15,113 Topics

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Member Avatar for ohgee

I am currently trying to make an html link that will add elements (specifically, drop down menus) to the current page when you click it. Since I am adding all the elements to the page using JavaScript, I'm not sure how to set up the link to call a function …

Member Avatar for ohgee
Member Avatar for nertos
Member Avatar for sergb
Member Avatar for lf.gene

Hi. I want to know that is there any js that enable to create table in php? Such as <table border=1> <tr> <th>Name</th> </tr> <tr> <td>Gene</td> </tr> </table> I want something like just click upon a button, a new table above will shown on the page. Your help is greatly …

Member Avatar for sergb
Member Avatar for nertos

Hi, how can I hide a url from jquery/ajax code for example: [code] function func123() { $(document).ready(function(){ $.getJSON('[B][/B]', function(res){ ...................... }); }); } [/code] Thx 4 help;)

Member Avatar for sergb
Member Avatar for runjel

hello.. kind of confusing how to make it work.. i want to use a one button for hiding and showing div.. [CODE] $(document).ready(function() { $(".Email").hide(); $("#change").click(function () { $(".Email").slideDown("slow"); $("#change").html("Hide");[/CODE] im using jquery .. when you click the button it will show the div then the button caption will be …

Member Avatar for Thirusha
Member Avatar for lf.gene

Hi all! I'm not a very good coder and i'm down here with a question for you all. Firstly, is it possible to code php within javascript? How? function confirmation() { var answer = confirm("Delete class?") if (answer){ window.location = "deleteClass.php?id=<?php echo $row['idClass'];?>"; } else{ alert("Delete unsuccessful!") } } i'm …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for K?!

Hi all This is what I want to achieve: a fixed positioned div next to my content area where the text changes depending on the section of the content area the user is reading. Can this be achieved, and how? Greetings and thanks in advance, Kenny

Member Avatar for K?!
Member Avatar for khess

I read a [URL="http://www.infoworld.com/d/open-source/open-source-innovation-the-cutting-edge-582"]story[/URL] this morning over at [URL="http://www.infoworld.com"]Infoworld.com[/URL] that shocked me a bit. Neil McAllister discusses how proprietary software companies, like [URL="http://www.microsoft.com"]Microsoft[/URL], criticize open source projects by saying that, "They don't innovate, they copy." Is that really the consensus for an entire software realm that brought us the [URL="http://www.w3.org"]world …

Member Avatar for SikoSoft
Member Avatar for tyson.crouch

G'day, Hopefully someone here may be able to help me solve my little dilemma. I have a check box set up, and along side it i have a text input. When a user enters a value into either text field i'd like to automatically check the given checkbox. If someone …

Member Avatar for fxm
Member Avatar for SerjSagan

I am throughly confused....why does this seemingly simple deal not work? [code=javascript] <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- window.onbeforeunload = function (){ var checkboxImg = new Image(); var checkboxImgUrl = "checkbox.php%3Flonger%3D" + reviews-chk-longer.checked + "%26discrete%3D" + reviews-chk-discrete.checked + "%26natural%3D" + reviews-chk-natural.checked + "%26thicker%3D" + reviews-chk-thicker.checked + "%26permanent%3D" + reviews-chk-permanent.checked + "%26stamina%3D" + reviews-chk-stamina.checked …

Member Avatar for SerjSagan
Member Avatar for drewpark88

Hey Guys, I was wondering what was the best way to make a content slider like mint.com. When you hover over the buttons with the grass behind them they change the content. Well I want to do the same, except onclick. If anyone knows of any good tutorials, or has …

Member Avatar for blocblue
Member Avatar for Venom Rush

Hi all I have a div in which I've placed some anchor tags with the css property: [CODE=css]display:block;[/CODE] I've given the div a grey background color and when I view the page on the net the div doesn't surround the anchor tags. The height of the div seems to be …

Member Avatar for Venom Rush
Member Avatar for mr_furley

I have page1.php that has the a link to a popup. I need to send a variable to the popup window. I'm currently using this in the body: [code=php]<a href="#" onclick="actpopup(<?echo($act_id);?>)"><?echo($date);?></a>[/code] This is the function actpopup [code=php] url = "serv_act.php?act_id=act_id"; options = "height=175, width=300, location=no, scrollbars=no,menubars=no,toolbars=no,resizable=yes,left=50"; window.open(url,name,options); [/code] But for …

Member Avatar for vibhaJ
Member Avatar for marani

First of all, I'm not from an english-speaking country, so I'm sorry for any mistakes. If my english is not always understandable, please ask. I got some divs with IDs which I position via css in an external file. So I got something like this on the html-site: [code] <div …

Member Avatar for marani
Member Avatar for muralibobby2015

hello, i want to do small mail concept. what it zzzzz means admin sends registration form to user mails. in that mail user can register their account . my doubt is is there any chance to apply validations in mail. below is my script.[CODE]<? ob_start(); extract($_REQUEST); include("includes/class.phpmailer.php"); if($_POST) { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Johnita

Hi, m working on facelets and using a4j components. i have rich:tabPanel containing 11 panel. the second panel contains data which is generated dynamically according to the parameter(tablename) passed on the click on the tab.If the parameter at run time is passed as "BESTCUSTOMER", on the click of second tab,there …

Member Avatar for mr_furley

I have page1.php that has the a link to a popup. I need to send a variable to the popup window. I'm currently using this in the body: [code=php]<a href="#" onclick="actpopup(<?echo($act_id);?>)"><?echo($date);?></a>[/code] This is the function actpopup [code=php] url = "serv_act.php?act_id=act_id"; options = "height=175, width=300, location=no, scrollbars=no,menubars=no,toolbars=no,resizable=yes,left=50"; window.open(url,name,options); [/code] But for …

Member Avatar for michealcdz
Member Avatar for samarudge

Hey, So I'm writing an application in Adobe Air (AJAX) and I've come upon a little problem. I've created a function to set a minimum size for the window [CODE]var check_size = function() { if ( window.nativeWindow.width < 690 ) { window.nativeWindow.width = 690; } if ( window.nativeWindow.height < 400 …

Member Avatar for fxm
Member Avatar for tejasluvs

Hi all, I am looking for an example/code to get MAC Address with JavaScript or any other technology for a php based web application. The collected MAC Address will be stored in a MySQL table, 'login' to generate reports. I have found some php scripts helping me do this but …

Member Avatar for fxm
Member Avatar for eshko

Hello everyone! Does anyone of you knows a good free CKEditor + CKFinder alternative? Cheers, Eshko

Member Avatar for sunhater
Member Avatar for SerjSagan

I am throughly confused....why does this seemingly simple deal not work? [code=javascript] <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- window.onbeforeunload = function (){ var checkboxImg = new Image(); var checkboxImgUrl = "checkbox.php%3Flonger%3D" + reviews-chk-longer.checked + "%26discrete%3D" + reviews-chk-discrete.checked + "%26natural%3D" + reviews-chk-natural.checked + "%26thicker%3D" + reviews-chk-thicker.checked + "%26permanent%3D" + reviews-chk-permanent.checked + "%26stamina%3D" + reviews-chk-stamina.checked …

Member Avatar for SerjSagan
Member Avatar for businessglobal

I launched the following scripts but only the "Auto Start Page Rotator" page appeared. Can anyone please check if the codes are correct? [code=html]<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> <html><head> <meta content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" http-equiv="content-type"><title>Control page</title> </head> <body> <script language="JAVASCRIPT"> var Win; var page_index=0; var page = new Array(); page[0] …

Member Avatar for fabio70
Member Avatar for andydeans

Hi, I was looking for a quick answer on this as i have been wondering what is the advantage of using javascript files in an includes folder rather than on page? So for example i have a javascript validation on my page, does it make a difference to the way …

Member Avatar for d5e5
Member Avatar for kds27

Does anybody know of a good script to display a .jpg in place of a .swf if Flash is disabled. Example: I have index.html as a regular Website with an embedded .swf If this is viewed on a SmartPhone, how can I have a .jpg auto load instead of Flash? …

Member Avatar for fxm
Member Avatar for Froger93

Hello Guys, Right my problem is, I am creating a slider where in which each element is slid (using animate width) into place. This is how it works, the element currently displayed is give a margin-left: of 842px (same as my slider width) and then a margin-top: of 300px (height …

Member Avatar for Froger93
Member Avatar for MDanz

i have a php code in a div. I'd like to cancel clicking on that div, until the page loads. i'm having the problem if i click on the div too fast which calls a popup div... it doesn't get the content from the php.. so it is a blank …

Member Avatar for scrappedcola
Member Avatar for fawad123

My problem is very easy. I have written the following PHP code to generate the arrays of textareas: for ($i=0; $i<length; $i++) { echo '<textarea type="text" name="username'. $i.'" cols="60" rows="4" onkeydown="check_username(this.form.username'. $i. '.value)">'. $sentences_data [$i]. '</textarea> <span id="username_label"></span><br/>'; } The Java function is function check_username(username) { if (ajax) { ajax.open('get','testuser.php?username=' …

Member Avatar for vsmash
Member Avatar for ShArKss

Hey Guys, So I'm making a webpage that has a form that is based on the selected section of the website... And I got a few questions/issues. [LIST] [*]Is it normal that I have to make a different name for a value from a section that needs a javascript (line …

Member Avatar for vsmash
Member Avatar for brenton_77

I am currently trying to create a live search box that as I type it will start displaying results that match. Here is an example [url]http://www.w3schools.com/php/php_aja...p?output=print[/url] but it retrieves its data from an XML file, I need mine to retrieve from a column called FirstName within a table of an …

Member Avatar for vsmash
Member Avatar for bbman

Hey, I am looking to have a menu similar to the one on: [url]http://maplestory.nexon.net/[/url] I want it so that whenever any menu item is hovered, a whole menu shows. Anybody know how I would go about doing this? Thanks a lot


The End.