15,117 Topics

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8:16 pm on Apr 28, 2010 (utc 0) I currently have a website that I am using SPRY Accordion on for the navigation. anu-d dot c o m When I try to add another javascript element the SPRY Accordion stops working and the javascript element I am adding does not …

Member Avatar for fxm
Member Avatar for localp

[CODE] <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <title>JavaScript Window Open Example</title> </head> <body> <SCRIPT language="JavaScript1.2"> function openwindow() { location('http://www.google.com','_self'); } </SCRIPT> <P> <input type="button" value="Replace Me!" onClick=" window.location = 'http://www.google.com/' ; "> <A href="javascript: openwindow()" >LINK 1</A> </P> <P>Back to the article:<br> <a href="http://google.lk" target="_self">LINK 2</a> </P> …

Member Avatar for Agent Cosmic
Member Avatar for Froger93

Hello again, After my previous post I have tried to convert all my jQuery into JavaScript with success. UNTIL I looked at it in Internet Explorer and again it threw a wobly and is now having a go at my [icode]--.style.display='block'[/icode]'s. It says that it is not a function. So …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for suncica2222

I have button and <input type="button" onclick="test();" value="dugme"/> [B]wont call test() [/B] with alert(bla bla) directly works,but wont call my functions why???????????????? here's the complete code [CODE]<html> <head> <title>moje vezbanje</title> </head> <body onload="alert('sdfsfd')"> <script type="text/javascript"> //alert("jhgfgh"); function klasa() { var nazivLinka = document.getElementById("prvo").value; var url = document.getElementById("drugo").value; //alert(nazivLinka); //druga.createNode(input type="text" …

Member Avatar for d5e5
Member Avatar for Agent Cosmic

Hi, I need some help detecting the escape character ''. It doesn't show up when it's in a string. I'm trying to convert '/' into '&&' and '\/' into '||'. Help is much appreciated. Thanks.

Member Avatar for Agent Cosmic
Member Avatar for lak123

How do I use hour glass in java script? I have a jsp page, I'm calling in the javascript when I click the submit button like below. [CODE]function show(table) { document.forms["form1"].action ="employee.do?"; document.forms["form1"].submit(); document.forms.style.cursor = 'wait'; }[/CODE] [CODE]jsp Page: <html:form action ="/doemployee" method ="post"> <table> <tr> <td> <input type="button" name="emp" …

Member Avatar for fxm
Member Avatar for Christian Harms

I discussed yesterday how to access to members of JavaScript objects? var obj = {a:1}; value = obj.a; value = obj['a']; value = obj.geta() Are there differences in speed while accessing with dot notation, key notation or more java-like getter function? But the more complete solution can found on [URL="http://united-coders.com/christian-harms/javascript-object-access-micro-benchmarks"]united-coders.com[/URL].

Member Avatar for shahaksh

hi all please send me the code of autosuggest with database in php and in the html only textbox autosuggest fill with database. Reply as early as possible.

Member Avatar for Will Gresham
Member Avatar for rukshilag

hi below is the code i am using to try and execute a pdf report. now the following code i saved in a separate file in the website folder itself. and in the form that contains the print button, when clicked i want it to execute the code in the …

Member Avatar for Feenix45

[CODE]<?php //redirect the user to login if session is invalid include("validate_session.php"); $alert =0; $userid=$_SESSION["userid"]; //Connecting to database include("db_connect.php"); foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) if (substr($key,0,8) =="txt_chk_") { $alert =1; $itemid=substr($key,8,3); $purtime=substr($key,11,8); $purdate=substr($key,19,10); $itemdate=substr($key,8); foreach ($_POST as $key1 => $value1) if ($key<>$key1) { $tempstr= substr($key1,0,strlen($key1)-strlen($itemdate)); if (substr($key1,strlen($tempstr))==$itemdate) { if ($tempstr=="txt_qty_") …

Member Avatar for kek1205
Member Avatar for izagaren123

hey i need some helpn with some conversion the link currently links the item id to the shopping basket i currently have a submit button on my site which looks like this <!--<input type="button" value="Add to Cart" onclick="addtocart(<?=$row['itemid']?>)" />--> and is linked to this script <!--<script language="javascript"> function addtocart(pid){ document.form1.productid.value=pid; …

Member Avatar for pclfw
Member Avatar for itslucky

Dear Friends, im creating a website in which i get a response of my XML request from server. Searchhotel.aspx create the [B]request[/B] and listofHotels.aspx get the [B]response[/B] on its Page_Load event. Currently when i click on Search button from Searchhotel.aspx page it remains on Searchhotel.aspx Page and only display listofHotels.aspx …

Member Avatar for rohand
Member Avatar for ds2r

I have two php files. index.php [code] <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function openG() { window.showModalDialog('profile.php'); } </script> </head> <body> <input type="button" value="Press" onClick="openG()"/> <?php extract($_GET); if(isset($yes)) echo $yes; ?> </body> </html> [/code] and a profile.php file [code] <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function woot() { window.close(); } </script> </head> <body> <form …

Member Avatar for parry_kulk
Member Avatar for kau14

i am useing Javascript Function's for validation Its Working Fine But If Condition Not Matches Its Not getting Focus On That Control. cursor Going To url ...is There Something with Post Back....Plz Reply Thanks & regards Kaustubh

Member Avatar for WebspoonUK
Member Avatar for hknight

I want to place all opening tags in an array. In the example below, the following array should be created: [code] var tagsOpen=new Array(); tagsOpen[]='<h1 class="h">'; tagsOpen[]='<p>'; tagsOpen[]='<strong class="w">'; tagsOpen[]='<p>'; tagsOpen[]='<span style="color: red">'; tagsOpen[]='<span style="color: blue">'; tagsOpen[]='<span style="color: green">'; [/code] That array should be dynamically created from this: [code] <!DOCTYPE …

Member Avatar for hknight
Member Avatar for Kayoss

Hello all! I have a javascript running on my site at [url]http://www.kayoss.net[/url] that disables right clicking (viewing source, saving pictures, etc.) that works beautifully in IE...but not in Firefox. Does anyone know of a solution?

Member Avatar for fxm
Member Avatar for lifeworks

Hi Been trying to use the json_parse function from the json.org website - looking for a link to a tutorial (or a short example) to show how i would use it to cycle through a list of responses - in this case im returning a JSON object with an id …

Member Avatar for RisTar

Hi everyone, Im having some issues with a website that im working on. The website have mysql database and all of the server side code is done in php, therefor all of the files are named with a .php extension, I know it shouldn't make any different but for some …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for Acute

Hi, Do you know a good, free to download book about AJAX (pdf, djvu, chtm?, any)?? Plz, give a link!!! THNX!!!

Member Avatar for Acute
Member Avatar for jtkiv

I've got a table in an html document im writing, and i have two separate cells which need to pull parallel information. For example, a book title and a summary. The book title and book summary need to be from the same book... Ok, so i have one array with …

Member Avatar for jtkiv
Member Avatar for vinamar82

Hi, I'm trying to use javascript regexp to find the following. var url = "http://cgi.ebay.com/BRAND-NEW-UNLOCKED-32-GB-Apple-iPhone-3GS-3G-S-Any-Sim-/320459852842?cmd=ViewItem&pt=Cell_Phones&hash=item4a9ce54c2a"; I need to get 320459852842 from the above url. This is the regexp i'm using which doesnot get me the result. var matched = url.match('^http:\/\/.*(?=\/)?([\d]+)*(?=\?|cmd)*/'); Pls Help.

Member Avatar for fxm
Member Avatar for pwhitrow

Hi fellow devs, not sure if this is the right place to post but I wanted to share my application with you, in the hope that it may be useful to someone if you are developing a website and need an off the shelf gallery... xFlow! ([url]http://xflow.pwhitrow.com[/url]) is a gallery …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for MDanz

i have a website [url]http://www.stackway.com[/url] search "basketball" for an example with results i'm trying to add a quick-add feature, which will be a firefox add-on so i can build the database quicker. is there a tutorial? i want to capture the current page in the browser and then input into …

Member Avatar for rori

Hi, I have a page on my website where I put an iframe and display inside it another website, something like this: [CODE] <iframe frameborder="0" height="100%" scrolling="yes" src="http://www.another-website.com/" style="overflow: scroll; min-height: 600px;" width="100%"></iframe> [/CODE] My problem is that my page have a fixed width of for example 800px which the …

Member Avatar for fxm
Member Avatar for 111ron222

Hello, I have a lightbox (jQuery) in my website and I'm looking for a way that I will be able to connect people from link direct to the open window using the lightbox mechanism. Is that possible to that using a link the lightbox windows will open in over the …

Member Avatar for ctrenks

I am building a custom content management system and I am not seeing how i can add elements above and below. I have elemnts (text area, header span, data display code) in a database and want to add them to a page, i can do 1 into a marked div …

Member Avatar for Mestika

Hi, I want to create some kind of AJAX script or call that continuously will check a MySQL database if any new messages has arrived. When there is a new message in the database, the AJAX script should invoke a kind of alert box or message box. I’m not quite …

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for rukshilag

working on a form to update particular user details if required. as you can see there is also a print button. i want to know how i can print out the div=formData if print button is clicked. according to my current code when print is pressed the whole form itself …

Member Avatar for vitana
Member Avatar for tsachin1

Hi all, I need to know this one. I have web application and i need functionality like client have certain pdf file on his/her local system. I want to use html/javascrpit to print these pdf files without opening. Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for vitana
Member Avatar for Blacklister

hey, I need a 24 hr i.e 00:00 to 23:59 timepicker in javascript. Precisely, the requirement is such that the database format are 24 hr timestamps. Hence I cant use am or pm time pickers.. Plz help guyzz..

Member Avatar for Airshow

The End.