15,127 Topics
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Look this page: [URL="http://www.htmlcodetutorial.com/linking/linking_famsupp_75.html"]click[/URL]. How to do that with button? | |
Is there a way to populate a dropdown depending on the day of the week of a date entered in a text box. For example if the date entered is a Monday, I would want values a,b and c in the drop down list and if the date entered is … | |
How would I make an normal form input field go from editable (where someone can write text into it) to solid text (not editable) simply by clicking anywhere on the page away from the field And then.. ..the reverse. Clicking on the non-editable text would suddenly create a form field … | |
our requirement is client wants to know howmany users leaving the main page without entering data in the application page.at that time we need to show the css popup overlay. in the following scenarios overlay should pop up. 1)when user leaves the page.(e.g. type other address in the address bar).bascially … | |
[B]hi I knew very little about javascript and I didn't used it before a lot but now I Have a problem that: I want the pages in my website to go only forward and disable going backward [COLOR="Red"]I mean the user can not go back to the previews page in … | |
Hello guys! i got a small problem here.. [CODE]<script type="text/javascript" src="jwplayer.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> jwplayer("mediaplayer").setup({ flashplayer: "player.swf", file: "data/vid/CHANGETHISNAME.flv", image: "preview.jpg" }); </script> [/CODE] I need to change the file name in this code by a PHP variable gotten from [CODE]$row['movietitle'];[/CODE]. I have no clue, please give me something.. Cheers, Sorcher | |
What is the reglalr eperssion of [CODE]http://www.adexmart.com/product.php?id_product=[B][U]14[/U][/B]&utm_source=shopmania&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=direct_link[/CODE] in JavaScript. Underlined and bold marked text will vary ?? | |
[url]http://alibimurders.co.uk/index.html[/url] That is my website. If you look at the top, you can see links which don't do much at the moment but will contain urls for different pages. The problem I have is how can I make them in to tab like images. For example, if you open up … | |
i recently create script for google style dropdown search give name as "SearchPuppy".. [IMG]http://i56.tinypic.com/35k1t7k.gif[/IMG] script working fine. hope you guys like to develop more functionality in it. you can download it [URL="https://sourceforge.net/projects/searchpuppy/files/"]here[/URL] also give your valuable feedback after using it .. | |
i want to take text from <li> selected from user as cookie value.. but help me to set [B]Var[/B] [I]selected [/I] as cookie value please suggest correction in this code [CODE] <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="jcookie.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ $("li").click(function() { var selected = $(this).html(); }); $.cookie("selection",selected); alert($.cookie("example")); }); … | |
Hello. I have trouble with detecting a letter in a text box where there should be only digits and vice-versa. This is my program: [CODE]<html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> test1=/[0-9]/i; test2=/[A-z]/i; function check() { var i=false; if (!test2.test(document.getElementById("name").value)) { alert("wrong name"); i=true; } if (document.getElementById("card").value.length > 16) { alert("too long card … | |
hello everyone can anyone help me about sending email from vb form??? | |
Hi, I am currently developing a website for myself and one of the things I want on my page is a nice hover menu. I will try and explane this as simple as I can. I want to have 3 pictures lined up next to each other, and when I … | |
Hello, I have grabbed this html code off the internet. It looks like it will work for what i am looking for except it does not add a grand total. The inputs multiply numbers without having to click a button. I wanted the grantotal to add up the inputs without … | |
Could anyone help me with a script I've written. As part of an assignment I have to write checksums to validate various numbers (VISA,Euro Bank Notes) and if I got this going I could modify to validate the other requirements but can't see what I've done wrong.....I should add that … | |
Hello, I found Google Transliteration, a very good tool to reproduce the sounds of a sentence in a different language. Reference: [url]http://code.google.com/apis/language/transliterate/v1/multilangtransliteration.html[/url] [url]http://www.google.com/transliterate/[/url] It supports approx. 22 languages. Can anybody please let us know how does make it to support German and Swedish too. I cant see these languages there. … | |
I am developing an application where I am uploading a file and then it is uploaded to a temporary folder and I see the preview of that image through an ajax call without refreshing the current page.Then after clicking "Save" it saves the file to original directory. The file I … | |
Hello, I have two Javascript functions to set and retrieve a cookie: [code] function setCookie(name,value,days) { if (days) { var date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime()+(days*24*60*60*1000)); var expires = "; expires="+date.toGMTString(); } else var expires = ""; document.cookie = name+"="+value+expires+"; path=/"; } function getCookie(name) { var nameEQ = name + "="; … | |
Good day everyone, I new this is not to hard but I forgot on how to do it. I have this form: [CODE]<form><table><tr> <td>Add Picture:</td> <td colspan="3"><input name="txtPics" type="file" /></td> <td> <input type="button" name="addFileField" onClick="Add_New_field('fieldName')" /> </td> </tr> <tr> </table></form>[/CODE] My problem is that I want to dynamically add new … | |
I have a problem with the val function it is unable to get the value of a field once I have type text into it, this only occurs when the form is in a jQuery popup box that has a form. According to my inspector, it says that the element … | |
hi all ! I am trying to submit a form using javascript but form is not being submitted. Following are the code : [CODE] <html> <head> <script language="javascript"> /***********************Email Validation **************************************/ function echeck(str) { var at="@" var dot="." var lat=str.indexOf(at) var lstr=str.length var ldot=str.indexOf(dot) if (str.indexOf(at)==-1){ alert("Invalid E-mail ID") return … | |
Hey guys, I have a simple problem in javascript that I can't figure out. I am adding a feedburner url into an html page, but need to make it so you can increase the amount of posts you want to see. Ex. The default amount of posts on the page … | |
how can i put choices in a guessing game. choices such as a,b, c, and d. And if the answer of the player is correct, the game will proceed to level 2, else game over. | |
Hi, I'm normally over on the PHP board but this one is definitely a javascript issue. The thread title doesn't quite cover my issue, so I'll try to explain a little further. I built a website for a client who tells me that when he hovers over a word on … | |
Ok i have been working on this for a few days. I am having a hard time on this one. I am still new to the javascript/DHTML. I am suppose to use the fish images to create a fish tank on a Web page.The fish should swim across the screen … | |
how can i change the color and the font type to bold when the checkbox is oncheck? [CODE]<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> function colorBlack(e2) { var radgroup = document.getElementsByName(e2.name); for (var r=0; radgroup[r]; ++r) radgroup[r].parentNode.style.color = radgroup[r].checked ? 'black' : 'red'; } </script>[/CODE] this is the code to change the color but … | |
Hi there, I have been told I need to use escape() and unescape() to fix some issues I am having with my Javascript in IE7. I've been fiddling with it for two days now and can't seem to get it working correctly. It would be amazing if someone on here … | |
| In the javaScript function below, is there anything I can add to the window.open so that the parameters passed in the URL do NOT show in the window that is opened? It is okay if the script path shows, I just need to hide the parameters. If that is not … |
Hi, I'm working on an application that is supposed to allow a user to upload a picture, which would be immediately displayed... how do I go about doing this? | |
HI, I am trying to xmlhttp object using ajax. In my first request I am getting the desired result. On the readystatechange I called a function whic process the response of the first request. According to the response of my first request, I fired the second httprequest. But the second … |
The End.