15,116 Topics

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Member Avatar for ismael ahm@d

Hi all friends, As per the below mentioned code, the given No of votes should calculate in percentage and entry per field should not exceed from 100%. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <title>Untitled Document</title> <script type="text/javascript"> function test(vote) { …

Member Avatar for ismael ahm@d
Member Avatar for Pervex

Hi, I saw in Django framework , in there we can inherit the templates from common base.html. In base.html all the common things are defined , And in other templates content of the pages are changed . I just want define all common div's like header , footet and nav …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for bvrameshbabu

Hi, I am working on sproutcore framework. My objective is to retrieve the data from fixtures and load into data source. I am able to achieve it with the following code SC.Store.create().from(SC.Record.fixtures) But it is getting failed by using the below code store: SC.Store.create().from(SC.FixturesDataSource.extend({ simulateRemoteResponse: YES, latency: 250 })) What …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for soapyillusion

Hello all, I have a dialog window with a jqgrid. Wihin the jqgrid I have. multiple dropdows, one for each of the 50 states. And each state takes a different row. Depending on what is going on from output in a database each one of those states is to have …

Member Avatar for IIM
Member Avatar for Sabyre

I'm using WebIM for chat support on a website. I would like to be able to setup a timer for when a client initiates a chat session, if an operator/tech does not respond within 'x' seconds I would like the page to redirect to another page where the client can …

Member Avatar for Sabyre
Member Avatar for spherecraft

hello forums. i have small problem im creating a simple page (no php ) just javascript and html. i have order.html which has a list of items. and then when you click the drop down menu it will automatically display the price of the item depending on the quantity on …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for pritaeas

I came across this plugin called [baraja](http://tympanus.net/codrops/2012/11/13/baraja-a-plugin-for-spreading-items-in-a-card-like-fashion/) by accident. Looked interesting enough to share.

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for vizz

**I'm using [Ascensor.js](http://kirkas.ch/ascensor/#/Home)** I have five div <div id="about" class="section"></div> <div id="home" class="section"></div> <div id="services" class="section"></div> <div id="portfolio" class="section"></div> <div id="contact" class="section"></div> I need to create layout like, about => left home => center services => up portfolio => down contact => right Please help to create layout

Member Avatar for vizz
Member Avatar for SMode55

Hello, I have a function to insert a new user into the database and it returns an empty data from the page I use to post it with."Undefined" actually... Here is the code: //insert new user into database $("#insert_new_btn").live('click', function(){ var user_username = $("#insert_new_user").val; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url:"insert_nw_usr_script.php", data:{insert_new_usr:user_username}, success:function(insert_a_user) …

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Member Avatar for klemme

Hi all, I have attached a CKEDITOR instance on a textarea in a CMS, and it all works fine on localhost, but after uploading the site to the server, I cant see the CKEDITOR toolbar. The textarea is not turned into an instance and further more, the textarea is not …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for scholarwithfire

Hello, I'm trying to use Dropkick Jquery select box plug in for my chained select box. However, the plug in only works for my first select box and the second select box did not show up. I have two php files, the form and the func.php. Any help would be …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for soapyillusion

Hi all im having slight trouble trying to escape this php array index in a javascript block <script> var herp = $('#item').val(); var derp = '<?php echo $array['+herp+']['0']['name'];?>'; </script> problem is the browser keeps making the whole line php, oposed to counting the var herp as javascript. any ideas how …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for korathualex

Get listbox values added via javascript on server side via hidden field.... See more: ASP.NET Get listbox values added via javascript on server side via hidden field....

Member Avatar for hometownnerd
Member Avatar for jhilmil123
Member Avatar for timwhelan

Hello, I learning javascript and trying to reverse engineer something I found on a site to understand it. Here is a link to the full script... http://jsfiddle.net/WHQKA/ I have gotten to understand most of it so I know what is going on and can learn from it. However this line …

Member Avatar for lambing
Member Avatar for jeffcogswell

A minor update to the 1.6 version of jQuery was just released today. After a big outcry of version 1.6's changes to the way properties work, the jQuery team quickly released version 1.6.1 to make the new techniques more compatible with the older functionality, hopefully preventing sites from breaking. The …

Member Avatar for lambing
Member Avatar for Torres_1991

Hi all, I am trying to create a website where there are three images on the screen. The user needs to choose one of the images. The image they select needs to be recorded either in a text document or into a mysql database. For example Image 1 Image 2 …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for happygeek

...and the Microsoft AJAX Library, err, and the ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit. Yep, Microsoft has not only finally come up with an official name for the AJAX technologies which until now have been known collectively as ‘Atlas’ but has also split it into three individual products. All are expected to …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for kametolearn

Learning html and javascript so I went to building this calculator. I'm not sure what my issue is but I feel it's something with the startcalc() function calling the checkarray(). Please take a look at my code on jsfiddle and you will see my two functions at the bottom of …

Member Avatar for kametolearn
Member Avatar for unikorndesigns

Hello guys, i'll try to explain the problem i am facing here. I had searched for many file uploaders with drag and drop interface. I came across something at http://demos.9lessons.info/multiupload/index.php called the multiuploader. I saw the code and it was a bit of nightmare to me as am not so …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for Szabi Zsoldos

Hi guys, I'm trying to work on a form with jquery. I have a table with 9 cells, 9 inputs and 9 delete links. I want to delete de particular cell on which i've clicked delete, but cannot figure it out how. I am able to delete the first element …

Member Avatar for Szabi Zsoldos
Member Avatar for ukhostland

I have found myself well out of my depth, using a template to create a web site with both JS and PHP scripts. Perhaps someone here can help me? The single page website is accually finished and works well when viewed in a browser from local files. These have been …

Member Avatar for oop_php
Member Avatar for participantjava

Hi, I want to pass String array to the javascript function when the page is getting loaded. Iam using jsp and javascript for doing this. But could not able to send the Stirng array to the javascript function. <%! String msg[] = {"one","two","three"}; %> <input type="button" name="save" value="Save" onclick="show(msg);" /> …

Member Avatar for radhakrishna.p
Member Avatar for AleMonteiro

Hello guys, I'm in need of some thinking help. I want to build an auto-complete text input to find cars, but I want it to search for Car Models and Car Manufactor too. In example, if the user type 'For', the suggestions would be 'Ford - Car 1' 'Ford - …

Member Avatar for AleMonteiro
Member Avatar for PriteshP23

I am beginner at AJAX. There are two Select Menus: Month & Year. The objective is to display data in the table **AFTER selection of YEAR**. Based upon selected values data should be displayed in the table. Thanks a lot in advanced. <!DOCTYPE html> <?php $year=$_GET["year"]; $month=$_GET["month"]; $year = array( …

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Member Avatar for stacyjoseph

I am uploading a form with file and other inputs and all that is working fine. But the problem is that it is loading a new page i.e www.mywebsite.com/controller/function. My code :- <html> <head> <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7/jquery.js"></script> <script src="http://malsup.github.com/jquery.form.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { var options = { clearForm: true, resetForm: true …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for erum

hi to all I have a scanerio thai need to be resolved .. I have grid and it shows certain record on searching ..and have few columsn like transactionID .Stauts etc etc ..also it have ModalPopupExtender under the panel (asp panel ) when i click on status column ..it should …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for participantjava

Hi, I have one jsp page , in that jsp page i have four <div>'s .I want to load the <div> with some dynamic data retrieving from database. When i open the page one <div> should show the data once that data is completed another <div> should show the data. …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for GraficRegret

I am writing a live chat function for a client, I have everything working up to the point of entering the conversation into a table on the server, however when it comes to ajax and jquery, I am still trying to get the basics down so here is my chat …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for rem2

Hi there As usual when making bigger projects I have a problem with simple thing. Basically for now I want to create simple video connection between 2 remote host via peerconnection, I have some codes that were on the web but looks like either I made some mistake either current …

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The End.