15,127 Topics
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| [CODE]<html> <head> <title>An Ajax demo</title> <script language = "javascript"> var XMLHttpRequestObject = false; if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { XMLHttpRequestObject = new XMLHttpRequest(); } else if (window.ActiveXObject) { XMLHttpRequestObject = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } function getData(dataSource, divID) { if(XMLHttpRequestObject) { var obj = document.getElementById(divID); XMLHttpRequestObject.open("GET", dataSource); XMLHttpRequestObject.onreadystatechange = function() { if (XMLHttpRequestObject.readyState == 4 … |
I'm looking for someone who knows Javascript [I]well[/I]. I've posted on other forums and it appears that no one is able to help me with getting a script to work on my page. | |
hi friends i want to apply javascript on the the go-btn so if i do give wrong password the alert box should pop up itryed but i didnt figure it out....please help me out.. below is the code <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta … | |
i came across a jquery slide out menubar here [url]http://tympanus.net/Tutorials/UIElements/SlideOutMenu/[/url] . its a mouse over menu bar made with jquery . however i would like to know if the slide out can be brought out through a click rather than a mouse over . here is the source : [CODE]<!DOCTYPE … | |
I am selecting an image as part of a html form. Once selected, jQuery assigns a user-defined attribute of the image to a hidden form variable and passes it to form handler. Neat. Problem is when I dynamically add images that can be selected. I am using live function to … | |
Hi All, I have some trouble getting some javascript code implemented Its basically because I havent used much it before. Its like this: When admin chooses to delete a page from his site via this link: [CODE] <?php echo '<a href="process_delete_page.php?pid=' . $id . '">Delete page!</a>'; ?> [/CODE] Before this … | |
The script is used in my newest chrome app [url]https://chrome.google.com/webstore/developer/detail/bomkcodcgmbjjhogdjophonfhgpegoni/[/url] Site: [url]http://codestrix.co.cc/pixels/[/url] The above script is a good to get stated with HTML5 canvas. Much of it is named so as to be self explanatory but any doubts you are more than welcome to post it here. | |
I have a form that contains multiple dropdowns that are dynamically populated using AJAX not CSS, dependent upon the form above it. The page works fine in FF and Safari, but when I try it in IE, the first dropdown is populated, but the others remain greyed out. Here is … | |
Hello community, I was really hoping to get some guidance on a little issue I'm having. I am in the process of building a site for my aunt, I'm mostly self taught and plugging away at building out my first multi page site. Alas I have encountered a problem: I … | |
I found this cool script but i dont know how to modify it. i want the notification to fade in after 1 second automatically without clicking on the link [CODE] $(function(){ $('#add-sticky').click(function(){ var unique_id = $.gritter.add({ title: 'This is a sticky notice!', text: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing … | |
Hi! I made a page where users can listen to music (with javascrip). I add a popup where they can choose what music to play, and when they choose it, this popup window close itself, and two hidden fields get the song information. In the script (you can see it … | |
Hello, My project is: 2 Panels with images, where one moves inside the other. I get the position of the second panel and make an image in the hard drive with them overlapping. If I use a simple Web Form there is no problem, all works just fine. MY PROBLEM … | |
hello all i have a jsp page in which i am opening a pop up window using following code.Now i want not to include toolbar,scrollbar in my pop up window. [COLOR="Red"]window.open("multipleSchedule.jsp?date="+f_date+"&date1="+f_date1);[/COLOR] please tell me the way.I know i have to use toolbar=no but where to use in this code.i have … | |
I have searched everywhere and seems unable to find postcode map data (preferably in lat/long) of Canada. I would need these data up to the LDU in the postcode. My idea is to create a map with the postcode overlay similar to this: [URL="http://www.imapbuilder.com/customization/google_map_zipcode_search_for_congressional_district.php"]http://www.imapbuilder.com/customization/google_map_zipcode_search_for_congressional_district.php[/URL] Are there any third party data … | |
i have seen resume's of many developers they had put expert in JS and Jquery .is that they will right the script form the scratch or they will download and customize to their requirements ??even i known this ..so shall i put JS and Jquery in my profile.? | |
hi there guys :) im currently working on a project with jquery... the thing is.. i need to change the contents of a div named "sub2" with the contents of "pets.html"... i've read some tutorials and i thought the best way to do this is through the use of jquery... … | |
Hi, Can someone help me with writing the script to be able to pull the information from the database without refreshing everytime something new has been added? My codes at the moment read: [CODE]$recentupdates = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM status NATURAL JOIN users WHERE user_id = users.id ORDER BY status_id DESC … | |
hi guys I have the following code that works fine in all browsers but all IE versions. When I select an option from the first drop down the second one is to be dynamically populated by details based on the first selection. Unfortunately in IE the second dropdown shrinks and … | |
Hello, My friend gave me a code to try a bit. What it does is that it gets a text and format it. Here it is: [code]function boldAndItalicize(text) { return text.replace(/&/g, '&').replace(/</g, '<') .replace(/(\*+)([^*]{1,1024})(\*+)/g, function (whole, open, content, close) { if (open.length === close.length) { switch (open.length) { case 1: … | |
Hi! I have a problem with a small effect. The idea is to dynamicly change the pages in a single box, and the header and the footer of the main page to hide or show the box with the information. That's the idea.. [CODE] <?php session_start(); require "config.php"; ?> <!DOCTYPE … | |
Hi all First post here I'm trying to get a webpage to show an online or offline gif when the cam is live or not, also i would like the on air.gif to be clickable to go to the webcam. here is the script i'm using for the cam [CODE]<html> … | |
Hello! i created a simple popup window using this script [CODE]function MyPopUp(c) { window.open(c, 'window', 'width=480,height=480,scrollbars=yes,status=yes'); }[/CODE] which works but is it possible to modify the size according to the browser with? like if (screen.width == 1024 size "" if (screen.width == 1280 size "" Thanks! | |
Dear All, I would like to create different pages with dynamic tab titles. I would also like to have multiple level of tab. Currenlty I tried the kooltabs but I have problem for instance my last tab is having the final submit button and when my first tab is having … | |
Here's what I want to accomplish: A Javascript code that opens a flash file. Here's what I have (in my brain)... this is an embed function slightly dismembered... document.write [stuff before script] document.write [whats in textbox - where the filename is supposed to go] document.write [stuff after script] There is … | |
i wanna enter a value passed by javascript function to the database. is there a way to do that? thanks. var eng = 0; var nothome = 0; var nointerest = 0; var callback = 0; var booked = 0; function myFunction(i,txt, elemid){ var plural; if (i != 1) plural … | |
Hi There! Can anyone teach me on how to use this script? (im not a programmer :)) i wish to use this but the images are in each div [url]http://www.chazzuka.com/blog/?p=87[/url] demo [url]http://www.chazzuka.com/experiments/jquery-image-loader/jquery-image-loader-3.html[/url] | |
Hi, I am using HTTPRequest and HTTPResponse to get the page source of a site. and i'm getting a warning message "Enable JavaScript to view your site". Is there any request i should add to enable JavaScript | |
hi all i want to know is there any code which will print a data into the bottom of a exist table? let say now i have a table like below NAME TIME BID alan 9.40am RM100 after i execute the code....the new table will add the new thing at … | |
I continue to get, function not defined when calling the function build_blog() through the function start()? [CODE]<html> <head> <style> </style> <script type="text/javascript"> var SEO; var conversion; var SMO; function Start() { document.write("Blog Name: <input type='text' id='name'><br> Blog System: <input type='radio' name='system' id='system' value='blogger'> Blogger<input name='system' type='radio' id='system' value='Wordpress'>Wordpress<br><input type='button' value='Build … | |
I have a form with two fields: shape and color. where people select a shape an image of the shape appears, and a default color image appears. When they select a color, it changes the color image. But if they go back and change the shape, I don't want it … |
The End.