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Member Avatar for sonicx2218

So I'm using mediabox which creates lightbox Iframes. I've modded it quite a bit, and there's just ONE last thing I want to accomplish. When the "popup" occurs, my site is still loading in the iframe; the process looks unproffesional. I have 2 key pieces of code, and I was …

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Member Avatar for Php_1

validations for dynamic appended text fields using jquery validation plugin..!(bassistance plugin). is this possible. please give me an idea.

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for thilipdilip

Hi all want to change the animate property of jquery now it is animating from left to right but i want to fade in effect to replace function which i use function goto(id, t){ $('#swiper').animate({"left": -($(id).position().left)}, 2000); }

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for heftor

http://jsfiddle.net/tearex/AXQx4/ regardless of which button is pressed, the returned value is the same. How to correct the condition?

Member Avatar for code_rum
Member Avatar for heftor

Hello The meaning of **this.id** is self explanatory: element with currently focused on ID, but due to the abundance of the word "this", it is very difficult to find it in online js references, like w3schools. could someone post a link to the explanation of this id somewhere on the …

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Member Avatar for otengkwaku

Hi guys, i am working on a project the need me to convert a compressed obj file using webgl utf-8 compresor [webgl-loader](https://code.google.com/p/webgl-loader/) back to it acsii version. I will like someone to point me in the rigth direction. i am comfused as to how to do the decompression

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for turpentyne

I'm not sure if this is just a style-sheet issue, because there's a javascript component. But, what I have is a div set to cover the page, and a background image inside, set to cover. This works fine on a computer, but I noticed that it wasn't portraying correctly on …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for davidjennings

Hi All - I am trying to modify the below script. Currently on page load the page will display the click image and the message in the dialog box. What I want to do is do it the opposite and just have the click image display and on click the …

Member Avatar for davidjennings
Member Avatar for ahudson

Hi. Not sure where to put this but basically I have a form. There are two buttons. One says submit and the other says print form. How do I make sure that the user has clicked the print form button before the form gets submitted. For example, a user fills …

Member Avatar for arunmagar
Member Avatar for moone009

I was wondering if anyone could provide me a complete example with html tags and all of javascript or jquery that can load an html table with local files directly on my c drive? Sorry Ive been searching online all night and could not find anything.

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for abhishek5783

Hi, I am facing when I drag object in jquery. Description: I have a Div Maindiv in this div there is mupltiple divs inside it as inner content with absolute position and z-index. Problem is this when i drag any object the dragged object goes some divs upper and shows …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for NitsPatel

hello, I use jcarousel in my (opencart)website for slideshow.slideshow shows perfect in google chrome but, not working in mozilla . So, Please Someone help me solve this problem link : http://dejavutrends.com/ thanks in Advance

Member Avatar for NitsPatel
Member Avatar for furlanut

I can display an alpha index of the table contents using a form as follows: <?php if (isset($_POST['name'])) $name = ($_POST['name']); else $name = "no name entered"; ?> <form method="post" name="search" action="directory.php"/> <font family = "arial,verdana,sans-serif" color="#3F7cef"size="4"/>Select Letter</font> <input type="text" name="name" size="5" maxlength ="1" value="<?php if(isset($_POST['name'])){echo htmlentities($_POST['name']);}?>" /> <input type="submit" …

Member Avatar for furlanut
Member Avatar for sonicx2218

I have a Js program where I want to hide ONLY the horizontal axis. scrolling : 'no', is the only command that seems to hide the scrollbars, but I want only the x to be hidden. Is there any x axis equivalent to this code? Thanks

Member Avatar for sonicx2218
Member Avatar for nouth

So I have a string of the English alphabet for example. But I don't know the alphabet very well but I do know that it starts with "abc" and that it ends in "xyz". I want to remove letters "b" to "x". I want to do something like `str = …

Member Avatar for nouth
Member Avatar for sonicx2218

I'm using the app mediabox which lets me create iframe lightboxes. I don't want horizontal scroll on the iframe, just vertical. The issue is I have NO idea how to add a new class in the CSS of the program to achieve this. Here is the css. #mbOverlay { position: …

Member Avatar for sonicx2218
Member Avatar for riahc3

Hello I want to create a Javascript button that takes a image on a page and makes it bigger keeping aspect ratio and also another button and makes it smaller but also keeping aspect ratio. Can someone tell me a good example on how to do this? Thank you

Member Avatar for Troy III
Member Avatar for bwin

Hi all! So I have created this for my first portion of my Beginning CIS class project, calculating the final grade based on scores. For the next step, the user must be able to enter in their own number of projects they have completed, and from that, be able to …

Member Avatar for Troy III
Member Avatar for sonicx2218

I have a javascript program that creates an iframe lightbox. This is the section of the code that affects the iframe only. mediaType = 'url'; mediaWidth = mediaWidth || "640px"; mediaHeight = mediaHeight || "360px"; mediaId = "mediaId_"+new Date().getTime(); preload = new Element('iframe', { 'src': URL, 'id': mediaId, width: mediaWidth, …

Member Avatar for Troy III
Member Avatar for adeeb.keyaam

i am using http://bojanmauser.from.hr/bvalidator/ this script to validate my form, now i am stack with a problem, want to set max file limit for image file upload. but i am unsuccessful everytime, can anybody help me to get rid of this, advance thanx to all, who is reading this discussion …

Member Avatar for Troy III
Member Avatar for Violet_82

Chaps I have an interesting and odd problem. Today I had the brilliant(??) idea of using google chart https://google-developers.appspot.com/chart/interactive/docs/gallery/linechart#Loading for a site I am building. It is all nice and dandy till I placed the graph inside a hidden container, planning to add some jquery and slide the graph down …

Member Avatar for Violet_82
Member Avatar for McLaren

yesterday I was disucsing with more experienced programmer. He saw that I am using for (var i =0; i< 6; i++) So 6 is the static number. I was iterating throug array. He said to use lengh, just in case array lemngh is not 6. I say - its always …

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Member Avatar for Navlag

I have this: $(document).ready(function() { $('input[type="button"]').click(function() { var sum = 0, count = 0, result; $('input[type="text"]').each(function() { var val = Number( $(this).val() ); if (val && val >= 0) { sum += Number(val); count++; } }); the error is that it does not take zero into account, for example, 10 …

Member Avatar for paulkd
Member Avatar for McLaren

Hello, there is overridden collection fetch function. fetch: function() { var collection = this; $.getJSON(this.url, function(data) { // do some processing to data here collection.reset(data); }); }, I need to do processing when I get data, so thats why overrride. But the thing - is - the models change event …

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Member Avatar for polashdeb

I am newbie in learning javaScript.When investigating a site source codes i've got some scripts. in repl.html folder there is bmi.js.My question is why they use this script? or a understandable article will be helpful for me. thannks for reading.

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Member Avatar for sonicx2218

So I'm using this program that has 2 important sections of code that determine the iframe height and width. if (!images[imageIndex][2]) images[imageIndex][2] = ''; // Thanks to Leo Feyer for offering this fix WH = images[imageIndex][2].split(' '); WHL = WH.length; if (WHL>1) { mediaWidth = (WH[WHL-2].match("%")) ? (window.getWidth()*((WH[WHL-2].replace("%", ""))*0.01))+"px" : …

Member Avatar for sonicx2218
Member Avatar for deej_uptheowls

http://codecanyon.net/item/ajax-contact-form/full_screen_preview/50846 I bought this contact form that validates and produces a message when its complete. The validation messages are all in with the form. But when I try to integrate it into my page "contact.html", the validation messages popup in a new window "contact.php" and I dont know how to …

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Member Avatar for atikah8890

Hi. I'm using JS for d3. What I intend to do is get some data from database and plot them in a diagram I've created. Here's what I've done so far: Fetched the data from database: <?php while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)){ $q_id[] = $row['q_id']; $res_val[] = $row['response_value']; $chpt[] = $row['cr_chpt']; $lvl[] …

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Member Avatar for turpentyne

I have a script that loads in content using jquery. With the popstate/pushstate function everything is working beautifully, when they click on navigation links. But I also have some a href tags on one of the loaded pages for sliding down to anchor points on the page. This seems to …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for Cravver

I have this code here and I need to know how to make it randomize the amoutn of images there are: Currently it shows the images, and uses a cookie so the image doesnt show up more than it needs to, but i need to randomize the image order instead …

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The End.