I am new to javascript.. I have been given javascript code to understand as my assignment where i am working and it goes something like this :

PPL.getMarkup = function(a,b,c)
// definition goes here

I want the explaination for this line as to what PPL, getMarkup could be. I am confused as to PPL is a class or object or function.
Also, what are the different methods of defining class and functions in javascript?

Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance,

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If you don't know what the above is and it is part of your job to understand it, I would suggest reading "JavaScript, The Good Parts" by Douglas Crockford.


And when you are done that (it's a short book), I would read "JavaScript, The Definitive Guide"


PPL is more than likely an object with a function called getMarkup.

There are quite a few ways of writing this. One is as follows:

var PPL = {};

PPL.getMarkup = function(a,b,c){...};



var PPL = {
   getMarkup: function(a,b,c){



//this is the closest to a standard class, the other are anonymous objects
function PPL(){
   this.getMarkup = function(a,b,c){

var obj = new PPL();


Hope this helps. Also, if there is an error that someone notices, please correct me.

commented: had a hard time getting vote up to work -they're using external scripts which were blocked by my system -cheers +8

Nope, you are correct all the way. :)

Thank you stbuchok.
Thanks for book suggestions.. will check on them .

If you don't know what the above is and it is part of your job to understand it, I would suggest reading "JavaScript, The Good Parts" by Douglas Crockford.


And when you are done that (it's a short book), I would read "JavaScript, The Definitive Guide"


PPL is more than likely an object with a function called getMarkup.

There are quite a few ways of writing this. One is as follows:

var PPL = {};

PPL.getMarkup = function(a,b,c){...};



var PPL = {
   getMarkup: function(a,b,c){



//this is the closest to a standard class, the other are anonymous objects
function PPL(){
   this.getMarkup = function(a,b,c){

var obj = new PPL();


Hope this helps. Also, if there is an error that someone notices, please correct me.

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