On a website I remeber seeing a news feature where the news would be a bar with a title and you clicked it and it would expand showing the message and other information and the code used was javascript:show but I don't understand how it works (as the news was got from a mysql database) how would this be done?

Which part of your giant sentence do you need further help on?

I want to now how to code something like that so i can make expanding stuff.

You do just what you said: have server-side code perform a query or stored procedure, render the results in a DIV, and toggle the visibility of that div using JavaScript.

Again, which part do you have a question about?

So it would be?

<a href="javascript:show('news1');">Welcome</a><br>
<div id="news1">
welcome to the site

You said the result should be rendered in a Div, what I replace the "Div" with a "tr" tag?

So it would be?

<a href="javascript:show('news1');">Welcome</a><br>
<div id="news1">
welcome to the site

That would be the HTML part of it, yes.

Then, you'll need CSS assigned to the DIV in order to make it initially invisible.

You'll need to write a JavaScript function named "show", which accepts the ID of the div and changes the style to "visible".

You'll need the server-side code to retrieve "welcome to the site" from a database and write the above output.

You said the result should be rendered in a Div, what I replace the "Div" with a "tr" tag?

Then you would get a badly broken HTML fragment. You really don't want elements that will have their display and/or visibility properties dynamically changed, within a table.

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