15,117 Topics

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Member Avatar for jj.amonit

I can't get this to work in Google chrome. It's supposed to display after being processed by the php file. here's the javascript <code> ajaxRequest.onreadystatechange = function(){ if(ajaxRequest.readyState == 4){ var ajaxDisplay = document.getElementById('ajaxDiv'); ajaxDisplay.innerHTML = ajaxRequest.responseText; } } </code> here's the html/css code <code> <div id='ajaxDiv'><p></p></div> </code> Here's the …

Member Avatar for fxm
Member Avatar for louiscos77

Hy every body, what I am making is some functions for other people to make figures with pixels. So I put two documents: imagepixel.html [CODE=dhtml] <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta name="author" content="Someone"/> <meta name="description" content="my webpage ..."/> <meta name="keywords" content="my, webpage"/> <title>image by pixel</title> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="imagepixel.js"></script> <script language="JavaScript" …

Member Avatar for louiscos77
Member Avatar for ShunT

Hello, a few months ago I started not being able to view javascript. Google ads, chats, javascript popups, chats ect. I use Mozilla firefox but I have the same prob on IE (Yes javascript is enabled on both). I use XP and run Nortions Internet Sec 2005 although I have …

Member Avatar for imnotmyself
Member Avatar for ms_sws

I have a table that looks like: [CODE] <table id="mytable" border="2" width="640px"> <tr> <td></td> <td><b>Col 1</b></td> <td><b>Col 2</b></td> <td><b>Col 3</b></td> <td><b>Col 4</b></td> <td><b>Col 5</b></td> <td><b>Col 6</b></td> <td><b>Col 7</b></td> </table> [/CODE] and a function to add a row and cells in the row that looks like: [CODE] function addRow() { //add …

Member Avatar for ms_sws
Member Avatar for ms_sws

I have built a marquee of images that scrolls inside a cell of a table. The marquee width, of course, is dictated by the width of the cell. But I don't want the number of images that actually scroll inside the marquee to cut off based on the width of …

Member Avatar for ms_sws
Member Avatar for runjel

i have a problem regarding light box focus.. i have a button that whenever i click the button it will call the light box.. there are 2 function . [CODE] function focus_on_lightbox(seconds) { var seconds_waited seconds_waited = seconds document.getElementById(EducationBox).focus(); seconds_waited += 100; if (document.getElementById(EducationBox) != document.activeElement && seconds_waited < 2000) …

Member Avatar for fxm
Member Avatar for Jayesh Bhoot

I have to develop a code editor as my internship project. But I could not find a head start in a brief search. Firstly what should I, in your opinion, develop? A desktop code editor or an online code editor? Currently I am inclined for an online code editor. However, …

Member Avatar for Jayesh Bhoot
Member Avatar for capoon

Good day every body, this my script can submit form inputs to email.but i wants it to equally display another page on submit.to this effect i have add this code below to the body of the main code but its not working.U can see where i added it at bottom …

Member Avatar for fxm
Member Avatar for sureshrajanmca
Member Avatar for techie929

Hi Everyone, I have to create a dynamic HTML page that actually contains two separate HTML forms.Can anyone tell me how can I create two forms in a single HTML page. Thanks.

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for bigmouthmonster

Write the ideal weight calculator so that height in inches is entered by using a slider. Use the approximate formula: W = H2 / 30 , for female W = H2 / 28 , for male where W is the ideal weight in pounds, H is the height in inches …

Member Avatar for graphixdb2009

I have just used facebox in my development and it works well in FF and Safari but it doesn't work in IE. This is site I got it from [url]http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex4/facebox/index.htm[/url] I site I am working on is [url]http://www.bayglassinc.com[/url] Any suggestions

Member Avatar for Moderns

Hi friends, I have prblem that I need to view tab #2 when loading the index page, here is part of the index, it goes to tab1 as per the javascript function below (.tab_content:first).show, I tried (.tab_content:second).show but it did not work! Also I was unable to activiate first class.. …

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Member Avatar for sanraj25

Hi In my web page i am using tweetmeme button java script code.its working fine.When i was trying to put js code inside ajax content,and click the ajax callback button the entire page shows blank page.I thought the reason for this is java script using window.location.href.But i am not sure …

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Member Avatar for yenfa

Hello I need to build an interactive shopping page for a client. Now, what I need is an ajax/javascript coding.. What I need is similar to [url]http://www.switchflops.com/cart/home.php?ctype=ballet[/url] When you click a shoe image thumbnail, an image of the shoe will appear, and then when on the accessory thumbnail, the shoe …

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Member Avatar for greatseth

Hi, im trying to make a quiz in which we can alternate b/w 2 questions for now....The thing im trying to do is that suppose we're on question 1, we answer and proceed to question 2, when i come back to question 1, that answer should be visible in the …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for anumitadas

when i am running this every page is taking the default fist value I have seven tab each tab having links now I want to highlight specific tab for which the link has been chosen but script is not working plz help here is the script <script type="text/javascript"> /*********************************************** * …

Member Avatar for PetrQ

Hi folks, please help. My php script combine different fetch records and I use the jQuery pagination as the kind of menu. (jPagine from [URL="http://www.phpixel.fr/jpagine/"]http://www.phpixel.fr/jpagine/[/URL] I need change page numbers to words. I know the total number of pages. I tried use array in javascript but without success ... Many …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for runjel

can someone help me setting up a log in form that can be found here in dani.. whenever you clicked the login link a box will appear wherein in thix box you can input your username and password?

Member Avatar for runjel
Member Avatar for RamRod53

So, I am new here and have a few questions about using the "this" keyword in Javascript. I am new to javascript but have much experience with C++. First question, is the "this" keyword just like using self? Secondly, if it is like self, and I use it in say …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for joewinsock

ok, the link to site [url]http://www.hypn0ticproductionz.com/hptestsite[/url] if you click on the buttons to the side and then click on the bottom one again. it doesn't take it back to the original spot if you take a look at it you will see what i mean what is in RED is …

Member Avatar for albertkao

Pressing the enter key of the following page (created by JSP) submit page more than once. Both alert popup boxes appear as expected: alert('i ' + i + ' elem[i].checked ' + elem[i].checked); alert('alarmgroup ' + alarmgroup + ' rowsPerPage ' + rowsPerPage); appear. However, then this alert appear again, …

Member Avatar for fxm
Member Avatar for drewpark88

Hey Everyone, I have a blog that has three content/picture boxes on each page at the top. Below these boxes is the actual text content. Well what I want to do is create a script that will scroll smoothly down just right after those three boxes. This may sound confusing …

Member Avatar for fxm
Member Avatar for WickidGRAFX

I have some ad code in a smarty .tpl file that I want to refresh every 10 seconds so it will load a new ad. My ads are getting plenty of views but I want people to multilple ads in one page view instead of when the whole page is …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for andrew89

I have created a script that will send form data via XMLHTTP using POST and then update a div with the results. This is working fine as the correct results are displaying in the table, however I am having a few issues with launching some JQuery effects. The problem I …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for WaleedaaN

Dear all, i have checkbox ex: [CODE] <?PHP $price_1 = $100 $price_2 = $10 ?> <input type=checkbox name=products[] value=id_1> buy host <input type=checkbox name=products[] value=id_2> buy domain blah blah.... [/CODE] now i want added the javascript when check box someone show the price in text input ex: [CODE]<input type=checkbox name=products[] …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for WaleedaaN

hello all, i have this code [CODE]<script type="text/JavaScript"> function checkbox_click (number) { alert("number is" + number); } </script>[/CODE] [CODE]echo "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"boxname\" " value=\"5\" onClick=\"checkbox_click('3');\" /> \n"; [/CODE] i want add more code in javascript when is check show me in input text the number and when i check mutlti …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for sugumarclick

Hi All, I'm developing a Calendar project . I have all the concepts and framework with me upto my knowledge. I need to show the events on a particular day which i will fetch it from mysql values by PHP. Forgive me if im not posting in a professional way. …

Member Avatar for littlealien88
Member Avatar for albertkao

My javascript function setHw is not called by pressing the return key in all of the following pages. Please help. [CODE]<div id="rowPerPageDiv"> <form name="tagform" action="Hw.htm" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="currPage" value="0"/> Rows Per Page<input type="text" name="rowsPerPage" id="rowsPerPage" value="20" onsubmit="return setHw()"/> <input type="button" value="Apply" onClick="setHw()"><br> </form> </div>[/CODE] [CODE]<div id="rowPerPageDiv"> <form name="tagform"> <input …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for ultimatebuster

I'm pretty new to JavaScript. I'm trying to define my custom errors, but it doesn't seems to be working [CODE] function MyError(msg){ this.message = msg this.name = "My Error" } window.onload = function(){ try{ throw new MyError("Test Message"); } catch(e) { alert(e.name + ": " + e.message); } } [/CODE] …

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The End.