I have some images 5 or 6 that are 800 x 300 i use in my website banner.
The start loading but when number one is 1/3 of the way teh next one starts then the next, it looks real messy nee some way to preload them ... like black square or something .... so they dont stagger like a drunk trying to load ...lol
code i used below
<script language="JavaScript">
// configuration structure
var A_TPL = {
// transition duration in seconds
'transtime': .5,
// slide time in seconds
'slidetime': 1,
// width of the slide (optional)
'width' : 800,
// height of the slide (optional)
'height': 300,
// css class assigned to the <img> (optional)
'css' : ''
// list of images to display
var A_ITEMS = [<?php
$directory = "banner/";
$s_path = ($directory);
$a_types = array ('jpg', 'jpeg');
$a_images = array ();
$h_dir = opendir($s_path);
while ($s_file = readdir($h_dir)) {
$s_type = strtolower(substr(strrchr($s_file, '.'), 1));
if (in_array($s_type, $a_types))
array_push($a_images, "\n\t\t'$s_path$s_file'");
echo join(',', $a_images);
// fader initialization
var mySlideShow = new tFader (A_ITEMS, A_TPL);