [CODE]<form name="upd_itm" id="upd_itm" action="cart_function.php" method="post"> <span class="text"><input name="quantity" type="text" value="' . …

Member Avatar for divyakrishnan
Member Avatar for zjbarden

I'm currently in progress of designing a web platform in regards to a personal project of mine, and came upon a frustrating conflict in my script. I am using DHTML windows and a CSS Fisheye Dock Menu, and when I click on a dock item to load a DHTML window, …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for xagutxu

Hello, everyone! I have a problem with the code of Javascript, and I cannot find out the solution. I write a form in a div in this way: [CODE]var divTag = document.createElement("div"); divTag.id = "ch00"; divTag.className = "chzerr"; divTag.innerHTML = '<form action="foo.php" method="post" name="leh00" onsubmit="change_alert()">'; divTag.innerHTML += '<input type="hidden" name="usr00" …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for destroyerx15

i have table with 3 column i want the col3 to be hidden by onload when open the web so is there away to make it because in tutorial only shown by onclick

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for 7kemZmani

I create a table that contain rows and on last 'td' on each row there is an 'img' to insert new row onClick="addRow()". I want this new row to insert below clicked row. Clearly, if i have row X and row Y and i click on the 'img' on X …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for 080346

Hello everybody m trying to pass a parameter to my controller.php from javascript but it doesn't passing and give me error of undefined URL kindly help me i shall be thankful to you...Here is my code function JSfunction(assetid) { window.location="controller.php?command=delete&assetid=".assetid; }

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for apanimesh061

[CODE] <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <title>3D Tag Cloud</title> <style type="text/css"> body{ background:#DDD; color:#000; } a{ color:#009; } a:hover{color:#00F;} address { font-family:Georgia; font-style:normal; text-align:right; } #tagcloud{ background:#FFF; border:1px solid #000; font:14px Verdana,sans-serif; height:400px; overflow:hidden; position:relative; width:400px; } #tagcloud ul,#tagcloud li{ list-style:none; margin:0; padding:0; } …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for haranaboy

[CODE]<html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function test (){ //refer tst to a new Objy object. var tst = new Objy(); alert(tst.display()); } function Objy(){ try{ this.prototype.display= function() { this.text="yoyo"; }; } catch (err){ alert (err); } } </script> </head> <body onload="Javascript: test()"> <div id="display" > </div> </body> </html>[/CODE] Hi, I'm basically …

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Member Avatar for jacob21

Hi,I am new to jquery.i want to create a jquery form When i click form link,form will open & background color change to white. Need suggestion

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Member Avatar for extemer

hello guys i am up to a task. i want to add a functionality to my form that when the city in given in the address field it can be viewed in google map application.For this i had found design a image so that when location is specified in the …

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The End.