15,113 Topics

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Member Avatar for eswaramoorthy

hi i have developed simple webapplication using JSP and JSF framework Step 1 : I have one login page : (contains username ,password and sumbit button) Step2 : I have one logout page : it has one link ([U]Go to login page[/U]), just u click this link go to login …

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Member Avatar for tunde011

I have seen some websites that you can "like" a sentence off a website. I have been on facebook developer's page and noticed the meta tags that you need to use but that is for a whole page. Is there a way I can do incorporate a like button to …

Member Avatar for shubhamjain1
Member Avatar for jrlynch1

Ok, I have 3 external pages I am loading in three locations on the page. So, I have the following in the head: [code]function allfunctions(){ clientSideInclude('center', ''); clientSideInclude('right', ''); clientSideInclude('left', ''); }[/code] Then, I load with: [code]<body onLoad="allfunctions();">[/code] The body contains some tables, and in each they look like: [code]<span …

Member Avatar for kc130
Member Avatar for Rambomst

I am trying to refresh part of my page using ajax and it works fine in FireFox but when I test it IE I get an error at "document.getElementById('ipb_table_reload').innerHTML = response;" which says "Unknown runtime error" the webpage can be found [url=http://www.trident-gaming.net/forums/index.php?app=ccs&module=pages&section=pages&id=22]here[/url]. I have tried googling this error and everything …

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Member Avatar for mexabet

I'm having an issue getting two Javascripts to work on one page. It seems that one disables the other and only one is working when previewed together. I know of a code that can be inserted so that both codes can function on one page, but I just can't lay …

Member Avatar for fxm
Member Avatar for theheretic1984

My code is in the attachment alex.txt. When i press the button for first time it gives me error: 'null' is null or not an object. But when i press it again or refresh the page and press the button it gives me the result that i expect. When i …

Member Avatar for fxm
Member Avatar for anujmadaan

Hello everyone. I am building a web application having various tables and 4-5option buttons in each table. When user check on one of these option buttons then the option is saved at server. I want whenever user returns the option marked by him earlier should be preloaded. For example if …

Member Avatar for SikoSoft
Member Avatar for Dartz654

Below is my post script. I'm trying to make it have a flood check (or something to stop people from spamming and crashing my servers) and my solution is to make a message appear saying "You've posted" when they hit the Post button. I tried adding Javascript alerts in multiple …

Member Avatar for SikoSoft
Member Avatar for sgriffin

Hey everyone, I literally just started to learn Javascript today and started with a function that takes in a string and tells you the number of vowels (a,e,I,o,u) in it. It works, but when I use document.write(vowel("hello")) in my body, instead of just giving an output of "this string has …

Member Avatar for kracko
Member Avatar for justbboying

Hi, do you know how we can convert java script to html code, or put all the java script in some " " cuz I have java programs and want to put them on my web, so ... I heard that there is a special program which converts html, javascript, …

Member Avatar for takachistar
Member Avatar for MDanz

e.g. [code]<table><tr><td onclick='ChgText()'>test</td></tr></table>[/code] now "test" are results from mysql. So i want all those results to load before onclick on the column can be enabled. This is because if i press onclick too quickly, the function doesn't capture certain information. any help?

Member Avatar for fxm
Member Avatar for FeralReason

The following code works fine in IE8 and Firefox 3.5. Any idea why it does not work in Chrome ? Tried it both in localhost and on my web server -- no success. In the header: [code = php] <?php if((isset($_COOKIE["unique_id"]))&&isset($_COOKIE["users_resolution"])){ $screen_res = $_COOKIE["users_resolution"]; $unique_id = $_COOKIE["unique_id"]; } else //means …

Member Avatar for fxm
Member Avatar for mcle

I'm interested in learning how to do this. What I'm doing is I'm making a social networking site linked to a game called Habbo, and for the registration page, once they put in their Habbo Username, I want to be able to load the image next to it. [url]http://www.habbo.com/habbo-imaging/avatarimage?user=[/url][[[[TEXTBOX.DATA]]]]&direction=2&head_direction=2&gesture=sml&size=l&img_format=gif That …

Member Avatar for fxm
Member Avatar for knight fyre

I'm new to Javascript but not new to programming. I find JS more time consuming because I have to manually search line by line for a single error. In C++ or C the compiler tells me the exact line number of the error or at least what the error is …

Member Avatar for helioptra
Member Avatar for niketh90

I am almost done with my webpage using jquery skins and tabs..It doesnt show proper in IE6 .. What can i do????help

Member Avatar for nizuya

In an html form, I want a certain field to be invisible when "no" is checked and visible when "yes" is checked. This is my code: html: [code] <form action="pageName.html" method="post" name="formName"> Question? <input name="radioBool" type="radio" value="1" onchange="dispField('textInput');" />yes <input name="radioBool" type="radio" value="0" onchange="dispField('textInput');" />no <br /> <span id="textInput" style="display:none"> …

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Member Avatar for Lolalola

Hi, why in cookies put only one value(id)? When i refresh page all my settings remain, but now there is only one... Thanks [CODE]<script type="text/javascript"> function createCookie(name,value,days) { if (days) { var date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime()+(days*24*60*60*1000)); var expires = "; expires="+date.toGMTString(); } else var expires = ""; document.cookie = …

Member Avatar for shubhamjain1
Member Avatar for Roshan_Jain

Hi, I call a JavaScript Function and now i want to call servlet from that function with parameters plz help me. Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for chaituu
Member Avatar for Paula D

Hi My jsp does not seem to run in the order I would expect .. [code] <%@ include file="/Site-English/Common/progressWindowInsert.html" %> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> alert("do this"); showProgressWindow(); </script> <% System.out.println("print out this line !!"); %> [/code] The System.out.println commmand is written before I respond to the alert. Any explanations would be …

Member Avatar for stephen84s
Member Avatar for canterorist

hi! I have problem with my jquery validation. When I successfully submitted my form, the value i enter is still there in the <input:text>. It supposed to be refresh and the form is emptied. here's my jquery code [CODE]// JavaScript Document $(document).ready(function(){ $("#myformcom").submit(function(){ var str=$(this).serialize(); //var result; $.ajax({ type: "POST", …

Member Avatar for canterorist
Member Avatar for hashtable

Hi all, firstly I'm new here and my English is not perfect but I think it is not important :) I have web page where user can upload file. He can select which file to upload with standard HTML input of type file. I want to add this feature: when …

Member Avatar for vani.golakoti
Member Avatar for nertos

Hello:) , [CODE] $.each(myOptions, function(val, text) { $('#select').append($('<option></option>').val(val).html(text)); }); [/CODE] how can I add to option links for example to http://google.pl/search?q={text} thx 4 help;)

Member Avatar for shubhamjain1
Member Avatar for walkerpbus

I hope my title says it all. I can't show you the jpg error, because the size is too large to upload (3 MB). The mix of Firefox, Windows 7, Zonealarm. I am researching Firefox in a Firefox forum. All I know is the Combo of the same Firefox, no …

Member Avatar for walkerpbus
Member Avatar for danny4444

Hi, im a new user, and fairly new to ajax. I'm trying to create a blog that uses RSS. The problem is that google chrome displays the results from the rss.php script, yet Internet Explorer does not. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Here are the functions i am using …

Member Avatar for danny4444
Member Avatar for GaneshKumar1508

HI to all, I am in need of escaping the regular expression special characters like '/', '.', '*', '+', '?', '|','(', ')', '[', ']', '{', '}', '\'. I have try with this by the following javascript but i can not achieve that. [code]RegExp.escape=function(str) { if (!arguments.callee.sRE) { var specials = …

Member Avatar for GaneshKumar1508
Member Avatar for AliHurworth

Hi, I'm struggling with writng an AJAX query function. It seemed to work in IE and Opera, but not in Firefox - but now won't seem to fire at all. The page can be seen at: [url]http://localhost/CRITS/index.php[/url]. Waht should happen is that as you click on the top left image, …

Member Avatar for AliHurworth
Member Avatar for ppetree

OK, so I think its a simple question but since I am extremely new to ajax and really trying to figure it out I'm not sure how/where to really start with this. What I want is a piece of code that reads a table and inserts new entries into a …

Member Avatar for ppetree
Member Avatar for ohgee

I am currently writing code to populate a select tag with all the hours of the day. I recently rewrote a function that will populate a temporary select tag based off a time passed in as an argument and then return the temporary select at the end. When I attempt …

Member Avatar for sergb
Member Avatar for Z_KiNGPiN

I think maybe this is the right thread for it since i found out Google map control can be created using AJAX. so the question is simple, How to create Google Maps Control ? preferably in an ASP.Net environment. Found a source code here (GNU licensed) but it's too complex …

Member Avatar for Z_KiNGPiN
Member Avatar for druveen

Hi everyone [CODE] $i=0; echo '<script language="javascript"> var dA = new Array(); var x = 0; for(i=0;i<2;i++) { dA[x++]="'.$date[$i]." ".$message[$i].'"; '.$i++.'; } </script>'; [/CODE] here i want to increment $i above code is not working, Please help...Thanks in Advance...

Member Avatar for scrappedcola

The End.