I have an image rotator that uses nested intervals. The outer one switches the images, and the inner one preforms the fade. The problem is is that the display is not updated during the interval function, and so, the fade is not displayed; the new image just appears- no fade. Is there anyway to force the display to update during the interval? Here is the code:
rotate: function() {
intA = null;
intB = null;
elem = 1;
pass = true;
o = 0;
intA = setInterval(function() {
if(elem == 1 && pass == false) {
rotator.elems[rotator.elems.length - 1].style.display = "none";
rotator.elems[rotator.elems.length - 1].style.opacity = '0';
rotator.elems[rotator.elems.length - 1].style.mozOpacity = '0';
rotator.elems[rotator.elems.length - 1].style.filter = "alpha(opacity=0)";
pass = true;}
else {
rotator.elems[elem].style.display = "block";
intB = setInterval(function() {
rotator.elems[elem].style.opacity = o * .01;
rotator.elems[elem].style.mozOpacity = o * .01;
rotator.elems[elem].style.filter = "alpha(opacity=" + o + ")";
if(o == 101) {
o = 0;}}, 5);
if(elem >= rotator.elems.length) {
for(i = 1; i < rotator.elems.length - 1; i++) {
rotator.elems[i].style.display = "none";
rotator.elems[i].style.opacity = '0';
rotator.elems[i].style.mozOpacity = '0';
rotator.elems[i].style.filter = "alpha(opacity=0)";}
elem = 1;
pass = false;}}, rotator.time + 500);}
rotator.time is value higher than 2000 ms.