15,117 Topics

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Member Avatar for ndeniche

I'm building an AJAX application for my company, and in the main screen there is a login form. The login form has a submit button which calls an ajax function that checks with a php page the validation for the login credentials, and sends back a confirmation message. This message …

Member Avatar for achinaseller
Member Avatar for canadave

Hi there...I'm not much of a programmer, but I'm hoping someone will take pity on this newbie :) I have a webcam that uploads an image to my non-profit's website via FTP every 15 seconds. The filename is webcam.jpg. I have a javascript that automatically reloads the image (NOT the …

Member Avatar for fxm
Member Avatar for Chad Gary

I'm not having this issue with Mozilla Firefox, but it seems that the results of the code below are being cached in EI 8. When the browser makes another asynchronous call to the server with different results from the database, those results are not being displaying on the wepage. How …

Member Avatar for parry_kulk
Member Avatar for chrisglasier

Rather than introduce myself I prefer to first introduce my nameset ideas. I am making digital machines using HTML and Javascript. They have cells that can move. Each cell contains a name representing a part of the real world of interest to the machine's owner. I set one or two …

Member Avatar for xylude

I am trying to get a variable to increment in a function called by setInterval. It does one then stops... All I want is for the slider function to loop through the array over and over again, but it seems to like stopping after the first one. Here is the …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for ajwei810192

Hi, I am a newbie in Ajax, and I am trying to figure out how to pass the value of an item from my HTML form through Javascript/Ajax. Here is the code: <form action="" id="name"> <p><input type="checkbox" value="Weather" name="news[]" onclick="showRSS(document.name.news[].checked)"/> Weather</p> This is what I have in my showRSS function: …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for urbancalli

[code] curl -H "X-Token: 989afnkj982gbu2h" -X POST "http://www.domain.com/projects/3434/members/8939587/moves?move\[move\]=after&move\[target\]=3348761" -d "move[move]=after&move[target]=3348761" [/code] above is a curl command to move a member after the target member. I want to convert that curl command to javascript/ajax .. so far, here's what i have done, but it is not working. [code] var token = …

Member Avatar for fiaolle

Hi I want to remove a control in a placeholder, in a function in JavaScript. Is that possible? If so please help. Fia

Member Avatar for fxm
Member Avatar for SKANK!!!!!

[CODE]<form name="form"><textarea name="message"></textarea> <img src="" onmousedown="(do the prompt box)"> </form>[/CODE] i need help how to figure out how to prompt the user with a javascript prompt() to enter a url(link) that includes an http:// after the user enters the url in the prompt box and clicks OK, i want the …

Member Avatar for SKANK!!!!!
Member Avatar for dsumner25

I have an input button that calls a javascript function: [CODE] <input type="button" name="Add_OpStds_Step" id="Add_OpStds_Step" value="Add Step" onclick="Add_OpStds_Step();" /> [/CODE] The function that is called will add some labels, input boxes, and the things needed for a table. By itself it works just fine, as soon as I wrap it …

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Member Avatar for KPooja

Hi All, In our application we have combo boxes implementated using tables with fixed column width(fixed combo width). and newly i have added a functionality for these combo box. functionality is expand combo box on rightclick (using oncontextmenu) to fit to lengthy text. oncontextmenu=function_call(object); inside function: obj.style.width="auto" but the problem …

Member Avatar for KPooja
Member Avatar for niths

hi all, i want to store a value in session by using javascript in php.Can any one say me about it, i mean how to store and how to get that in the other php page. Thanks in advance..

Member Avatar for niths
Member Avatar for jellybeannn

Hi I've got the JavaScript that calculates the amount of two TextBox's(rate_## and area_##) and displayes it in a label(amount_##), what I'm trying to do is to add up all of the amounts and display it in another label(estimatedCost), I've tried this with the first function but the estimatedCost label …

Member Avatar for fxm
Member Avatar for urbancalli

I am using jquery's ajax method to POST data to a server. I am using the servers API, and it is stated that in whatever request, I have to include this "authentication token" to access the data I need, either as an http header field or a header parameter. I …

Member Avatar for fxm
Member Avatar for mohanvamsi_18

I am trying to create a row in a table. In that row i have some input and select elements. I want to add an onchange event to an select element. I am trying to do so.. but not working (see the bolded code below) Please help me. // this …

Member Avatar for fxm
Member Avatar for shine_jose

Hello, I am new to java script i wish to know the code for calling a button click event in asp.net using java script.

Member Avatar for vishal18
Member Avatar for urbancalli

[CODE] $(document).ready(function(index){ $(connectSort).each(function(index, obj){ $("." + this).sortable({ connectWith: ".connectedSortable_" + this, cancel: '.state-disabled', revert: true, start: function(event, ui) {alert(ui.item.attr("title")) }, stop: function(event, ui) { } }).disableSelection(); }); }); [/code] the first function(start: function ..) displays an attribute (title) of the dragged item once the sorting starts. supposedly, the second function …

Member Avatar for urbancalli
Member Avatar for deineMutti

Hi, I am currently developing a Chrome extension to upload photos to TwitPic, but am receiving an error in the response: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <rsp stat="fail"> <err code="2" msg="Image type not supported. GIF, JPG, & PNG only" /> </rsp> My request looks like this: [CODE]--345823569845694578678 Content-disposition: form-data; filename="image.png"; name="media" Content-Type: …

Member Avatar for johndoe444

I tried to use some online resources. All of them covers this much: 1. How to create xmlHttpRequest in cross-browser fashion. 2. How to define onreadystatechange function 3. how to call open and send 4. how to receive and use responsetext and responsexml 5. how to do the server side …

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Member Avatar for songpham

Hi , i have a problem creating an expandable vertical menu . I am writing it with Jquery . The vertical menu has 3 tabs - one of which (the top tab) is always expanded when the menu is not being hovered over. When i hover on one of the …

Member Avatar for asf

I am learning to use JQuery and have created the following code after reading various tutorials. I still don't quite get how JQuery variables and arrays work. Can someone point me in the right direction as to how I can print the current filename below the image and how I …

Member Avatar for tqwhite
Member Avatar for phoenix_dwarf

Hi, I'm trying to loop through a listbox that is runat="server" (to get all the values of the items inside the listbox regarless of if they are selected or not). Now i have searched for hours on end and still don't find anything (all the examples is just for the …

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Member Avatar for Santho786

In my application i have a view page(html or jsp) with five field (Qualification, Semester, Maximum Mark, Obtained Mark, Percentage). I have one add button, if i click on add button one java-script will be called and it will display a row in the same page with five column (Qualification, …

Member Avatar for Santho786

In my application i have a view page(html or jsp) with five field (Qualification, Semester, Maximum Mark, Obtained Mark, Percentage). I have one add button, if i click on add button one java-script will be called and it will display a row in the same page with five column (Qualification, …

Member Avatar for loveisblind

I'm inexperienced with Javascript and I found this script, but I'm not sure how to alter it to do what I want. I have a PHP script that creates forms in a loop. $z in this case could equal 3, and 3 forms each containing 1 Position/Office field will be …

Member Avatar for fxm
Member Avatar for baseballfury

I keep getting an object expected error at the start of my <body> I've set a form to value="Accountants" and <body onload="showindex()"> in an attempt to automatically submit this value to a js file whenever the page loads. My aim is to have dozens of html pages all using the …

Member Avatar for baseballfury
Member Avatar for thatnewbreed

I am having trouble populating elements from the following Yahoo RSS feed: [url]http://weather.yahooapis.com/forecastrss?w=12773400[/url] I need to show the current weather conditions when a button is clicked. Here is what I have so far. [CODE]<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <title>Current Weather Conditions</title> </head> <script language="javascript" …

Member Avatar for thatnewbreed
Member Avatar for Santho786

how to avoid validation summary when required field validator is disabled..i am disabling required filed validator from java script...eventhough i disabled it ...error message is shown in validation summary. I am facing the error... Explain how to go ahead ... i need to go ahead with jsp, javascript, not with …

Member Avatar for gskoli

Dear all, below code snippet insert one row to table & delete one row if its index in more than 11 . Its working Fine in all browser even working in IE but giving Error , I think that is Exception "Index or size is negative or greater than allowed …

Member Avatar for gskoli
Member Avatar for hasjem

i tried to solve a problem using php, mysql and javascript. i should cliuck a button and ythen the script alters some values in the mysqldatabase. it doesn't work. someone said i had to use ajax but i have never used ajax, please give me some help the internet dazzles …

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The End.