15,117 Topics

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Member Avatar for johndoe444

Here is the code copied from w3schools ([url]http://www.w3schools.com/ajax/tryit.asp?filename=tryajax_suggest):[/url] [CODE]<html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function showHint(str) { if (str.length==0) { document.getElementById("txtHint").innerHTML=""; return; } if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {// code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest(); } else {// code for IE6, IE5 xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } xmlhttp.onreadystatechange=function() { if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4) { …

Member Avatar for bharathivkmani
Member Avatar for phaedrusGhost

I have looked at quite a few posts on the issue and there seem to be several ways of doing this which is causing me confusion. The validation errors are popping up properly but the form is sent without entry in the form fields. I have tried a few different …

Member Avatar for fobos
Member Avatar for kumaresen

i have a error in this program...i m tryin to write a java GUI program that converts character to corresponding integer and vice versa...tis is my code...can anyone help me solve the error???the error is : 1 error found: File: C:\Users\Kumaresen Nair\Desktop\Conversion.java [line: 58] Error: The local variable word may …

Member Avatar for stbuchok
Member Avatar for YCP1

Let's debate about the flaws and the benefits of Javascript and HTML/HTML5 and how effectivaly they work together. Lets also talk about what improvements you would like to see in future developments of both. i would love to see every ones opinions.

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for vizz

following is my code,It need to include function on index.php. But, I want to make it **counter.js** I tried my best but I failed to make that. can anyone help me? <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-1.3.2.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> // JavaScript Function $(document).ready(function() { $('.slogan_main').slogan_main(); $('.slogan_social').slogan_social(); $('#social_media').social_media(); }); $.fn.extend({ social_media: function() { return …

Member Avatar for vizz
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, I'm getting `this.form undefined` error message when I submit it. Do I miss anything? Thanks function signup_scramble(uid) { alert(uid.value); return false; } <form action="do_signup" method="post" onsubmit="return signup_scramble(this.form.text_username)"> Username : <input type="text" name="text_username" value="" /><br /> Password : <input type="password" name="text_password" value="" /><br /> <input type="submit" name="submit_button" value="Signup" /> </form>

Member Avatar for veledrom
Member Avatar for jacksantho

Hi, Am using index page with the iframe and redirecting to the login page(login.html). On going to the page, index.html, am getting redirected to login.html. In login.html, it's ask for USERNAME and the PASSWORD. On entering, wrong username or the password, my iframe size keeps on decreasing on each submit …

Member Avatar for fobos
Member Avatar for riahc3

Hey I want to declare a variable that is global that I can use (and modify) all over my website. Ive read that I may be able to do it with jQuery but not sure how to (more importantly, where). Its a simple text field, nothing else. Specifically it must …

Member Avatar for fobos
Member Avatar for Casperjames

Hey all, writing some code but keep getting a javascript related "Not Implemented" error. The code is window.onload=setTimeout('loadAll()',10); The code works fine but the error is annoying in that "An error has occured.." keeps popping up. Oh how I love cross browser coding. Anyways, any input is appreciated, thanks!

Member Avatar for Casperjames
Member Avatar for riahc3

Hey Let me see how I describe this.... I have a textbox (inside of a form) and that form also has a button that calls a Javascript function that does some unrelated stuff. This is all inside of Lightbox. I want to be able to type in text in that …

Member Avatar for emclondon
Member Avatar for Captain_Ludd

Hello all, Im new here and looking for some advice re the google maps javascript API (which im also pretty new at) The background: I have managed to get some pages that use the googlemaps interface up and running add markers to them etc and allow the user view directions …

Member Avatar for 72dpi
Member Avatar for cassied

Hey everyone, Does anyone know of any good JavaScript 3D charts? I found a Pie chart that works pretty nicely (http://keith-wood.name/gChart.html), but now looking for a 3D bar chart. Thanks, Cassie :)

Member Avatar for joehms22
Member Avatar for shandoosheri

hi i have this variable which looks like this ؛‎ ‎002005 And i want to split it into two halfs three each . What i want to do is to put the first 3 numbers in a new variable and to remove its starting zero padding to get only 2 …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for lambing

Does anyone knows how to make a particular website their default home page when they click the button "Make this site your homepage" using javascript. This sample code works in IE, but other browsers doesn't know this code. [CODE] this.style.behavior = 'url(#default#homepage)'; this.setHomePage('http://localhost/getuptodate/php/getuptodate.php'); [/CODE] Could someone help me in figuring …

Member Avatar for raZEel
Member Avatar for rohit_static

I have a jsp page which has post comment box. I have written a servlet which takes a comment from the text area for the comment box and writes the comment to the database and redirects all the comments stored in the database to the page for display(using request dispatcher). …

Member Avatar for Philippe.Lahaie
Member Avatar for basketmen

I have a php file lets say file1.php, that printing a variable, its dynamic numbers output that already always increasing, like private message numbers that coming or others : <?php echo $variable ?> i want to put that variable output, in another files page title, lets say file2.php or file3.html, …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for cpat258

I made a box in css and what i want that box to do is basically spin. However, I need the slider to control the speed of the box. I dont know why it doesnt work. Can someone help me please? This is my html code <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> …

Member Avatar for fobos
Member Avatar for cpat258

I made a box in css and what i want that box to do is basically spin. However, I need the slider to control the speed of the box. I dont know why it doesnt work. Can someone help me please? This is my html code <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> …

Member Avatar for kamyarn
Member Avatar for pavankumarr

Hi, I want to download file(pdf) using save dialog when user clicks a link from Html Page. There is html page where i used anchor tag to open a PopUp window(aspx form) where user will enter his details and submit the details which will save in database.After submitting the details …

Member Avatar for kaosjon

Hi, i am trying to add some realtime form validation for my registration page, however only my email input is displaying the either correct or error output that it should, and neither my username or password are, I have tried for the past couple of hours to see what is …

Member Avatar for kaosjon
Member Avatar for phorce

Hello, I'm working on an image-gallery type application and I have got the images to work, in that the gallery works and the image changes at the particular interval. BUT, I need a way to stop the images changing when you mouse over the event. Here is what I have …

Member Avatar for Sahil89
Member Avatar for FutureWebDev

When you assign an element of a window to a variable with getElementById() or getElementByName(), that variable is referring to an Element Object that is a property of the Window Object. This behavior is not true for frames, however; the value of the name or ID of a frame element …

Member Avatar for FutureWebDev
Member Avatar for FutureWebDev

When you assign an element of a window to a variable with getElementById() or getElementByName(), that variable is referring to an Element Object that is a property of the Window Object. This behavior is not true for frames, however; the value of the name or ID of a frame element …

Member Avatar for vizz

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.3.2/jquery.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.appelsiini.net/projects/jeditable/jquery.jeditable.js"></script> <script type='text/javascript'> $(document).ready(function(){ $('.edit').editable('save.php', { id : 'name', name : 'newvalue' }); }); </script> <ul> <li>Name:- <div class="edit" id="name"><?php echo"$name"; ?></div></li> <li>Surname:- <div class="edit" id="surname"><?php echo"$surname"; ?></div></li> <li>Login ID:- <div class="edit" id="login"><?php echo"$login"; ?></div></li> </ul> *newvalue=user edited content id=elements id* This is my code …

Member Avatar for vizz
Member Avatar for fobos

Hello, i have this piece of code that counts the number of words in a td based off the class of the td. It works find if all the words inside the td's are the same, but if i change one, it doesnt work. <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script> <script …

Member Avatar for fobos
Member Avatar for collinskawere

hello guys! am trying to put time on my website, and i want the seconds to be changing each time, but untill you refresh page! i've tred using the setTimeout() method, but to no avail! help please. this is my code: // Page Times JavaScript Document window.onload = initDate; var …

Member Avatar for stbuchok
Member Avatar for hptchen

hi guys... i really need help on this one... i try to put a form like this <script> function checkuser() { var xmlhttp; if(window.XMLHttpRequest) { xmlhttp=new window.XMLHttpRequest(); //for mozilla } else { try { xmlHttp=new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) { xmlHttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } } xmlhttp.onreadystatechange=function() { if(xmlhttp.readyState == 4 && …

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Member Avatar for azareth

URGENT: guys i really need your help with this. I have been debugging my program for days but it doesn't seem to be improving this is the code for the table layout: <table border="1" id="COT_Table" onclick="getTableID(this)"> <td rowspan="3" scope="row">COT</td> <th colspan="4" scope="col">SFAL</th> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" scope="col">Temperature</td> <td rowspan="2" scope="row">vol …

Member Avatar for cpat258

What i have to do is make a slider and that slider controls the speed of a spinning box. How to get the slider to control the speed with javascript? <!DOCTYPE html> <style> .twirl { -webkit-animation:bluespin 3s linear infinite } @-webkit-keyframes bluespin { from { -webkit-transform:rotate(25deg); } to { -webkit-transform:rotate(400deg); …

Member Avatar for cpat258
Member Avatar for nan2

have data in this format =[{"Name":"A","children":[{"Name":"C","children":[{"Name":"CC",children":[{"Name":"TC","count":1,"children": want it in readable/xml format to make it easily understand like A:C:CC:TC and then A:B:BB etc to clearly shw the structure basically. how to do??? thanx


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