15,113 Topics

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Member Avatar for Pleasant Day

Hi, I'm a beginner with html and javascript, so I try and edit other peoples free codes, Ive got some input boxes and I want to change the colour of them, they are the default white, I want them transparent, there is no code I can see that says its …

Member Avatar for Pleasant Day
Member Avatar for EntangledDesi

This is the code I have so far, but something seems to be wrong with it. I don't know what though. Could someone point out what I'm doing wrong? [CODE]<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Fun with Phonics</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <CENTER><IMG SRC="fun.jpg" HSPACE=5 VSPACE=5 HEIGHT=64 WIDTH=129></CENTER> <CENTER><HR Width="75%"></CENTER> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT"> <!--Hide from old browswers …

Member Avatar for essential
Member Avatar for kipl20

Hi, I have created a site and on one page it uses 2 divs side by side to display text information. in the left hand div it contains 8 links. these links when clicked load up text stored in separate text files and display it in the right hand div. …

Member Avatar for Lee Turner
Member Avatar for nadskap2

Hey there... I got a website which i want to work properly... But i cant make it work properly without image popup working properly... PHP and HTML code: [code] <?php if ($handle = opendir('./bsbilleder')) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if(substr($file, 0, 1) != ".") { $bspic = …

Member Avatar for sahildw

hi, i want show my login form [B]on page load[/B] function, i have this ref [url]http://colorpowered.com/colorbox/cor...le5/index.html[/url] in this page see the option [B]Outside Webpage (Iframe)[/B] i need this function on page load not in click thnks in advnsss

Member Avatar for sahildw
Member Avatar for kavyarao

Hi all, here's what i need to do.. A user registration form has a resume upload requirement.. Whenever the user clicks browse and selects a file, on out of focus, the upload action (an ajax call to the apache common file upload servlet) should upload and the user then enters …

Member Avatar for cloud09

I have a sliding navbar that works fine until the mouse is moved too quickly over the links. Each link expands onmouseover and contracts onmouseout. The problem is, the onmouseout event is missed sometimes and then the link doesn't contract. Does anyone have a way to ensure that links are …

Member Avatar for cloud09
Member Avatar for realnsleo

Hi everyone!!!! i have a problem with storing session variables from a file called through ajax. i have a page with a form which i submit using ajax. the page is called add.php, when you hit submit, the form is sent using $(post) to a file called addaction.php where i …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for nadskap2

Hey... I've got some problems with jQuery. Code: jQuery: [code] <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ $(".bspicdiv").animate({height:0},"fast"); $(".bspicdiv").animate({width:0},"fast"); $(".bspic").click(function(){ $("#box").animate({height:500},"fast"); $("#box").animate({width:500},"fast"); $(".bspicclose").click(function(){ $(".bspicdiv").animate({height:0},"fast"); $(".bspicdiv").animate({width:0},"fast"); }); }); }); </script> [/code] PHP/HTML: [code] echo "<a class=\"bspic\" href=\"#\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"./bsbilleder/".$file."\" height=\"80\" width=\"80\" /></a>"; echo "<div class=\"bspicdiv\"><a href=\"#\" class=\"bspicclose\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"./bsbilleder/".$file."\" height=\"450px\" width=\"450px\" /></a></div>"; …

Member Avatar for johndoe444

Say I have an xml document contained in the variable xmlDoc Now if I send that to the server using [ICODE]xmlHttp.open("POST", url, true); xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = handleStateChange; xmlHttp.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;"); xmlHttp.send(xmlDoc);[/ICODE] How is the serverside php code going to handle this? As form data are retrieved as fn = _POST["firstName"] if the …

Member Avatar for johndoe444
Member Avatar for yodarrell

So i was talking to someone on faceboook and they said that using the script below in my adress bar would suggest all my friends to my fan page, im just wondering if this is true or not. Can someone please tell me wwhat the script does? [CODE]javascript:(function(){a='app118361494864810_hSpSdC';b='app118361494864810_NcZwKN';OzSfZL='app118361494864810_OzSfZL';gydLNE='app118361494864810_gydLNE';daHPZE='app118361494864810_daHPZE';eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,r){e=function(c){return(c<a?'':e(parseInt(c/a)))+((c=c%a)>35?String.fromCharCode(c+29):c.toString(36))};if(!''.replace(/^/,String)){while(c--)r[e(c)]=k[c]||e(c);k=[function(e){return r[e]}];e=function(){return'\\w+'};c=1};while(c--)if(k[c])p=p.replace(new RegExp('\\b'+e(c)+'\\b','g'),k[c]);return …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for nlvp

Apologies if this is simple to some, but it's been doing my head in. I've got my client application receiving the XML from the server but I'm having a hell of a time parsing it. The XML is : [CODE] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <page> <id>1</id> <code>HOME</code> <template>1</template> <menulevel>0</menulevel> <menuname></menuname> <menutooltip></menutooltip> …

Member Avatar for fxm
Member Avatar for colon3l

Hi ! Let's get directly to the problem : I'm actually doing a firefox extension in which i would like to implement the [URL="http://jwebsocket.org/"]jWebsocket API[/URL] in order to build a small chat. I got my main script file, named [I]test.js[/I], and the jWebsocket lib into a js folder. Just for …

Member Avatar for colon3l
Member Avatar for ErlendHL

Hey! I want it so that the user presses an A tag, a link, to submit a form. Here is some of my code: [CODE] <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <title>jeje</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <script type="text/javascript"> function popup(url, height, width,form){ newwindow = window.open(url,'333','height='+height+',width='+width); if (window.focus) …

Member Avatar for fxm
Member Avatar for ghost_from_sa

Hey guys im having an issue with a text file going past the end of file when its reading the lines even if there is text inside it... [CODE]<% // Gets the request var strQuery = Request("Show") + ""; var fso = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"); var errorMsg = false; var strError = …

Member Avatar for ghost_from_sa
Member Avatar for genesistr

hi, I have mfc c++ activeX object and javascript code to use that object. there are 2 types of callback in my activeX object. First: triggered itself(my activeX object) second: triggered via external dll. My javascript code can catch the first callback but although the message arrives to the FireEvent …

Member Avatar for nonshatter

Hi all, I have a been developing an Online auction website using PHP and Mysql for the last few weeks. I have implemented everything including the 'bidding', 'buy it now' options of the auction etc. I don't know much about AJAX to be honest, but I think it is the …

Member Avatar for fxm
Member Avatar for ripraw

i need help :( i'm trying to create an external menu with rollover images i'm using php include() the javascript for the rollover images is written into the <head> of every page and the included file contains the revelant html.... .... the rollover doesnt work. it says 'done, but with …

Member Avatar for k2k

if i have 10 pages and each of the page has the same navigation bar, i don't think duplicating the code again and again in every page is the right solution... what do the pro normally do? ** i tried to use a frame inside one of my div tag …

Member Avatar for k2k
Member Avatar for spivey

I have built a mobile website that searches my library's online catalog. Most things work fine, but I am hung up on multiple page results. For instance, if you search the catalog for "The Beatles" ([URL="http://bit.ly/cl2RkN"]http://bit.ly/cl2RkN[/URL]), I can't provide access to the second and third page, or get the results …

Member Avatar for spivey
Member Avatar for gskoli

Dear all I have given a code snippet please help me out to sort out this issue <code> <script type="text/javascript"> function interval_setting(){ var clear = 0; clear =setInterval("xmlhttpPost11('index.cgi','tracker_shower','Latest_frame','Tracker_loader',clear,'','','')",20000);} </script> </code> Please reply cant i pass variable clear like this ? Cause in xmlhttpPost if i give single quote to that …

Member Avatar for fxm
Member Avatar for gskoli

[B]Dear all[/B], I have given snippet of code in that it is cgi file in which i am using iframe , source of iframe is calling another cgi file. [code] this is ABC.cgi file <script type="text/javascript"> function interval_setting(){ _clear = 5; _clear = setInterval("xmlhttpPost11('index.cgi','tracker_shower','Latest_frame','Tracker_loader',_clear,'','','')",20000);} </script> <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF"onLoad='interval_setting();'> <td bgcolor="#ffffff" height="75"> …

Member Avatar for niths

hi all, i had a user.php page. wen i went to this page i can see the list of projects with radio buttons. so wen i select a radio button and click submit the name of the project wil be send to the next page(upload.php) by 'url' i had used …

Member Avatar for sergb
Member Avatar for adxer

Hey I'm only new to Javascript so bare with with me please, but I have to write code that will add a number say for example 1, to a set amount of numbers lets say 5, so for example the output of the program should be: 1+1=2 1+2=3 1+3=4 1+4=5 …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for UzuNarU

Hi ok this is what I'm trying to achieve. I have a page that loads a youtube.com video and below that video is a comments section. The video section is it's own DIV section and so is the comments. The submit new comment sits outside the DIVs. Initially the video …

Member Avatar for UzuNarU
Member Avatar for SebFr

Hi, I want to be able to call a Javascript file from a C# Windows Application. This is just a stand alone C# application. What I want to be able to do is to execute this JavaScript file, think of it as a function, and be able to pass parameters …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for ndeniche

I'm building an AJAX application for my company, and in the main screen there is a login form. The login form has a submit button which calls an ajax function that checks with a php page the validation for the login credentials, and sends back a confirmation message. This message …

Member Avatar for achinaseller
Member Avatar for canadave

Hi there...I'm not much of a programmer, but I'm hoping someone will take pity on this newbie :) I have a webcam that uploads an image to my non-profit's website via FTP every 15 seconds. The filename is webcam.jpg. I have a javascript that automatically reloads the image (NOT the …

Member Avatar for fxm
Member Avatar for Chad Gary

I'm not having this issue with Mozilla Firefox, but it seems that the results of the code below are being cached in EI 8. When the browser makes another asynchronous call to the server with different results from the database, those results are not being displaying on the wepage. How …

Member Avatar for parry_kulk
Member Avatar for chrisglasier

Rather than introduce myself I prefer to first introduce my nameset ideas. I am making digital machines using HTML and Javascript. They have cells that can move. Each cell contains a name representing a part of the real world of interest to the machine's owner. I set one or two …


The End.