Hi all,
I'm already creating some new website, honestly i've some problem when viewing in Windows platform. Maybe you can check the screenshoot that i attached. I've check on IE 6 and use firefox 2 on Windows...
or you can see live preview on; this for windows or this for mac
Definetly, there is no problem and of course, its nice to viewing on mac platform, use Safari or Firefox.
Please let me know how to resolved my case. Anyway, below are the code:
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<p><span class="style2"><strong>New project</strong></span> Ι <span class="style1">12 May</span></p>
<p>I am happy to announce the <a href="#">onedia</a> website being featured at their media promotion. I'd like to say many thanks to <a href="#">Elance</a> for being my "middle man".</p>
<div class="date">
<p><span class="style2"><strong>New project</strong></span> Ι <span class="style1">12 May</span></p>
<p>I am happy to announce the <a href="#">onedia</a> website being featured at their media promotion. I'd like to say many thanks to <a href="#">Elance</a> for being my "middle man".</p>
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<p>Bogalakon Pictures</p>
<p>3rd and 4th floors</p>
<p>County House</p>
<p>33 - 34 Rathbone Place</p>
<p>London W1T 1JN</p>
<p>tel: +XX (X) XX XXXX</p>
<p>fax: +XX (X) XX XXXX</p>
<p><a href="mailto:info@bogalakonpics.com">info@bogalakonpics.com</a></p>
<p class="copy">© 2007 Bogalakon Pictures.</p>
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