15,688 Topics

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Member Avatar for samsam9988

Hi, <script language="JavaScript"> function Validate() { var image =document.getElementById("image").value; if(image!=''){ var checkimg = image.toLowerCase(); if (!checkimg.match(/(\.jpg|\.png|\.JPG|\.PNG|\.jpeg|\.JPEG)$/)){ alert("Please enter Image File Extensions .jpg,.png,.jpeg"); document.getElementById("image").focus(); return false; } } return true; } function refreshParent() { var URL = unescape(window.opener.location.pathname); var PARMS = unescape(window.opener.location.search); // window.opener.location.href=window.opener.location.href; var ms = new Date().getTime(); window.opener.location.href="/HousewareAdmin-web/categories_create/"+ms+PARMS; } …

Member Avatar for lps
Member Avatar for extjac

Hello, what would be the best way to prvent people to run a php script/file that is on ajax.post(URL) $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: 'http://www.mydomain.com/ajax/somefile.php?action=insert', data: data, success: success, dataType: dataType }); if you see code above...let's say that an advanced user or hacker go to: http://www.mydomain.com/ajax/somefile.php?action=insert i would like to …

Member Avatar for extjac
Member Avatar for penet.biz

I need that when i click a button to open a popup text box(something like the box used for images) , and i need to use it whith php , to put it in php code so i can put it to show me a php string that i extract …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for wheels031799

What I am trying to do is a prize page that comes up every XX pages surfed. The new page would consist of three muscle cars that the user would click on their choice (hood is down). Choice would appear with hood up, showing engine which would have a changeable …

Member Avatar for wheels031799
Member Avatar for PhilEaton

I am trying to check for the background of an element, here is my code. But it doesn't work: I tried two ways, here is the first: function changeColor(field) { if(field.css('background-color','#ffb100')) { field.css('background-color','white'); } else { field.css('background-color','ffb100'); } } here is the second: function changeColor(field) { if(field.css('background-color') === '#ffb100') { …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for katties

Hi I have a function that reads a numeric value from a dropdown menu 'onchange'; the thing is, I have a couple of menus like that, and I would love to make my function more generic, so it would not need to be repeated every time for every dropdown menu... …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for biomedpro

hello, I seem to be having an issue. I can not get my Ajax contact form to work on IE. It seems to break the page and everything runs together and all print is layered on top of itself. Any thoughts?

Member Avatar for biomedpro
Member Avatar for freakthemighty

I'm building a CMS in PHP and this is my first attempt to use ajax to do something cool. It's making my queryies problematic, however. I'm writing in this forum because my PHP forms worked fine before I did the following: On my index page, I have a header with …

Member Avatar for freakthemighty
Member Avatar for jateshs1007

I need a guidance for making a website. I wanted to know how can I make a website like, from the below websites. 1. http://www.mohi.me/ 2. http://leotartari.com/ I am interested in learning the slider of each section. I know the all basics (HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, ...). So please just …

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Member Avatar for wasim kazi

Hello, I have one CMS with fixed layout. In that I have make few changes depends on my current URL. If I am on my home page so This class given below is **div.layout-column.column-main.with-column-1.with-column-2 = width:790;** And If I am of some other page so this same class look like …

Member Avatar for wasim kazi
Member Avatar for lewilaloupe

Hi, Can't find what I am looking for anywhere and it's driving me crazy. I have a page on which I have 10 spots for images. Each spot needs to fade in/out about 5 images each, in a continuous loop. I can fade in/out on multiple images in a loop …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for PhilEaton

How can I execute a function that will run while the client is waiting for the server response? Here is my code. I looked up and found a .load() function, but how does that fit into this? Any help would be great! Thanks $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "mail.php", data: {name: …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for calebcook

Hi. I'm trying to create a small editor for a website. One of the features is a drag and drop interface. I'd like for the user to be able to drag elements to another position in the page. I was thinking of having an iFrame of the site, and applying …

Member Avatar for DarkMonarch
Member Avatar for grant.baker

Hi I'm working on a form validation script. Up to this point, I've only written very basic regex validations. The input that I'm trying to validate should have entries in the following format AAA111 separated by comma space. So some sample entries are : `ABC111` or `ABC111, ABC112, ABC113`. Here's …

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Member Avatar for maranda.blanks

Simple instant price quote calculator javascript Hi there, I am trying to come up with an instant price quote calculator in javascript. Below is a sample of what I need Price per Meal Price per Week Shipping & Handling included Tax estimated Total Please let me know what other information …

Member Avatar for lps
Member Avatar for Violet_82

Hi there, I am working on a website at the moment and I am using the firefox console quite a lot. I am in the process of testing a script and I have noticed something really odd, hopefully somebody might be able to tell me whether there is something I …

Member Avatar for Troy III
Member Avatar for wheels031799

TrafficMad Dear Sir, I am trying to help a friend develop a “ prize page” for an existing site. While researching this I came across a script that I think this script could be adapted for my idea without too much trouble. Below my signature is the old “Lets Make …

Member Avatar for wheels031799
Member Avatar for nobuts

I have some line of javascript which is works well if it gets value from the same series of names. But I have a problem later when each values passed to another page which I'd like to break down which value is belongs to. So the question is how can …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for jckb188

Hello! I am trying to figure out how to dynamically generate div ids, and then use onclick in correspondence with an image to pull up the correct div. I have been stumbling on this for two weeks and don't know where to turn at this point. Below is the current …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for kaito-poland

Hi every one. I have a problem with combinning two scripts. Fisrt script is working perfectly and taking stuf from mysql: function showUser(str) { if (str=="") { document.getElementById("txtHint").innerHTML=""; return; } if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {// code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest(); } else {// code for IE6, IE5 xmlhttp=new …

Member Avatar for kaito-poland
Member Avatar for xjshiya

Hello! I have a code here that has a dropdown box which is populated with data from mysql table, itinerary to be spicific (e.g. Tokyo- London, London - Tokyo, etc.). I also have a textbox that displays the block time (no. of hours required to travel a specific itinerary) of …

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Member Avatar for jackfusion

Not to sure what to do say but here it goes. I am trying to test when a certain part of my page is in focus to display a message box. Here is the page [Click Here](http://yftg.ca/Untitled-5.html). I would like this code to running at all times when on this …

Member Avatar for jackfusion
Member Avatar for vishalonne

My code is working in IE 8 but not working properly in FireFox and Google Chrome. Actually by JQuery I am loading html page in div in same page this working properly in IE but in FF and in GC page opens but not in div it open like target_self …

Member Avatar for Atli
Member Avatar for karthikprs

Hi friends, I'm trying to do a online test software in which i would like to provide the user an option to calculate the answer in case of math questions. please give me ur valuable ideas. My reqt: On click of calculate(a button) the windows calculator should be invoked.

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for veranopage

Need help converting Excel File or CSV to HTML, this project also cant use php, as it must be local, any ideas?

Member Avatar for AleMonteiro
Member Avatar for Webintraining

2. Write a custom error handling JavaScript function called processErrors that handles a custom error by assigning it to the onerror event handler. Include the block of JavaScript statements needed to pass the arguments sent by the JavaScript interpreter into the processErrors function, send an alert message with the agreements, …

Member Avatar for Webintraining
Member Avatar for godzab

Here is my form.html <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function ajax() { var aj; if(window.XMLHttpRequest) { aj = new XMLHttpRequest(); } else { aj = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } aj.onreadystate = function() { if(aj.ready == 4) { document.getElementById("text").innerHTML = aj.responseText; } }; var param = document.forms["fo"]["text"].value; aj.open("GET", "try.php" , true); aj.send(); } …

Member Avatar for esma.ramirez
Member Avatar for technoknol

Hi Friends, I have written one HTML page in which i have on button with window.open function. so it opens in new tab. but i want it to open in it frame in that HTML page. Is it possible any how ? Or is there other way ? **Thanks**

Member Avatar for esma.ramirez
Member Avatar for arctushar

<script type="text/javascript"> $("div #search_ayat_div").click(function(){ var link1='?verse='; var link2=$(this).html(); link=link1.concat(link2); link=link.replace(":","/"); window.location.replace(link); }); $("div #bookmark").click(function(){ var messageid = $(this).parent().children("#search_ayat_div").html(); var div_id=$(this).attr('id'); $.post("command.php",{ command:'bookmark', verse:messageid },function(result){ if(result=='yes'){ $(this).css({ "border":"medium solid #FF0000" }); alert("Successfully Bookmarked"); } if(result=='no'){ alert("Already Bookmarked"); } }); }); </script> Here at line 17 $(this) is not working. Remember there …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for jellej

I have a jQuery tabs slider that auto rotates and depending on the slide it will adjust the background of the `<div>` element it is in. Auto rotate goes fine, the correct background is loaded, but when I manually click the tabs, it doesn't take the correct values. It's almost …

Member Avatar for Taywin

The End.