15,127 Topics
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INDEX.html Home Page 1. There is a banner ad at the top of the index page called banner1.jpg. Create a cycling banner ad using the 3 banner ad images supplied on the disk (bannerad1.jpg, bannerad2.jpg and bannerad3.jpg). Add a link to bannerad2 that will take the user to [url]www.example.com[/url] and … | |
I have a table with a bunch of check boxes, this is not a plug:(found at [url]http://www.enhancementresearch.com/penis-enlargement.htm[/url]), I am trying to figure out how to store each check boxes value in real time (there is no "Submit" button). I run jQuery through my site and heard that simple data storage … | |
I have tested following code and it works fine in IE but not Mozilla: var ajax = false; if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { ajax = new XMLHttpRequest(); } else if (window.ActiveXObject) { try { ajax = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e1) { try { ajax = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e2) {} … | |
Hello Daniweb, i am having problems with the second button in my rather simple nav. i looked over the code a couple times but i can't seem to figure out why the hover is behaving teh way it is...perhaps someone with fresh eyes can help me out?? my nav: [url]http://elneco.biz/mynav/yeah.html[/url] … | |
Hello, Answer me I am adding multiple function onload in the body. IE showing the correct result but mozilla showing the problem like it showing the last function result in all function results. <body id="body" onload="showUser1('taj-mahal');showUser('taj-mahal');showUser2('taj-mahal');"> can anybody help on this,what is the problem??? and how to short out | |
In IE7 only, I have an issue with disappearing elements/styling. First, my h3 header disappears. The space that it occupies is partially there, but not text is visible, nor is the background or the bottom-border assigned to it. In addition, other divs below the h3 are missing their bottom-border. However, … | |
How can I perserve the session state of a SharePoint browser state using javascript? | |
Is there anyway to close the firefox using javascript without changing the about:config file? | |
My problem is very easy. I have written the following PHP code to generate the arrays of textareas: for ($i=0; $i<length; $i++) { echo '<textarea type="text" name="username'. $i.'" cols="60" rows="4" onkeydown="check_username(this.form.username'. $i. '.value)">'. $sentences_data [$i]. '</textarea> <span id="username_label"></span><br/>'; } The Java function is function check_username(username) { if (ajax) { ajax.open('get','testuser.php?username=' … | |
Google Maps Control in ASP.Net or something like that ... well to get to the point directly ... what i am searching for is embedding Google Maps in my ASP.Net page, want to use the Direction feature that Google Map provides. Now the problem is, although Google Map gives a … | |
Hello, I am trying to resize an external website in an iframe using javascript, but have not found code that works very well. Anyone know how to go about it? Thanks in Advance! | |
Hi all I want to make a statistics script for my website by javascript I know that I can do it by this script: <script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.mywebsite.com/stat.php"></script> But I need to pass some parameters to stat.php for example I need pass the value of window.location how can I do that? … | |
hi friends how to check file upload control empty or not in javascript? I m try to this way but it is not working [CODE]function Empty(){ var sValue.value = document.getElementById('file_input'); if(sValue == ""){ alert("ERROR: Project Image Should be Uplorded..!."); sValue.focus(); } } <input type="file" name="fileField" id="file_input" > <input type="button" value="Send" … | |
I'm having an odd issue here. Basically, I have an AJAX response that is returning HTML that I'm using via innerHTML. The following is a portion of the AJAX response: [CODE]<img id='img_display' width='583px' style='margin-top:62px;' src='../galleries/gallery/img.png' alt='' />~<table ....[/CODE] The following is a small portion of my AJAX code: [CODE]var response … | |
Hi All, The following is a script ive found that lets me type something in and it reads from an array using ajax GET. What im wanting to do is to not require a user to input anything but instead just immediatly call the information from the fixed value that … | |
Hi friends, I have Question About jQuery... I want go get page unload animation[effect]... it is must be fadein effect example is [URL="http://www.mkyong.com/jquery/page-loading-effects-with-jquery/"]http://www.mkyong.com/jquery/page-loading-effects-with-jquery/[/URL] .. But this working at the page load..But i want this at the page unload & reverse order of this animation Please help.......Thanks | |
Hi, I am creating a registration web page where I need the user to input the date of birth, What is the best option to get the date? 3 dropdowns for month, day n year seems to be tedious, though achievable but is there a better way? I could think … | |
Hey Everyone ,, I Am Stuck With My work ,, Pls Help Me Out The Problem IS that i Copy codes from dynamic drives .com and paste them on my webs.com page , But the problem is that ,,only One Code Works At A time !!??? Why The Hell Is … | |
Hi, It is possible to remove (expire) cross subdomain cookies using javascript? For example, Facebook.com creates these cookies in the ".facebook.com" domain:[IMG]http://www.datermine.com/img/MStandaloneImage/full/agpkYXRlcnJtaW5lchgLEhBNU3RhbmRhbG9uZUltYWdlGIn9DQw/[/IMG] I'm creating a chrome extension with a content script that can run javascript within a page in the browser, typically in the 'www' subdomain and I'd like to … | |
I've setup a javascript window.open bit of script to print one div. Is it possible to style the div with css that gets printed, no matter what styling i put around the div, they disappear when i press the print button and it opens this new window with the div … | |
Guys, I have a dynamic HTML table which gets populated by coldfusion and displayed in the page, I have a column called performace which holds numeric values. I need to select the top 3 best performace value in the column and then highlight the entire row in different colours (top … | |
I'm currently creating a basic website but i'm strugling on my menu buttons part. I have created a Home, Info & Contact us buttons etc, but how do I link these so from the home page I can select Info, Contact us etc, then select the home page. If someone … | |
Hello All, I am new to using AJAX.I am using Visual Web Developer 2010 and I followed all the steps given on the [url]http://www.asp.net/ajaxlibrary/act.ashx[/url] web page to install AJAX.However, when I try to run my website,I get the following error: "Could not find any resources appropriate for the specified culture … | |
There is a banner ad at the top of the index page called banner1.jpg. I need help with creating a cycling banner ad using 3 banner ad images (bannerad1.jpg, bannerad2.jpg and bannerad3.jpg). I also need to add a link to bannerad2 that will take the user to [url]www.bigmtn.com[/url] and add … | |
Hi, could someone please point me in the right direction for creating an AJAX page that displays "live" data from a mysql database ? I need the page to update its self every time data changes in a mysql table. Thanks, Mark H. | |
[CODE] <cc1:Accordion ID="Accordion2" runat="server" SelectedIndex="0" TransitionDuration="300" FadeTransitions="true" style="position:absolute; top: 1417px; left: 307px; height: 136px;"> <Panes> <cc1:AccordionPane runat="server"> <Header>SINGLE PRODUCT</Header> <Content> <table bgcolor="#E4D7D1"> <tr> <td class="heading" colspan="4"> Single Product </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="text"> <asp:RadioButton ID="chkHomePhone" runat="server" Text="Home Phone" GroupName="Category" /> </td> <td class="text"> <asp:RadioButton ID="chkInterNet" runat="server" Text="Inter Net" GroupName="Category" /> … | |
Hi, everybody)) In Daniweb when you click LOG IN, the page becomes like inactive, and box appears in the center with username and password fields. And there are many similar effects on other web sites. For example images in LightBox from Yootools. So, do you know any tutorial about how … | |
I have the following DIV that is inside another div that need to be refreshed every 60 seconds. This is the code: [CODE] <div style='padding-left:10px;'> {* SHOW RECENT ACTIVITY LIST *} {* DISPLAY ACTIONS *} {section name=actions_loop loop=$actions} <table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'> <tr> <td valign='top' style='width:55px; height:100%;' rowspan='2'><a href='{$url->url_create("profile", $actions[actions_loop].action_author->user_info.user_username)}'> <img … | |
I am trying to implement maintaining checkbox state across multiple pages in pagination.pagination is working fine.i havenot written that code here. I have written below sample code maintaining checkbox state across multiple pages.;when user clicks checkboxes it calls handleCheckbox funtion and the checkbox id and value will be stored in … | |
When you access a url that has several anchor tags on it. You know what I mean, links at the top that navigate to a specific point in that page by adding a "#name" at the end of the url. In every other browser, if you click on a few … |
The End.