15,113 Topics

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Member Avatar for shadiadiph

Hi I have been playing with this regex for a few hours now I want to make it so it accepts commas also any ideas? [code] var regname=/^[a-zA-Z\.\-'\s]*$/; [/code] At the moment it works with A-z and - . ' but can't seem to figure out how to include commas …

Member Avatar for shadiadiph
Member Avatar for gurpreet_ka

i am using javascript to print a pdf. when i click on print button,the pdf is generated nd saved somewhere and after that javascript code runs. This javascript opens the pdf and closes it(opens for a fraction of second) and then again open the same pdf with printer popup screen. …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for eswaramoorthy

Hi, I need to show the loading status(wait status) in cursor for all actions. If i perform some action([B]Login[/B]), then go to the backend and perform some process and it will return some value. Here this whole process will be taken some times. Now that time i want to show …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for gurpreet_ka

hi all, I have separate action class and view(xhtml) in my project. i have a link in xhtml that opens a file. This file can be a word document or a pdf document or may be some other form but these two forms are confirmed. My requirement is that thon …

Member Avatar for MANASkumarverma

How can i edit a text file on a server and how to receive it back in a text box.And at last how to check wether a particular word is there or not. If you can get any of this then please let me know at [URL="kvermamanas@gmail.com"]kvermamanas@gmail.com[/URL] You may tell …

Member Avatar for vibhaJ
Member Avatar for genki01

I'm using this progress bar from [URL="http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex11/xpprogressbar.htm"]http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex11/xpprogressbar.htm[/URL] and I want to be able to display some text after the bar finishes loading. I figured out out to get it to output the text, but it loads in a new page. I want to get it to load where the bar …

Member Avatar for genki01
Member Avatar for shadiadiph

Hi sorry I am very new to AJAX and javascript probably a silly question but where can I put document.getElementById("loading").innerHTML='loading...'; in the following so it appears when it is loading and disappears when it is loaded? function getstate(){ var xmlHttp; try{ xmlHttp=new XMLHttpRequest();// Firefox, Opera 8.0+, Safari }catch (e){ try{ …

Member Avatar for shadiadiph
Member Avatar for Inny

Hello, Im trying to get my custom website screensaver to open in full window mode but I keep failing, I cant work out why? Do I need a new function in the code to do that? Please help if possible. Seen some odd codes in Javascript? :) [CODE] <script> <!-- …

Member Avatar for Inny
Member Avatar for feodal

I need to write a script that would fill in input field on some website, hit submit button which is a picture with java script function attached to it automatically and get result from a new page. It would all be need to be done automatically without user present. The …

Member Avatar for aladar04
Member Avatar for shadiadiph

Hi I have never really bothered with javascript before but i am having alot of problems with a ajax php form my php code returns [code] if ($states==false) { $result = 'nostates'; $result = trim($result); return $result; exit; } [/code] And my javascript alert returns nostates but always executes the …

Member Avatar for shadiadiph
Member Avatar for mahmoudali
Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for Tom Desuza

Pls. help me? i need some suggestion to solve my problem on runtime error of jawascript ' e.g. Invalid Character' i am unable to sort out and fix it. [url]http://oraiko-demo.com/ES/index.php?osCsid=b94c8de7c7654125f5c807906b39fc0a[/url] ,, after login problem being started pls help me for fix it. Thanks Tom Desuza <EMAIL SNIPPED>

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for Kedora19

The problem is, I'm beginner with php and have no idea what the difference between ajax and json. So if someone could clear that up first, that would be great. Now on to the bigger problem I found this validation script on this website: [url]http://www.position-absolute.com/articles/jquery-form-validator-because-form-validation-is-a-mess/[/url] I have it working succesfully …

Member Avatar for Kedora19
Member Avatar for Inny

my image veiwer has stopped working properly, I dont know why. It resizes as its meant to, but dosent pop the veiwer window. Can you find the problem? [CODE]<script type='text/javascript'> var popbackground="http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a345/Instar/greenbgfade17oi.jpg"; //specify backcolor or background image for pop window var windowtitle="Image Viewer" ; //pop window title function detectexist(obj){ return …

Member Avatar for Inny
Member Avatar for elvis1

Hi guys I am willing to know how to match a website s title using regex. Many thanks in advance

Member Avatar for elvis1
Member Avatar for k2k

i wanna try to use ajax to async something from the mysql database.. i have read many tutorial/book/article recently and there are many things that I don't clearly understand. it looks like json is a good pick to do stuffs like loading things from a database. however, the examples i …

Member Avatar for scrappedcola
Member Avatar for skrout

//This is my html code [CODE]<INPUT TYPE=\"Button\" CLASS=\"Button\" onClick=\"delRow()\" VALUE=\"Delete Row\"> //this is javascript function for deleting a row function delRow() { var current = window.event.srcElement; //here we will delete the line while ( (current = current.parentElement) && current.tagName !="TR"); current.parentElement.removeChild(current); }[/CODE] Thanks, Sura

Member Avatar for fxm
Member Avatar for kracko

Hey. I am new to webprogramming..so sorry if this question sounds stupid:D I just wanted to make an animation but in firefox that animation just doesnt appear tho it works great in IE and opera. Do you have any idea what's wrong? I use the function setTimeout() and document.all[id].style...etc to …

Member Avatar for kracko
Member Avatar for kracko

[CODE]<input type="button" onclick="move()" value="go" /> <br /> <img src="btn16.gif" style="height:100px; width:100px; top:0px" id="img" /> <script> var k=0; function move(){ var t=document.getElementById("img").style.top; t=parseInt(t); t+=15; document.getElementById("img").style.top=t; if(k<10){ k++; setTimeout("move()",1); } } </script>[/CODE]

Member Avatar for kracko
Member Avatar for srdva59

hi, i looking for a dropdown menu something like this: [url]http://www.lwis.net/free-css-drop-down-menu/dropdown.ultimate.horizontal.html[/url] but without jquery javascript or complex javascript. the reason for mininum javascript if possible is that i use many javascript already for other operations like ajax etc and if i add jquery etc all functions simple don´t work :( …

Member Avatar for sam023
Member Avatar for CleverSunshine

Hello, this my first thread and I need some supper fast help I'm on a deadline... I have applied for a Microsoft program but part of the application process is to complete this assignment... You are to create a console application that accepts exactly one command-line argument. If it doesn’t …

Member Avatar for CleverSunshine
Member Avatar for msalvador

Thank you in advance for your help: I really don't know much about Javascript but I'm trying to use it on my web site. Here is the code: [CODE]function changeCategory() { //ID#1 document.getElementById('category_106634').setAttribute("class","mind") document.getElementById('category_106634').innerHTML="MIND" document.getElementById('category_106634').href="http://www.voyagetobetterment.com/_blog/Voyage_to_Betterment_Blog/tag/MIND/" //ID#2 document.getElementById('category_106446').setAttribute("class","movie") document.getElementById('category_106446').innerHTML="MOVIE" document.getElementById('category_106446').href="http://www.voyagetobetterment.com/_blog/Voyage_to_Betterment_Blog/tag/MOVIE/" }[/CODE] The program works fine if the ELEMENT#1 is above ELEMENT#2 …

Member Avatar for msalvador
Member Avatar for Inny

Ive accidently deleted something needed in the body I think for this code, but I cannot work out what it needs. I think the descarea div is missing? Can you help me rewriteit? [CODE]<div class='row4' style='position:absolute; background-color:yellow;border:1px solid #000000; padding:10px; display:none' id='miniTopic'></div> <script> function Request() { if (window.XMLHttpRequest ) { …

Member Avatar for Inny
Member Avatar for qwertymk

Lets say I want to show [url]http://www.whatever.com/longWebPage.html[/url] and [url]http://www.someOtherDomain.com/alsoALongPage.html[/url] and [url]http://www.ranOutOfNames.com/youGetThePoint.html[/url] All on one page with one scrollbar. I want it to seem like I copy pasted all three sites one after another on my page. I tried using frames but that splits up the window into parts. What I …

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Member Avatar for leroi green

Hello All, I've been working in a flash site for a couple days and i've gotten a couple errors as of late. Here are the errors: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at DefaultAEG_fla::MainTimeline/frame122() TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for lambing

var FS = window.FS || {}; FS.Search = FS.Search || {}; FS.Search.UI = function() { undefined; //yui libs var Event = YAHOO.util.Event; var Dom = YAHOO.util.Dom; var defaultSearchValue = 'Search'; return { searchBox: 'textSearchBox', init: function() { var textSearchBox = Dom.get(this.searchBox); if (textSearchBox !== null) { Event.on(textSearchBox, 'focus', this.onFocus, this, …

Member Avatar for Znos

I want to make a sms system, where users can send a sms message and then it is showed. So for every new message I get I need to make a new div, add it and scroll the others down Does anyone know a good example or tutorial to get …

Member Avatar for fxm
Member Avatar for mgranger96

I have a need to close a popup window after a certain amount of time. I have tried many different ways to do it with no luck in IE. Works fine in Firefox, Safari, and Google Chrome. It seems to be a problem with IE referencing the window I have …

Member Avatar for fxm
Member Avatar for DrewL

Help! I am hoping this is some sort of typo on my part, but I cannot figure out how the s3slide show I set up turned out the way it did. I got the code from the following site: [url]http://www.serie3.info/s3slider/demonstration.html[/url]. This shows an example of what it should look like. …

Member Avatar for renzo821
Member Avatar for fraenckel

This should be really easy, but I'm a novice at webapps.... I have a simple drop down list in my JSP which I created using <select> and <options>. I've got a javascript function in which I would like to get the selected value and proceed to do other stuff with …

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The End.