15,121 Topics
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Hi. I am working on my Online Examination project in my web development subject but I am having a hard time to code how to go back to my previous page where I put session on it. my online exam are categorize by subject then inside the subject there is … | |
Please help. I can't get my calendar to automatically get the current date. I'm not sure where the problem is so I'll post the whole script. Here it is. (function($){ var availableTags = [ "ActionScript", "AppleScript", "Asp", "BASIC", "C", "C++", "Clojure", "COBOL", "ColdFusion", "Erlang", "Fortran", "Groovy", "Haskell", "Java", "JavaScript", "Lisp", … | |
Hi All - I am trying to correctly valididate forms on serverside using PHP and on client side with JavaScript I seem to have got lost in the processes here. Thanks DJ <?php // define variables and initialize with empty values $fname = ""; $fnameErr =""; $lname = ""; $lnameErr … | |
I don't know whats wrong but my code not working properly here is my html code <input type="text" name="username" id="username"> <div id="check_usr"></div> AJAX call <script> $(document).ready(function() { //user name $('#username').on("keypress", function(e) { startTypingTimer($(e.target)); }); }); var typingTimeout; function startTypingTimer(input_field) { if (typingTimeout != undefined) clearTimeout(typingTimeout); typingTimeout = setTimeout( function() { … | |
Hi all, I've been trying to implement the onblur function for a database, but i'm having trouble getting it to work. It's suppoed to be used for my 2nd password field to check it. Would anyone be able to help me implement into the following code I have?: script type="text/javascript"> … | |
Hi, am wanting to add a pause and play button on my slideshow but don't know what code I need to get this working. Below is the code I have. It will automatically pause on hover but would like a seperate play and pause button aswell. <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/global.css"> <script … | |
Hey all im calling a php form via ajax and entering the response HTML into an empty iframe via ajax. In this form intitially i had set up 2 datepickers, however upon calling the AJAX and therefore displaying the form in the frame, my datepickers and showing up :/ | |
`enter code here`I am working on a jquery mobile html5 application.I have various pages with page id-"page1"... Onclick of button i want a parameter to be passed with the function on which the navigation will be taking place. for ex <input type="button" data-transition="fade" value="Next" onclick="checkIfValid('2');" data-icon="arrow-r" data-iconpos="right"> so it redirects … | |
I have these sorting algorithms in my application, and I want to keep track the affected values, or the values that swapped during the sorting process. I want to highlight them. I have solved this issue for bubble sort and selection sort, but somehow I can't get it work with … | |
Hi, So far in me slowly learning webdevelopement (mostly thanks to all of you guys) I've used php to query the mysql database to calculate mean/mode/range/median values and to create arrays to visualize with highgraph. Now I've come to a point where I really need if possible, to skip the … | |
Hello Everyone, I am having a problem trying to display two graphs and a data grid. I am able to display both graphs and the grid in individual files, but when combining both the graphs display and the grid becomes hidden. I checked some posts online, and it seems to … | |
Hi my name is Abby, I need some major help. Its spring break and before we left class our teacher gave us a cruel assigment. I need to create 1 btn that makes a div - I need 1 brn that creates text using prompts - I need 1 btn … | |
Hi to every one .. I have Access database Access 2007 . and i need to connect with ASp.net ..nad i put database in db folder but it gives errors ... if provide Database1.accdb in connection string (following error) Unrecognized database format 'C:\Documents and Settings\erum.mirza\My Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\ajax\ajax\db\Database1.accdb'. if provide … | |
I have a control wrapped in an UpdatePanel that is part of an iframe. The control grows on user's selection and images appear. Correspondingly I have to extend the iframe's height. The problem is I get the iframe's height before appearing images are loaded, hence I get the content cutoff. … | |
Hi there, I was wondering if anybody can help me understanding this code please - well it's more about the usage of :first really): <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <style> span { color:red; cursor:pointer; } div { margin:3px; width:80px; display:none; height:80px; float:left; } div#one { background:#f00; } div#two { background:#0f0; } … | |
I bought a template online and i'm trying to develop a website and I'm stuck on the contact form. I can't seem to get it to submit. When I click submit it just remains static, but i'd like to get it to run the action- that is go to the … | |
I have a control contained in an iframe on a page of my ASP.NET web application. Control changes its vertical size correspondingly to what user selects on it (some elements get in, others get out). So, I have to set the iframe size precisely to get the whole control shown … | |
Hey Guys, I am developing a website similar to google maps in visual studio 2008 using google maps api. I am passing user input as source,destination and have provided three timestamps in form asp radiobutton list. This is my javascrpit code: function calcRouteA() { var start = document.getElementById('DropDownList1').value; var end … | |
I have a div that resizes on mouseover/mouseoff. Everything works fine except a child div with text that will stay showing if the user mouses off too quickly... Is there a way to prevent this? The div that's getting left on is "#square_caption1" Here's what I've got for jquery: $(".square.one,#link_nest").hover(function(){ … | |
Hello good people of Daniweb :) I am developing a site with codeigniter 1.2.2 and the latest version of bootstrap. I am calling a modal window but the X and Close buttons don't close the window. Tried alerting when clicking a button and I do get the alert but the … | |
Hi i need some help of how to display data dynamically.i just need someone to explain me the concept. actually I am retrieving some data from database but i dont know how many data there will.it can 2,3 10,50,150,...200 and so on. in javascript, i will display 10 par page,when … | |
How to maiantain checkbox state under onclick of javascript...checkbox losing its state under onclick of javascript...Onchange when set works in firefox but not in chrome and IE...Onclick works but checked state gone... Collapse | Copy Code <script type="text/javascript"> function salaryshowhide() { var lfckv = document.getElementById("<%=chksal.ClientID%>").checked; if (lfckv== true) { document.getElementById("<%=txtsal1.ClientID%>").disabled … | |
I retrieve data from an associative array and i want to insert it in another associative array. anyone can tell me how to do it? | |
I've got a simple toggle function for music that is playing when a page loads. The user can press the "music off" button, and it clears out the div. If they press "music on" to bring the music back, i get the "your browser doesn't support audio" message. Which is … | |
anyone could give me the code with function like below link, http://www.modcloth.com/shop/beauty/thebalm-natural-instincts-eyeshadow-palette I have mutiple photoes in one page, would like to display photo when the mouse is over it, the enlarged photo should in a fix position, and when the mouse leave the photo, the enlarged picture disappeared. thanks, | |
hai everybody, i need help in multiple true if condition IF (condition 1 is true) { $('.cCal').css('border-color','red'); return false; } and (condition 2 is true) { $('.cCal2').css('border-color','red'); return false; } (condition 3 is true) { $('.cCal3').css('border-color','red'); return false; } this syntax working only one condition is true. more than one … | |
Hi I am really not good with javascript but I have a script that retrieves a list of state names with this code: map.objectList = new AmCharts.ObjectList("listdiv"); Apparantly it is withouth any format retrieved in a UL LI format. I need to "catch" this list (I know it has 51 … | |
Hello I want to make some shortcut keys (example Alt+K) to do a "onclick" on a button. How can I do this? Daniweb for example has that "Ctrl+B" makes the text bold. Thanks | |
Basically we have a lot of people that want to view our site that use work computers and don't have the option to upgrade their browser. Most likely its an old version of IE. All I want to do is detect if they are using something older then say IE … | |
I'm trying to reuse a function and it isn't working. I put it like so, and it works fine: $('.square-container').on('click', '.square', function(event) { $("#testit").removeClass("main_page"); if ( $(this).hasClass('active') ) { /* actions here */ } else if ( $(this).hasClass('one') ) { /* actions here */ } else { alert('error - nothing … |
The End.