15,688 Topics
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Hi to all plz tell me how to use applet with html... | |
Hello, I have recently been working on a custom gui and am having trouble with a section of my code that handles the creation of window-style dialogs: (i appologise in advance but i had to include the whole code as Google Chrome would not pin point the error and only … | |
Hi guys, anyone pro in tooltip of jquery? I wanna know how to call the function. Becoz I m having problem in mouseover of particular icon to display tooltip..any1? | |
Hi Frendz, How to get the id of an element using onClick Event in <body> tag using javascript? | |
I am using a acript to control the input field of my page where it can enters numbers only in telephone field. Can anyone help me on how to modify the code to allow a symbol '+' ? [CODE] <script> function zz(txt) { var txt1 = txt.value.replace(/[A-z]/g, ""); document.getElementById('aa').value = … | |
hello everyone .... i have a submit form (number to word converter) .... my problem is when i clicked a my submit button it will not work ... "but" when i duplicate my form it WORK.. i wonder why...btw this is my code: (dont mind my coding hehe )... <html> … | |
I've tried a number of the HTML/CSS techniques to get my table to scroll horizontally but none of them work. The table has been wrapped with a DIV and the CSS has included the OVERFLOW code but all to no avail. The code is basically like this: [code=html] <div class="Divscroll"> … | |
heres my script [CODE]function count_chars(tarea) { if ( document.getElementById("checkchars").checked ) { x=document.myform.tarea.value; document.myform.charcount.value=x.length; } else { var x ; x = document.myform.tarea.value.replace(/\n/g,''); var y = x.split(' '); document.myform.charcount.value = x.length - ( y.length - 1) ; } } function count_words(tarea) { var y=tarea.value; var r = 0; a=y.replace(/\s/g,' '); a=a.split(' … | |
Hello everyone, I am trying to write a simple web application where I have a mySQL table. I am using drop down menus to select options on how to filer the table.... i.e. select the subject, filter the table for just that subject and continue on. Anyways I'm trying to … | |
Hi all I m facing a proble with a proble, can any one please tell me code to show hostname? thanks | |
I designed an invoice system that add rows automatically and computes the results, print it in another file that can be downloaded by other users.can i get help on how to multiply the price and quantity to get amount? this is my code: <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> function showamt() { //var unitprice … | |
If anyone can help me I would be most grateful, Im curently working on a website at the minute that uses images that have been uploaded to a directory, along with a location reference in a MYSQL database. I have currently got the page to show the thumbnail version of … | |
I've created a toolbar in html that displays a series of icons that act as link to perform a variety of different functions. (the links aren't fully live yet but they will be!). I need to take this html and turn it into a bookmarklet so upon clicking the bookmark … | |
Hello, I have a dropdownlist populated with a datasource control, but I want to add an option to the dropdownlist client side that appears on top of all the databinded options. Right now I can do it but it appears at the bottom, how can I tell the new option … | |
I have the following code I am using to writing and reading cookies: [code=Javascript] //Get Villages from cookie function getVillageFromCookie(villageCount) { var currentVillage = -1; var villagesCookie = getCookie("tw_ratio_villageCount"); if (villagesCookie!=null && villagesCookie!="") { currentVillage = villagesCookie; } else { storeCookie("tw_ratio_villageCount", villageCount, 1); currentVillage = 1; } return currentVillage; } … ![]() | |
a javascript that count the number of words,lines,letters, spaces,special characters, vowels,consonants, sentence in a textarea I'm really noob in javascript but I do have an idea for counting words and letters | |
Hi i have made a web page in html in which i want as user enters his data and press a button load then computers MAC id,CPU id and Motherboard id is automatically inserted in the check boxes.if u have any idea how to do it then tell me This … | |
I have the following HTML in a webpage that I want to mine for data: [code=HTML] <td id="topdisplay" class="menu-item"> <div class="bg"> <a href="/game.php?village=55303&screen=ranking">Ranking</a> <div class="rank"> (4<span class="grey">.</span>120.|2<span class="grey">.</span>124 P) </div> <table class="menu_column" cellspacing="0"> </div> </td> [/code] I want to get the data inside the rank class and get the numbers, … | |
[CODE]function populateHarga() { var x=document.getElementById("barang").value; document.getElementById("harga").value=x; var y=document.getElementById('barang')[document.getElementById('barang').selectedIndex].innerHTML; document.getElementById("nama_brg").value=y; } function populateTotal() { var y=document.getElementById("jumlah").value; var x=document.getElementById("harga").value; document.getElementById("totalnya").value=x*y; } </script> <html> <body> <?php include ("db.php"); $now=date("Y-m-d",time()); ?> <? if($_REQUEST['action']=="del") { mysql_query("DELETE FROM temp WHERE t_no={$_REQUEST['id']};"); } ?> <table border="0"> <tr> <td>No.Faktur</td> <td><? echo "$no";?></td> <td></td> <td>Tanggal Order</td> <td><? echo "$now";?></td> … | |
I don't know what's the problem with this code. I've tried it on chrome and it worked. but in IE it isn't Jquery code [CODE]$().ready(function() { $("#loc").autocomplete("database.php", { width: 260, selectFirst: false }); });[/CODE] HTML code [CODE]<label>Location</label> <input type="text" id="loc" /> <h3>Result:</h3> <ol id="result" style="border:1px solid red;"></ol>[/CODE] PHP code [CODE]$term … | |
Hi, I'm getting the following error when i try to get the next sibling of the current node in php: Fatal error: Call to undefined method DOMElement::next_sibling() in C:\wamp\www\Ajax\getcd.php on line 1 does anyone know on what i'm doing wrong? thank you. cd_catalog.xml [CODE]<CATALOG> <CD> <TITLE>Empire Burlesque</TITLE> <ARTIST>Bob Dylan</ARTIST> <COUNTRY>USA</COUNTRY> … | |
i have a website at localhost yet :) where user upload swf file and it is shown to him. i want to extract all the jpg and png images from that swf file .... Any suggestions or solution please.... Much obliged | |
[CODE] <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <title></title> <script type="text/javascript"> i = 0; function changeimage() { images = new Array("1.png", "2.png", "3.png", "4.png"); if (i<images.length) { document.getElementById('myimage').src = images[i]; } else { i = 0; document.getElementById('myimage').src = images[i]; } i++; } </script> </head> <body> <script … | |
Dear All, I have a page here [url][/url]. You can select a value from the dropdown list and you will get a list of configurations with the word "Select". If you click on the "Select" word you will get a pop-up value with a list of checkboxes. So what I … | |
I amd doing a project using netbeans 6.9.1, i tried resolving the 'missing server problem' by adding the apache tomcat server, but i still cant access it. I did go to Servers and start it. Pls help... | |
Hello,I tried to make a blog and I inserted a horizontal drop down menu into my blog.However,when I do so,the content slider sort of splitting out and it dropped into my post section.I was told by the people from here that this problem is caused by some javascript problem.Can you … | |
how i will change datepicker format to mm-dd-yy i have change it but while i post it post 00-00-00 here is my code please some one help me.... [CODE] <script> $(document).ready(function() { $("#admission").datepicker({dateFormat: 'mm-dd-yy'}); // String date = dateFormat.toString('dd-mm-yy') }); </script> [/CODE] | |
Hey folks. Out of necessity (and against web standards, I know) I must have two div with the same ID on one page. I'm trying to dynamically update a database with Ajax and update this div with that info. But when i go to update the second divd (with the … | |
I have seen many beautiful clocks using images and and canvas and flash. So I thought of developing one with pure HTML,CSS3 and javascript, no images at all. This clock can be completely design using CSS. A brief description of Javascript used:- 'AnalogClock' is the name of the class which … | |
Here is my code for simple modal box I want to use [COLOR="Red"]'easeOutBounce'[/COLOR] easing effect of [COLOR="red"]jquery.easing.1.3.js[/COLOR]. How to bounce modal window while opening and closing? Please help For jQuery Easing Effects [URL="http://ralphwhitbeck.com/demos/jqueryui/effects/easing/"]http://ralphwhitbeck.com/demos/jqueryui/effects/easing/[/URL] [CODE] <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <title>Modal … |
The End.