15,121 Topics

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Member Avatar for zero_1

How to update jquery on windows 7? my jquery stil 1.4.3 i want to change it become version 1.7.3 thanks before

Member Avatar for slate
Member Avatar for NOVICE3

I am trying to insert HTML code into my website which will setup a text area that all users can see, edit, and save for other users. I know that the text that is entered must be saved on a file that has be be resident on the server. I …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for sreein1986

Hi, everybody, How to change the images after every 5 seconds in html?????? The images should display in the same places for every 5 seconds????? can anybody send me code please.... i posted this thread in HTML forum somebody told me that post here so please help anybody And Advanced …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for manaila

I want to build a very configurable web app where a user can just right-click and add/delete menus. So I would like to get some suggestions( web links, books, frameworks) that can get me going - from design to development. I'm willing to using Javascript and/or Java/JSP.

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for AntonyRayan

Can anyone give example for this? I have user dashboard with graphs and tables, maps. It takes sometime to load after successful login. For that , I need a loader which waits till the page loads all the data.

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Steven_10

I am trying to understand JavaScript timers so I'm attempting to use JavaScript to keep time and then display text at the correct time and then change the text at another time. setInterval() will not work because I need the timer to be variable. To accomplish this requirement I want …

Member Avatar for Steven_10
Member Avatar for Sushmitha_1

Hello, I am trying to save the date field into mysql table. The date field in my jsp form is in format MM/DD/YYY and in database as YYYY/MM/DD. How can I retrieve the date from form and insert into the table with YYYY/MM/DD format ?

Member Avatar for Steven_10
Member Avatar for ramsiva

below is json format , please help me how to do in php using json_encode [ { "test": "1", "ex": { "ex1": {}, "ex2": {} } } ]

Member Avatar for amith_ami
Member Avatar for SimonIoa

Hello i am trying to put a value into a field on a table in my database. The value changes accordingly so the type of the column is ENUM ('P','A','T') but everything i do the value tha is been inserted is 'P'. this is the html `<input type="hidden" id="type" name="type" …

Member Avatar for SimonIoa
Member Avatar for Marcus_3

Can someone assist me on how to do a mouse over on a hyperlink that shows what the user selected on the page they just left or saved. For example, the user clicks a link that says 'Add' and it opens a popup window where they select a list of …

Member Avatar for Laith_2
Member Avatar for Jon_7

I have a chart for my fundraising goal, but I'd like to make it more minimal by removing the percentage number and placing the 4 items immediately below the table into the table itself. I'd still like for the % to be able to be manually set (perhaps a data …

Member Avatar for Jon_7
Member Avatar for SimonIoa

Hello i am not familiar with returning HTML in Javascript code. I have this code. I want to return an audio player but nothing returns. var uploadImageHTMLTitle='<audio controls preload="metadata" id="'+data.msg_id+'">'; var uploadImageHTMLFooter='</audio>'; var uploadImageHTML=''; var C=''; if(data.uploadPaths.length) { if(data.uploadPaths.length > 1) { uploadImageHTML+=uploadImageHTMLTitle; for(var i=0; i<data.uploadPaths.length; i++) { C='<source src="'+data.uploadPaths[i]+'" …

Member Avatar for SimonIoa
Member Avatar for ramsiva
Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for sohan_1

Hi , I want to create one product page , on nav-bar when user clicks on product before showing all product it should show one form and after filling form then and then only all products will be shown to the customer. I am trying to do this in php …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for ramsiva

how to pass values using load. because i need to get values in php($_REQUEST) any body help me jq("#myid").load(location.href + " #myid");

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for rajesanthu

The Code Given is for only beginners in HTML 1.The code implements a simple login form 2.It checks whether the password and usernames are matching or not 3.While you are using replace the predefined username and password that I'v given that is replace "myuserid" and "mypswrd" with your own userid …

Member Avatar for nate_2
Member Avatar for Violet_82

Hi guys, I have an application which allows users to upload a file. I managed to limit the types of files they can upload (the accept property helped) but I also want to do something else: when you upload a file and you click the browse button, as we know, …

Member Avatar for Violet_82
Member Avatar for Mark_54

Hi there, terribly confused how to get going with a career in programming. I have basic knowledge of Java programming principles, and I understand to some degree the object orientated aspect of the language also. My question is where to go now? Or what else to learn? Here are some …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Latrell_vie

Hi ! I'm including the following jquery slider plugin into my website. Unfortunatly I still don't know how to change certain parameters like displayList, adaptive Height etc. The author says you can add these options during the slider initialization to customize it. I'm furthering my jquery knowledge but for now …

Member Avatar for Community_1
Member Avatar for AntonyRayan

Hi everyone, I am new to this concept. I need your help for Grouped Categories Multi Level Drill Down Bar Chart. Example: Category 1: Cars Category 2: Bikes ..... Category n: Buses Category 1: Cars i)Minimum sold cars ii)Average Sold Cars iii)Top Sold Cars First Drill Down: Here, I need …

Member Avatar for jkon
Member Avatar for AntonyRayan

How to add new languages in this example? <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/> <script type="text/javascript" src="https://www.google.com/jsapi"> </script> <script type="text/javascript"> // Load the Google Transliterate API google.load("elements", "1", { packages: "transliteration" }); var transliterationControl; function onLoad() { var options = { sourceLanguage: 'en', destinationLanguage: ['ar','hi','kn','ml','ta','te'], transliterationEnabled: true, shortcutKey: 'ctrl+g' }; …

Member Avatar for AntonyRayan
Member Avatar for AntonyRayan

How to set a image as default as fixed like background and remaining images will have to change dynamically? in HTML, CSS

Member Avatar for princejav786
Member Avatar for Rach!

i Am new to selenium webdriver and I want to automate a webpage related to my project. I am currently working on login page, however I facing problem with the login button which I am confused which locator to use. The login button is below: a href="javascript:LoginSubmit('Log In')"> img border="0" …

Member Avatar for SimonIoa

Hello this is going to be a long post so thanks in advance for just reading it. I think it will help many users. I want to store additional data and to add new rows to a table. I know about mysql and php but i am not familiar with …

Member Avatar for SimonIoa
Member Avatar for newcoder310

Hi, I have 2 checkboxes beside each other. When I resize me window, these move apart. How to make sure that they don't do so. Below is the code and css for the same. Please not that its handlebar code.Thanks!! Handlebar Code {{#controlGroup (lz "label.insight_chart_name") class="chart-name-group" required=true}} {{input "text" id="chart-name" …

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Member Avatar for michael john

how can i pass the value of $lat and $long in the while loop going to the script for googlemap.. kindly see the code below; while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($query)){ $station = $row['STATION']; $pei = $row['PEIS']; $pga= $row['PGA']; $pgv= $row['PGV']; $lat = $row['LAT']; $lon = $row['LON']; } <script> function initMap() { var …

Member Avatar for _1_30

How would you explain JavaScript closures to someone with a knowledge of the concepts that make up them (for example, functions, variables and the like), but does not understand closures themselves? I have seen the Scheme example given on Stack Overflow, unfortunatly it did not help.

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for hrushi9

I'm using `html2canvas.js & jquery.plugin.html2canvas.js` to save generated receipt. Receipt have 985px height & 350px width. But it is saving only 100px height of image **Need help to find problem AND/OR save receipt** <div class="confirmation-wrapper booking-summary" id="canvas"> <div class="confirmation-content"> <h4>Your Booking Information</h4> </div> <ul class="book-sum-list"> <li></li><li></li>.... <!--All Booking Information--> </ul> …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Hamis_3

Hi guys I need a help here, I’m trying to use Ajax to update the column of the table in the database with combobox without a submit button, by the way it update the column finely but unfortunately the column data is erased to **0** when a webpage is refreshed. …

Member Avatar for grant.baker

The End.