15,688 Topics
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Can anyone help? I want to execute a function depending on what select dropdown is chosen. The select name is dynamic so I need it to happen in one function loop For e.g. The following function works and returns the correct class but its not going to work for my … | |
I am desperately trying to figure out HOW to add tracking code to my rotating banner. I have random "onload", rotating banner ads on my website. The script works like a charm and will randomly load a banner ad when you go to the site and will continue rotating the … | |
Hi frnds.... i need Javascript Validations...these validations by using [B]onchange or onblur[/B] events..i mean when focus out from a textbox or any field then immediatley shows the error msg and focus will be at error field(not after submitting the form)..i want error immediatley focus out from the field...plz provide 4 … | |
Hello everyone... I'm learning jquery from 3 days using online tutorial.. Can anyone tell me why is it that the carousel on page [B][url]http://web.enavu.com/demos/3dcarouselwip/[/url][/B] works on firefox and chrome but not in IE? | |
hi, i need creat some elements for example textfield and a combolist using dom. what i find so far was very complex examples that donĀ“t do what i need that is only creat a text field and a combolist with custum values inside. any one can help me? thanks a … | |
Hi all I'm having serious issues trying to get [URL="http://cherne.net/brian/resources/jquery.hoverIntent.html"]Hoverintent[/URL] and Mootools 1.2.4 working together. I've tried using the [URL="http://api.jquery.com/jQuery.noConflict/"]noConflict code[/URL] from jQuery's website but it still won't work. How and what must I modify in Hoverintent to get it to work with Mootools? | |
hi all, i have a code that add dynamic row and it has an option that it allow to delete rows by checking checkboxes. can anyone help me to check all checkoboxes at here is my code [CODE]<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> Add/Remove dynamic rows in HTML table </TITLE> <SCRIPT language="javascript"> function … | |
Maybe someone can figure this out because I sure have been having problems with it. I am looking to have a javascript that can be included a page that can highlight or set a border for a the div, p, span, or img DOM element when clicked on. Now this … | |
I'm really new to javascript how do I make it that when I click a button a number on my page in the <p> tag with the Id of num gets 1 added to it so it i like 2,3,4,5 each time I click | |
Hi, Where can I get the DataPager (js) code? I'm not using .net 3.5, but would like to take a look at the implementation. Thanks, Sharon | |
[url]http://www.lincolnsrealdeals.com/loc2f.php[/url] produces three javascript errors: Line 49, Column 27: character ";" not allowed in attribute specification list Line 49, Column 27: element "innerdivs.length" undefined Line 54, Column 9: end tag for "innerdivs.length" omitted, but OMITTAG NO was specified What are the errors really saying? | |
Hi, I have a table in a database that gets populated by a client application. Whenever an entry is written to the table I want to fetch the data (which contains the longitude and latitude) and display a marker on Google Maps. I am using the Google Maps Javascript V3 … | |
I am copying from microsoft word a simple word into my application(rich text editor).. i get special characters added to it. how can i get rid of them? how can i solve the issue? thank you | |
Hi all I have multiple select boxes that have various options such as 'bangles', 'rings', 'earings' etc and I have a div that doesn't display until an option has been selected from one of the select boxes. If the option 'rings' is selected I don't want to display the div … | |
i have a form that i'd like to duplicate on the press of a button? [code] echo "<form enctype='multipart/form-data' action='rapidinsert.php' method='post' name='changer'> <br /><br /> <font color='#D99C29' face='Arial' size='3px'>Add Noun </font><input type='text' name='noun' value='' size='30' /> <input type='submit' value='Submit' style='font-size:10px' /> <input type='submit' value='Add form' style='font-size:10px' /> </form>";[/code] How do … | |
Hello, I am currently developing a review site that requires displaying video reviews. I have created a PHP page that successfully retrieves all records from my video database called reviews.php. I have also created a page that a user gets redirected to when he/she selects a video entitled watch.php. The … | |
I'm trying to put some text which will confuse HTML parser inside the CDATA section for javascript to access. But seems it won't work in both firefox and Internet Explorer. In Firefix, it will treat it as comment, it's still possible to remove the <!-- and --> go get back … | |
Hi I'm trying to create a professional looking JQuery Slideshow for the website I am currently working on. I know the basic syntax of JQuery and could really use some help on how to create this. I have tried making one using JQuery and CSS, but it ultimately did not … | |
I'm new to javascript but have managed to create the following with tidbits from the web....What I can't get done is how to get the function refresh to stop after X amount of times or X amount of time. Any help would be greatly appreciated. [CODE] <html> <head> <title></title> <style … | |
Hi guys, I am developing an invoice project. I am calculating amount of each section and assigning in grand total. For multiple invoice body section, I am adding dynamic html code using jquery append function. I am successfully added section and removed. When I added new invoice body on click … | |
hi everyone, i have a login form on index page, and the login form needs some jquery, so after user has pressed login button (and successfully logged in) another page loads in. And this new loaded page also needs jquery, it means i have to load jquery.js file again. So … | |
hi i can't seem to find the part that i'm getting wrong below, but i've narrowed it down to the bit where i'm trying to pass the querystring forward in file 2 in file 2 i'm using $_GET to grab the key from file 1, echoing it as a HTML … | |
I have developed an interface in javascript.It has various drop-down menus.Now I want to connect these menus with data forms.Later I want them to save the data form file.Please suggest me how to connect them,so that a save file message is popped up. | |
Hello any one please tell me how to select and unselect all images in javascript just like checkboxes | |
[code] <script webstyle4>document.write('<scr'+'ipt src="xaramenu.js">'+'</scr'+'ipt>');document.write('<scr'+'ipt src="tea.js">'+'</scr'+'ipt>');/*img src="tea.gif" moduleid="Tea Project (Project)\tea_off.xws"*/</script> [/code] I have just taken on the maintenance of an existing site that was built using Dreamweaver. I do not use front-end builders, so the code above has me confused. I understand the scripts, but not some of the other stuff. … | |
Hi, I'm trying to create a javascript plugin but the problem is that the users of the plugin will most likely keep the plugin in another folder than me. So my options is to either let the user set in the plugin's directory in a variable into the javascript itself … | |
Hi guys, I was wondering if it was possible to call a specific PHP function using AJAX instead of calling a whole page. An example: [code] function MakeRequest() { var xmlHttp = getXMLHTTP(); xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = function() { if(xmlHttp.readyState == 4) { document.getElementById('provinceDiv').innerHTML = xmlHttp.responseText; } } xmlHttp.open("GET", "FindProvinces.php", true); xmlHttp.send(null); … | |
Why is that when i click the button the sound will not play when i hide the player? I want the player to be hidden. I want when i click the button it will play. Please help me solve this problem. thank you.. some codes please?... thnx | |
Hello. i need your experience so that's what i want: first i don't know ajax but i know that ajax maybe what i need because i want to build a dynamic web page that it's composed from 4 categories each one a bloc so i have 4 bloc in each … | |
Does anyone know? I dont have experience in jquery , and as far i know by default all panels inherit the height of the 1st panel ,depending of the quantity of the content inside it. In the content of each panel will be dynamic content, of different size thats why … |
The End.