15,127 Topics
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I'm getting a mising **).** error with a condition if (i=0;i<5;i++) ? | |
I have a Odoo Server (or take any JS server), deployed on AWS. Its POS works with JS, hence this subreddit. I have connected an automated cashdrawer that works through the use of DLLs. Since I couldn't find anyway to connect, I used a third party (Firebase DB) to pass … | |
/* initialize the calendar -----------------------------------------------------------------*/ var date = new Date(); var d = date.getDate(); var m = date.getMonth(); var y = date.getFullYear(); /* selects the events to load in the calendar -----------------------------------------------------------------*/ $.ajax({ url: 'process.php', type: 'POST', data: 'type=fetch', async: false, success: function(response){ json_events = response; } }); $('#calendar').fullCalendar({ //events: … | |
Hi guys, I just don't seem to get this right at the moment...say I want to create an array of objects, I'd do it this way of course: arrayOfWords[ { "SearchTerm":"mySearchTerm1", "Syn":"synonym1", "Syn":"synonym2", "Syn":"synonym3" }, { "SearchTerm":"mySearchTerm2", "Syn":"synonym1", "Syn":"synonym2", "Syn":"synonym3" } ] That's all OK but I'm now in a … | |
Hi guys, I'm a git first time user, and I followed this guide to set it up and get it up and running https://git-scm.com/documentation. So I'm now using git from the console (at the moment I'm logged in windows, so let it be the windows console). My question is - … | |
I'm trying to do use X-editable to do inline editing instead of having textboxes and such, I'm editing labels that I would like to send in a post method to update the values in the database. Is there anyway to send any kind of data within the <form> besides using … | |
Hello. I am getting an error on my console `TypeError: a is null jquery.min.js (line 2, column 2722)` that causes the page not to load correctly. Has anyone had the same problem.? could it be a conflict error? i use this version /*! jQuery v2.1.1 | (c) 2005, 2014 jQuery … | |
I placed slideshare code: <iframe src="//www.slideshare.net/slideshow/embed_code/key/HQoiz6GR1oLe1n" width="860" height="600" frameborder="600" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" style="border:1px solid #CCC; border-width:1px; margin-bottom:5px; max-width: 100%;" allowfullscreen> </iframe> To my presentation page: [check](http://bookofrakostenlosspielen.org/10-regeln-online-glucksspiels/) But there are black area around presentation in mobile version: ![Screenshot_1.png](/attachments/small/4/354ff90d3ec838081dc8476d57b40307.png "align-left") It happens because of height="600", but when I remove this style iframe … | |
Imagine a mailbox. You're about to write to a friend. From staff perspective, someone wants to email Dani, her mail is dani@daniweb.com, but has her in contacts list. You type in "Da", and little tool-tip informs you that it knows this mail, tooltip shows her full name "Dani" and her … | |
My goal is to make manipulations to an image by adding shapes on top of the image using JavaScript. For example, adding rectangular shapes to an image of a refregirator, as shown below: ![Sample_Of_What_Result_Needs_to_Look_Like.png](/attachments/small/3/9dd037e6ad4d9a1edf955eb0e39abf2a.png "align-left") <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <style> #avaliableSpace { border-radius: 25px; background: #00B050; padding: 20px; width: 125px; … | |
I think Im misunderstanding something here - I normally work in PHP and think I'm missing something small. My final array tmp is empty and displays as ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,," . It seems to me my tmp array might be emptied somewhere or the scope gets reset for some reason. I'm using … | |
https://jsfiddle.net/mvuy7q60/ Using JavaScript (and jQuery). How can I assure that there's only one line shown (instead of entire content of item), and if it's longer than one line, end first line on "..."? Something like this: https://jsfiddle.net/tt9psxz3/ | |
No jQuery! This is script that I got from [Chris Buttery](http://www.chrisbuttery.com/articles/fade-in-fade-out-with-javascript/) website. Or at least part of it: function fadeOut(el){ el.style.opacity = 1; (function fade() { if ((el.style.opacity -= .05) < 0) { el.style.display = "none"; } else { requestAnimationFrame(fade); } })(); } The problem is that when I run … | |
A client wants to send a request to server for checking that a string palindrome or not so , you have to make a server-client application, in which client to the server and server resend the response in which it tells that given string is palindrome or not . ( … | |
i have designed a main form with textbox and button(when button is clicked modal popup must open).inside modal popup there are two text boxes and a submit button.i am performing subtraction operation inside modal popup. after submit button is clicked inside modal popup,modal popup is closed and result must be … | |
I typically ask my questions over on StackOverflow, however this one I know would immediately get voted down as requiring someone to give their opinion, heaven forbid! I'm hoping the folks over here are a little more forgiving in this area. I am converting a really old ColdFusion app over … | |
I hate sharing my code, but I don't have any other option. I tried everything to prevent it, but I need to find out what's wrong about it. http://pastebin.com/zMjne7P0 User focusses out input field (line 83)(I tried inputting ";" for tests, which should return error, as it's invalid name). And … | |
I am working on a project that involves multiple formulas and cannot figure out how to make the formula flow using jQuery. The first formula that i am working with is from an excel spreadsheet: ((C5*24-(E5/2))/24)+((D5-(E5/2))/24) C5 refers to monthly lease or lcost1 E5 Refers to Down Payment or dp1 … | |
$(document).ready(function () { var a, b, c d = new RegExp("/^[a-z0-9]*$/"), e = true, f = [ "g": false, "h": false, "i": false, "j": false, "k": false ], I changed names of variables for reasons. *Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token :* Line 7. Which is `"g": false,`. Am I missing something? | |
Hi, I am working on javascript programming & it allows me to learn HTML which enhance my knowledge of AJAX, JSON and DOM Objects in Javascript which helps me in my learnings. I have faced an issue that how can I use sinon for stubing in mocha node.js which is … | |
I've begin to use Paper.js. The first problem I've run into is finding a [CDN](https://cdnjs.com/libraries/paper.js/) that works with JsFiddle, CodePen etc. In my case CodePen; the CDN for which I've found work to a degree what I mean is, I can create a rectangle in a variable, then using the … | |
Hello :) Around a month ago, i got a custom bookmarklet coded for my wordpress blog and on top of the bookmarklet .js code there is this line var token = 'QzEJ5PJ3/RRO4cubQQiKKNg5au6SESUSkQOK5w9HKFgH6GxVu1NNilA5TYqoMBbz6sKdZP6eQ4GeLyZ1Ht5S/VrHIISvHXKFPxXNUZmRp1M='; I think this is some sort of API key or something that’s specific to a wordpress installation right? … | |
Generate JSON According to Drill Down Drill -Up Events6 | |
`exampleArray.push("this is an item");` I a thing. But there are also 10 other items within. So I never truly know where that item is (which enumeration). Is there a way of saying `exampleArray.delete("this is an item");` where it will remove item with "that" content? (JavaScript question) | |
Hello All, i have run into an issue with my little project that i cannot seem to find much on and im at a lose for resources to check through. I am trying to get and use data that is being pulled from a json echo to my other php … | |
Hi, Can someone guide me on how to have php code echoing inside javascript <script> var cc1 = '<?php $_GET['cc1'];'; </script> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" > $(document).ready(function() { var dataTable = $('#employee-grid').DataTable( { "processing": true, "oLanguage" : { "sProcessing": "<img src='https://mir-s3-cdn-cf.behance.net/project_modules/disp/585d0331234507.564a1d239ac5e.gif'height='130' width='130'>", "sLengthMenu": "Show _MENU_ Records", "sZeroRecords": "No matching records found", … | |
Hey guys! Can you help me on how to generate Authorization Key and API Key from Infobip SMS API? | |
Hi, Is there any way to do multiple drilldown chart( 6 clicks)? Give me some examples. | |
Hello i want to pass a value with the id #allcountries. `html += '<option style="width:90%"><a href="'+v.country_id+'">'+v.nam+'' +'</a></option>';` `<div id="allcountries"></div>` `alert($("#allcountries"));` when i select a country it returns [object Object] on the alert when it should return the id of the country | |
Hi Friends. i am working on my internal work. i am having n dynamic rows, Each and every row contain total. i want to sum all the rows total. i have attached the screen shot for the reference |
The End.