15,116 Topics

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Member Avatar for Violet_82

Chaps, I was wondering what this.id (and for that matter this.whatever) is in jquery and how to use it. A few quick examples are here: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.js"></script> </head> <body> <img title="hat.gif"/> <script> $("img").attr("src", function() { return "/resources/" + this.title; }); </script> </body> </html> and another one: …

Member Avatar for Violet_82
Member Avatar for Violet_82

Hi all, I am slightly confused about passing functions to the addClass method. This code is taken from the jquery.com site http://api.jquery.com/addClass/: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <style> div { background: white; } .red { background: red; } .red.green { background: green; } </style> <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.js"></script> </head> <body> <div>This div should …

Member Avatar for Violet_82
Member Avatar for techyworld

Hi can someone explain me this code? actually i need to write another function like this but without passing any parameter, then what should I insert in data? the code is using the parameter id in data but what if i dont have any parameter? server.prototype.GetSpeed=function(id){ $.ajax( {url:"marks.php", data: {id:id}, …

Member Avatar for radhakrishna.p
Member Avatar for ChrisJ

I have this Form that works successfully (I know it's not state-of-the-art). I simply want to add code to make Contact Name field mandatory. Can you help me? I don't know how much code I should post. Here's some: <script type="text/javascript"> function checkemail(){ var str=document.myform.email_address.value; var filter=/^([\w-]+(?:\.[\w-]+)*)@((?:[\w-]+\.)*\w[\w-]{0,66})\.([a-z]{2,6}(?:\.[a-z]{2})?)$/i; if (filter.test(str)) testresults=true; …

Member Avatar for Echo89
Member Avatar for waqar100
Member Avatar for radhakrishna.p
Member Avatar for Dani

Article pages on DaniWeb (for those of you who live in the US) have a hover effect (similar to that on our homepage for everybody). It works fine in all browsers *except* for Firefox. Firefox is just super temperamental: it works a few times and then just mysteriously stops working …

Member Avatar for Troy III
Member Avatar for piers

Hi, I am trying to create toggle buttons for a page with profiles in. I have around 60 buttons on the page and want to try not to define the click function 60 times: $(document).ready(function(){ $(".button1").click(function(){ $(".1").toggle(); }); $(".button2").click(function(){ $(".2").toggle(); }); $(".button3").click(function(){ $(".3").toggle(); }); $("p").css({display: "none"}); }); So I was …

Member Avatar for piers
Member Avatar for David2012

Hello Everyone! A little help needed- I have a webpage that's like a long directory where you keep scrolling down and it has lines of links that obviously open up another page, although in the same window. Now the problem is that when one clicks the HOME link to go …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for turpentyne

I've got two huge scripts that are basically duplicates with only minor differences. They run the same exact animations and commands, but one function applies to a set of images. the second to the text navigation. I've been trying to figure out how to combine these into one, and they …

Member Avatar for turpentyne
Member Avatar for turpentyne

I'm trying to call a function in two different event handlers. The function runs, but doesn't seem to recognize the passed variable ( or maybe the variable isn't getting passed). It just triggers the alert "nothing". I'm not understanding how to use console.log() or where exactly to look and see …

Member Avatar for McLaren
Member Avatar for Tko_1

All i would like to do is insert an image next to the question. Im sure this is a very easy thing to do. I just cant seem to do it. any help would be great, thank you '<input type="hidden" name="questions[' + n + '][number]" value="' + n + '" …

Member Avatar for Tko_1
Member Avatar for ChrisXL

Hey everyone. Got a problem that I really need help solving. I have a page where a user is able to search a database for certain criteria (species/location/dates etc). What I have so far is when the form is submitted, the values are posted to a PHP script, which performs …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for riahc3

Hey I have a program in retrieving data from a HTML page with Javascript using Java. Lets say I have the structure of C:/index.html C:/js/script.js index.html contains: [code] <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/script.js"></script> </head> <body> <a href="javascript:void(0);" id="add"><img src="images/menunew.png" alt="plus" border="0" /></a> …

Member Avatar for Sammy@
Member Avatar for turpentyne

I'm trying to get this code to toggle between innerhtml - turn off embedded music. But it doesn't seem to be firing? The html in question: <span id="music"> <embed src="http://thewalshgroup.ca/dev/the-nest/music/12_full_prom-night_0132.mp3"autostart="true" loop="true" width="2" height="0" id="player"> <noembed> <bgsound src="http://thewalshgroup.ca/dev/the-nest/music/12_full_prom-night_0132.mp3"> </noembed> </embed> </span> and the jquery function: $(document).ready(function() { var playing = true; …

Member Avatar for turpentyne
Member Avatar for chandub

hi every one. I have form and in that that form some of fields values are taken from request object . and am validating fields values using struts validate() method. once i submit form if any error in fields validate method will throws error but the request object content is …

Member Avatar for radhakrishna.p
Member Avatar for turpentyne

I'm a bit new with javascript/jquery. I've taken over a page design with images and links that animate on rollovers. I've almost got things working, but there's one last glitch. The mouseover effects of an image growing/shrinking work fine when the page is first loaded. But if the user clicks …

Member Avatar for turpentyne
Member Avatar for turpentyne

I have several rollover images that resize, then return to original when moused over. When an image animates, its movements are sequential, not synchronous. It gets taller, then wider. I want these to happen at the same time. Any thoughts? Here's a snippet of my current animation: $(".square.one,#link_nest").mouseenter(function(){ if ($(".the-nest")[0]){ …

Member Avatar for turpentyne
Member Avatar for asif49

I'm writing a jquery script that is to be run in a large number of websites all written in different ways. My intention is to place certain html tags around bits of text within the code - sounds simple? But it isn't. One approach which I've tried is to use …

Member Avatar for asif49
Member Avatar for RaptorMarketing

What would it take and cost to create something like this below? Where they can select different options and see the changes to the glove. http://www.akademapro.com/glove-builder/ I see the website is built in wordpress, is this a plugin? Any help would be apreciated.

Member Avatar for AleMonteiro
Member Avatar for JorgeM

Here is my first attempt at creating a simple slideshow. Contributions to making this more efficient are welcomed! #jsFiddle --> [Demo](http://jsfiddle.net/wGnEm/1/)

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for klemme

I have an ajax call, and am wondering how I can fade in the response. The short code is this, I believe that is what you need to be able to tell what extra code should be added to achieve the fade in effect. PS: It is not made in …

Member Avatar for theHop
Member Avatar for asif49

I am writing some jquery script that will run across a large amount of completely different web pages (different domains too) and it will surround certain words on the page with html tags to style them up - make them more noticeable etc. Here's some sample code I've written... $('body').ready(function() …

Member Avatar for JJenZz
Member Avatar for alltech

Flash game is ok in IE but in Google Chrome or Firefox the game opens up in a specified window size but the game itself which is flash, is a small image at top left within the window size. for example like placing a postage stamp on top left hand …

Member Avatar for pixelsoul
Member Avatar for korathualex

set focus to textbox on blur validation...I am doing character strength validation on the blur event of textbox..How to set focus to it...

Member Avatar for BMXDad
Member Avatar for Shodow

how to make this "if the checkbox is checked add total + 10000 if uncheck none" because in this situation everytime i check or uncheck the checkbox it adds 10000 function AmmenitiesCALC(value){ newValue = parseInt(value); document.formcheck.Total.value = newValue; Total+=newValue; document.formcheck.Total.value = Total; } <tr> <th>AMMENITIES INCLUDED </th><td><input type="checkbox" name="Ammenities" value='10000' …

Member Avatar for DavidB
Member Avatar for asif49

Hi, My objective is to replace all pattern words that match a particular regex with that word surrounded in some html tags like so. Example html: <p>This is some text where the word text will get surrounded by something else.</p> After regex: <p>This is some <span class='mydiv'>text</span> where the word …

Member Avatar for JJenZz
Member Avatar for Shodow

how to add the sum of them all <script type="text/javascript"> function AddGuestCALC(){ newValue = (parseInt(document.formcheck.Price.value) * parseInt(document.formcheck.Guest.value)); document.formcheck.AddGuestTOTAL.value = newValue; } function MenuChange(){ newValue = parseInt(document.formcheck.Menu.value.asInt); document.formcheck.Price.value = newValue; } function LechonCALC(){ newValue = parseInt(document.formcheck.Lechon.value) * 6500; document.formcheck.LechonTOTAL.value = newValue; } function AmmenitiesCALC(){ newValue = parseInt(document.formcheck.Total.value) + 10000; document.formcheck.Total.value = …

Member Avatar for Shodow
Member Avatar for Samyx

Hello Everyone, I am having issues trying to display a grid on my page. I am not sure what I am doing wrong. I know the code is not very clean and efficient, I am just learning php and dojo. I want to display 2 graphs on a page and …

Member Avatar for Samyx
Member Avatar for asif49

I have a regex which matches a string of length between 10 - 15, lower case alphabetic characters like so... str.replace(/[a-z]{10,15}/g,"replacement word")); ^^ The next step is I'd like to ignore any whitespace whilst matching. I've tried str.replace(/[a-z]{10,15}\s*/g,"replacement word")); and str.replace(/[a-z]{10,15}\s?/g,"replacement word")); But it still doesn't ignore whitespace when matching. …

Member Avatar for JJenZz
Member Avatar for confstu

Hi every body, i'm a newbie in javascript, so i need all your help i have a javascript like this: <script type="text/javascript"> function validate(target, e){ var id = e.dataTransfer.getData('div'); var clone = document.getElementById(id).cloneNode(true); var allValues = []; for (i=0; i<clone.length; i++) { if (clone[i].value != "") { allValues[i] = clone[i].value.toLowerCase(); …

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The End.