Please can someone help, I would be most grateful for any help as I am new to this and I am really stuck.:(

I used Javascript that I copied and pasted from the 'Google AdSense' on to my page, now I cant edit my page.

When I view my page it works ok, but if I try to 'Add A Paragraph' the button to do this is no longer there.

If I try to 'Edit' the paragraph that I entered the 'Google AdSense' Javascript to, the Edit' button is greyed out.

Its the same if I try to 'Delete' the paragraph that I entered the 'Google AdSense' Javascript to, the 'Delete' button is greyed out.

Please can someone help, :'(

Does the host have an option somewhere for you to just view the plain code? If so you might be able to switch to that, remove the Javascript than switch back to the WYSIWYG editor and hopefully it will work after that

As well you should not double post questions as people will tend to ignore them as well it is against board policy ;)

Just turn off javascript in your browser.

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