15,121 Topics
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Hi, I need a simple play and pause button to play multiple audio on one page. Can someone suggest me a method of doing so? | |
Hello to all: I've been banging my head against the proverbial wall on this (for a few days), and finally thought I'd seek thoughts on it. I have an existing submission form that has been getting hit by bots, so I'm adding a CAPTCHA to it. The entire solution is … | |
I run the [code](http://embed.plnkr.co/C76bGd5ao07oSP4vvPj0/preview) but the template ir not doing anything at all. Is there a problem with my syntax? | |
hello good people, i have created atab control and added a gridview in it. When i run it this is how it shows: ![42e98ae1ab28208a1d5964503f00cecd](/attachments/large/4/42e98ae1ab28208a1d5964503f00cecd.png "42e98ae1ab28208a1d5964503f00cecd") i have tried adjusting the heights and widths of both but tono avail. here is my code: <ajaxToolkit:TabContainer ID="TabContainer1" runat="server" ActiveTabIndex="0" Height="421px" style="z-index: 1; left: … | |
I'm here with Google Maps API. I've got map working, I learned how to set markers with custom images. I also made custom search bar and I plan to make PHP/SQL connection, so whenever user uses it, it saves copy of address in database so that it can be recalled … | |
I have installed the npm install big-integer https://www.npmjs.org/package/big-integer to test if the number is in the specified range with this code: isBigInt: function () { var val = $(this).valueOf var valor = bigInt(val); var minimo = bigInt("-9223372036854775808"); var maximo = bigInt("9223372036854775807"); if (bigInt(val).greaterOrEquals(minimo) && bigInt(val).lesserOrEquals(maximo)) return true; else return false; … | |
I have created an application in Rails. In that I have Quiz module with Timer Control. The Timer works properly. I have set 2 minutes to complete the Quiz. After the timer completed the page does not redirects to the score page until we click on "continue/next" button. Help me … | |
how can i get this program, to tally the number of grades above 90 , between 80 and 89 and etc import java.util.*; public class grades {import java.util.*; public class grades { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); int i, n; double sum= 0, score=0 … | |
Javascript: <script> /** * jQuery document ready function (when the DOM is loaded) * From here we can use $ to reference the jQuery object */ jQuery(document).ready(function($) { /** * Finds all elements that have _BOTH_ the .audio and .controls classes * then attaches a click handler to the .playpausebtn … | |
I want call a function on play of Youtube video which is in an Iframe. How I can do this ? Below is the code : <iframe width="98%" height="auto" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/FP_KJ8YMsXQ?wmode=transparent" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" wmode="Opaque" id="loader" onload="body_load(this)" ></div></iframe> | |
<html> <body> <div class="datepicker"><input type="text"></div> <div class="datepicker"><input type="text"></div> </body> </html> i want to select second datepicker's input filed in Jquery.? | |
how to populate the table data from database that is showing on jsp page after clicking on the checkbox for a perticular row? | |
I have this code: isTinyInt: function () { var val = $(this).val(); if (val >= 0 && val <= 255) return true; else return false; } Can I make sure with this that the number is in the tinyint range? | |
I want a parse to convert a number to different types of sql server data ranges available. For example, for an input to the firld of kind int I have parseInt, for another kind that is float I have parseFloat. How can i do parseTinyInt(), parseSmallInt(), parseBigInt(), parseDecimal(), parseNumeric(), parseSmallMoney(), … | |
Hi all, I'm not too familiar with Ajax but I believe I grasp the basics. So I'm sending an id which I retrieve from an element to a php page but I can't seem to retrieve the id being send. My javascript: function ListPart(part) { var imgdata = part; $.ajax({ … | |
hi. i have a page that submits data without refreshing and it does work. but i m having trouble with arrays. as it is im submitting the form data using `$.post` . if i was working with just php id just do a for loop which i actually already have … | |
Hi I am trying to change the <p id="returnsuccess"></p> to say anything at this point. I have some code it's about a form submission I don't think the PHP part is that important in solving this problem. But I want to know why the code I have doesn't work and … | |
I'm trying to make my button change from saying "Submit" to "Submitting" when it's clicked. But it's for a form so if something like e-mail validation fails I want it to change back to saying "Submit". Here is the code I already have if you would like to take a … | |
Hello! I am needing a "non-realtime" framework for collaboration on a website with content, think of it this way. You make a Google search and want to make some notes on the content of that page, save them and send them to me so I can also make notes on … | |
I have a step in my code where the application will check on the word entered by the user and compare it to the a word. My issue is that my original code was javascript and now I am not certain how to set it up for AngularJS. I had … | |
I am able to delete the file from the database but not the file found on a folder associated with it...is there somethign wrong? <?php include("../includes/mysqliconnect.php"); include("../includes/config.php"); if(isset($_GET['delpost'])){ $delpho = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM photos where imageID=$imageID"); $run=mysqli_fetch_array($delpho); $imageName=$run['imageName']; $dir = '/uploads'; unlink($dir.'/'.$imageName); $stmt = $db->prepare('DELETE FROM photos WHERE imageID = … | |
what are the maximum values of javascript data types? | |
If checkForm is false, I don't want the form to submit. And if checkForm is true, I would like the form to submit and the action=POST to work. I've seen several examples online where people have VERY similar code and theirs supposedly works. So what am I doing wrong? Is … | |
| Greetings, I am dabbling with my little code here. Problem is mouseout event handler is getting executed thrice instead of twice. var img=document.getElementById('newImg'); img.addEventListener('mouseover',function(e){ e.target.width+=200; console.log(e.target.width); img.addEventListener('mouseout',function(e){ e.target.width-=200; console.log(e.target.width); },false); console.log(e.target.width); },false); ![89e5b5d855500aa477198af64c4e1bb1](/attachments/large/4/89e5b5d855500aa477198af64c4e1bb1.jpg "89e5b5d855500aa477198af64c4e1bb1") |
Hello! I am needing a non-realitme note/reivew system like the former iWork.com's "Review" feature, I am hoping one already exsist but I haven't been able to find one yet. Here is a image if what I am hoping to find: http://cdn.appstorm.net/mac.appstorm.net/files/2009/01/picture-7-620x402.png | |
Anyone know of a way to auto-grab songs? I want to make a playlist of songs so that I can make a playlist and listen to them. I've tried making a script but it somewhat worked, it opens the menu but it doesn't add it to the playlist. Here is … | |
var mct1_Options = { sliderId: "mcts1", direction: "horizontal", scrollInterval: 1400, scrollDuration: 800, hoverPause: true, autoAdvance: true, scrollByEachThumb: true, circular: true, largeImageSlider: null, inSyncWithLargeImageSlider: true, license: "b2e98" }; var thumbnailSlider = new ThumbnailSlider(mct1_Options); function ThumbnailSlider(f) { var g = "length", i = "className", T = function (a, c) { var b … | |
Let's say I have a banner on my site that randomly rotates between images that depict the month of January. Is it possible to have 10 images randomly rotate the entire month, then to have a new 10 images rotate randomly for the following month? I also need each image … | |
Here is the problem: Write a program to find future value of monthly investments. Start with an initial investment, make a deposit every 30days, calculate interest on principle compounded daily, display a table showing beginning balance, deposit for the year, interest earned for the year, and ending balance. The table … | |
I am getting $.ajax is not defined with firebug - maybe missing bracets? any ideas? <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> function get_place(jack) { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "fruit.php", beforeSend: function () { $("#city").html("<option>Loading ...</option>"); }, data: "cartowner="+cartowner, success: function(msg){ $("#city").html(msg); } }); } </script> |
The End.