15,117 Topics

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Member Avatar for ds2r

Hi guys, I'm still a newbie in javascript so i ask for a bit of your patience. hehe. So here is my problem with showmodaldialog. It only occurs in IE. I basically have 2 php pages. One is produst_list.php, and the other is quantify.php. product_list.php basically calls the quantify.php page …

Member Avatar for ds2r
Member Avatar for MDanz

i have two id's that are the same from two different table. [code] var newtext = document.getElementById(number).innerHTML;[/code] this code is grabbing the wrong id. the id is a counter/variable in a loop so it changes, so i can't do getElementByName.. how do i get around this?

Member Avatar for fxm
Member Avatar for Tcll

if anyone can help save me a ton of work, as I'm an amature to js... I need a brstm audio player that can be pasted onto a page (blog) I'm kinda hoping for something simple to where you can just post a dl link above it and click play. …

Member Avatar for bhagat khetwal
Member Avatar for Designer_101
Member Avatar for MichaelMelamud

Hello I have a jsp document,and a java class with some functions,i want that a button that located in the jsp document,will execute a function from the java call on click. but i don't really know how to do it,and i am stuck on it for a week now. If …

Member Avatar for fxm
Member Avatar for iamrashid

It is a simple one and a more complex one will be here soon this code has not been tested but it works well on IE 6.0+ Do enjoy and Comment it Please

Member Avatar for vmars
Member Avatar for WickidGRAFX

On my site I have a page that uses a flash button to play an mp3. I want to keep track of how many times this button is pushed for plays (it also stops the song - dual use button). I have a field in the table for the individual …

Member Avatar for WickidGRAFX
Member Avatar for VirendraThakre

[CODE]<script type ="text/javascript"> function noback() { window.history.forward() } noback() window.onload=noback; window.onpageshow=function(evt) { if(evt.persisted) nocack() } window.onunload=function() { void(0) } </script>[/CODE]

Member Avatar for Siberian

I'm learning JavaScript for software that I'm learning it's SDK. I have a weak understanding of programming and because of that I would like to know the basic JavaScript foundation when coding that applies to no matter what your scripting in this language. A Anyone have any guidelines PDF or …

Member Avatar for Siberian
Member Avatar for Munees

Hi to all, I am new to java script.I want to highlight the search terms in text area.I want to do this by using regular expression.When eve i give the value to regular expression directly it works well.But if i give it frim variable it doesn't work well.My code is …

Member Avatar for fxm
Member Avatar for m23

Hi guys, I am using this tutorial: [url]http://www.w3schools.com/ajax/tryit....=tryajax_first[/url] where if you click a button, the the content of my div container is replaced with a message saying thank you for your submission. However, you cannot assign this to a submit button as it just ends up refreshing the page. I …

Member Avatar for parry_kulk
Member Avatar for star_lavender

hi.can anyone give some suggestion on this? I need to do for a system that calculate the marks. At first, I had created the radio buttons and textboxes for user to insert the marks, but it seems not so user friendly. So I decide to change them into automatically calculate …

Member Avatar for ancriz03
Member Avatar for TOMM3KE

Dear viewer, I've got a database with the tables Category, Subcategory and Products. I've been able to get this far; Click on category -> shows the subcategories for that category Click on subcategory -> shows all products for that subcategory Now I've been looking around how to do it in …

Member Avatar for sergb
Member Avatar for 1337group

This is my first post I hope someone can help me! I am trying to build a drop down menu for a site I am working on and for some reason I can only get the drop down menu to work in IE. Please remember I am very new(hardcore noob) …

Member Avatar for 1337group
Member Avatar for haribo83

Is it possible to show the details of each record from the recordset in a show hide way? Each record would have a title - I need the sliding div to show the relevant info when the title is clicked on. Don't know if i've made this very clear so …

Member Avatar for fxm
Member Avatar for Usura

Hey Ive been searching all over for an example but cant seem to find anything to close to what im after, Im really new to javascript so dont know how to start coding it myself. Ive got a form with 3 text fields, one for first name, last name and …

Member Avatar for Usura
Member Avatar for albertkao

My program should display '*' when entering a password to a text box by a user. How to do that?

Member Avatar for thalz
Member Avatar for saika

hi there, i am building a firefox extension for my final project. i am stuck at the last leg. i need a javascript command that gets two words before, and two words after a highlighted word (a window of 5 words) into my program. i can get the highlighted word, …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for vaishnavicse

hi i have done a page which contains username and password,there i have to check my username and password string and authenticate that page. here is my code. [code] <%@ page language="java" %> <html> <head> <title> WELCOME </title> <script language = "Javascript"> function ValidateEmail(){ var emailID=document.frm.t1; var emailID1=document.frm.t2; if ((emailID.value==null)||(emailID.value=="")) …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for kararu

Is there a command to draw a circle in javascript or I have to use only a circle picture? Also is there a way to arrange many circles randomly in a browser page ,using html/javascript?

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for hinde

I need a tag that doesn't go anywhere when I click on it but will show the little hand with index finger outstretched like I am hovering over the text teh tag applies to. I googled for a while, but could not find anything related to what I am looking …

Member Avatar for SKANK!!!!!
Member Avatar for tootytoot

Hi ppl, i have a prob here. i'm trying to do a webpage and putting it in a cd for viewers to view. so i found the script below to open a full screen windows. it work! but the prob is that it opens two pages. one normal window and …

Member Avatar for sbonder
Member Avatar for cosminx2003

Hello, I'm trying to simulate some sort of multi-threading processes (if it can be called like that) for a PHP application. The approach would be to run a main php file, in which are made some verifications (in the DB) and set a $_SESSION variable. Now other actions should be …

Member Avatar for SKANK!!!!!
Member Avatar for ms_sws

I have a page with a lot of data validation on it (for a form). But the validation is not actually executed until the user hits Submit. The page loads really slow. Is there a way to control how a page loads so that, as I suspect, the validation Javascript …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for cppnewb

Hello. I am trying to instantly 'post' a user's input using ajax and jquery, along with a little javascript. This is my HTML [code] <div id="postArea"> <TEXTAREA name="newBlog" cols="40" rows="10"></textarea> <A HREF="#" onClick="post()">SUBMIT!</A> </div> [/code] and here is my code that goes along with that (in a separate file) [code] …

Member Avatar for apollokid

Hi everyone, I have very limited knowledge when it comes to javascript and need some help. See I have a tool tip jquery function that works with ids. Instead of me writing 24 functions i wanted to include a for loop but I don't know how. How would i implement …

Member Avatar for sergb
Member Avatar for dd501

Hey, I have an edit form (aspx page) which is used to edit an item in a sharepoint list. What I'd like to be able to do is if a drop down box equals "declined" show up an extra field called "Reason". I've found the following code which does something …

Member Avatar for fxm
Member Avatar for scottholmes

I'm trying to develop a drupal module to return json from the citysearch api. I can successfully construct the url and I can use the url to open a new window and display the returned json data, thus: [CODE]testwindow= window.open (URL, "mywindow", "location=1,status=1,scrollbars=1,width=100,height=100");[/CODE] however, my attempt to try this with …

Member Avatar for scottholmes
Member Avatar for jamshed ahmed

[CODE] function AdminValidate() { if(document.getElementById("txtdate").value=="") { alert("PLEASE ENTER DATE..."); return false; } <asp:DropDownList ID="drpAgentId" runat="server" AutoPostBack="True" onselectedindexchanged="drpAgentId_SelectedIndexChanged" onchange ="return AdminValidate()" > [/CODE] as in above code it works fine if txtdate is empty it alerts a but when textdate is not empty then it does nothing i mean i want …

Member Avatar for dnanetwork
Member Avatar for situ_info

How to coordinate a php variable with a javascript variable and store the final result in a php variable.

Member Avatar for urtrivedi

The End.