
Can anyone kindly help me to modify the following script to diplay the result in several pages if the resuts are greater than 10.

$action = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];
//{echo "<p style=' font-family: arial; color: blue; font-size: 14px;'>You are not authorized!</p>"; return false;}
$link=mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "") or die("<p class='texxt'>Can't connect to server: ".mysql_error());
$query="SELECT * FROM saudi_journal WHERE match (FAU, TI, AU, SO, PT, DP, MESH, KW, TA, AD, ISSN, NOTE) against ('$name' in boolean mode) ORDER BY DP DESC";
$result=mysql_query($query,$link) or die("Cannot find Server: ".mysql_error());
$num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result);
if ($num_rows=="0"){$search_result="<p class='error'>No Results Found</p>";}
elseif ($num_rows > 0){$search_result="<p class='error'>".$num_rows. " Articles Found</p>";}
<body topMargin="0" onLoad="dynAnimation()" vlink="#0000FF" alink="#0000FF" bgcolor="#fffff0" language="Javascript1.2">
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<form method=GET action=http://www.google.com/custom>
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<table border="0" cellPadding="2" cellSpacing="3" width="108%">
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                <input type="hidden" name="search" value="result" />
         <b>&nbsp;<font size="4" color="#0000ff"><br>
</font><span class="style22"><font color="#0000ff">SaudiMedLit</font></span></b>
               <font size="2">   
               <font color="#008000">is a service of the Health Sciences 
      Library, North West Armed Forces Hospital, Tabuk, KSA</font>&nbsp;</font>
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    <b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; SEARCH&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </b>
    <SELECT name="choice" size="1">
       <!-- <option value="books">Books</option> -->
      <option value="smj">Saudi Medical Journals</option>
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     <input name="name" />
     <input name="B1" type="button" value="Go!" onClick="search_submit()" />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
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         echo '<table border="0" cellspacing="10">';
       echo '<tr>';
         echo '<td colspan="2" class="staffpub_title" align= "center"><font color="blue" size="4"> Search Results </font></td>';
       echo '</tr>';
     echo '<tr><td align="center" colspan="2"><font color="red" face="Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif">'.$search_result.'</font></td></tr>';
     while ($rs = mysql_fetch_array($result)){

       echo '<tr>';
         echo '<td width="200" align="right" valign="top"><b>Title of the Article: </b></td>';
         echo '<td align="left" valign="top">'.$TI.'</td>';
       echo '</tr>';
       echo '<tr>';
         echo '<td align="right"  valign="top"><b>Author(s)          : </b></td>';
         echo '<td align="left"  valign="top">'.$AU.'</td>';
       echo '</tr>';

       echo '<tr>';
         echo '<td align="right"  valign="top"><b>Source              :</b></td>';
         echo '<td align="left"  valign="top">'.$SO.'</td>';
       echo '</tr>';       

       echo '<tr>';
         echo '<td align="right"  valign="top"><b>Address of the Author: </b></td>';
         echo '<td align="left"  valign="top">'.$AD.'<hr></td>';

             echo '</tr>';          

              echo '<tr>';
         echo '<td colspan="2" class="staffpub_left">&nbsp;</td>';
       echo '</tr>';}

    echo '</table>';

  <p><br />
              <div align=left>
              <table bgColor=#000000 border="0" cellPadding="2" cellSpacing="3" width="1010" height="41">

How I do it on my blog is I loop through the number of rows until it hits a magic number (10) and then doesn't parse the results any further. To get the next set of results, a GET request is made passing in the starting place of the next set.

How I do it on my blog is I loop through the number of rows until it hits a magic number (10) and then doesn't parse the results any further. To get the next set of results, a GET request is made passing in the starting place of the next set.

can you please edit the above code like you did in your blog?

hi ,

just make change in ur mysql query and apply LIMIT 0,20 ; in ur mysql query and when u click on pagging means display number apply next limit 20,20 ; i will work but for that u should get firstall of all all record and then decompose it into ur desire limit....u can down load pagging class and impliment to ur script it's easy way to have it ...and it's better to work on class strucutre it's advance...

just search it on google

thank you manish. I will try it.

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