15,127 Topics
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I am supposed to have a scrolling marquee on my page, but I am having errors trying to get it to work. here is my js context. Any help would be great! [CODE] var timeID; var marqueeTxt = new Array(); var marqueeOff = true; window.onload = defineMarquee; function defineMarquee(){ var … | |
I am still VERY new to JavaScript, so I will do the best at explaining what I am trying to do here... I have a database table where I store a bunch of invoices. I am now trying to make a front end to run queries. I don't know how … | |
Hi All, My requirements are 1. Screen where user enters the no of rows(no of columns:4 Sl no , Start Date(SD), End Date(ED), Label) 2. user clicks on button to create the table (dynamic) 4. Si No should be done through function . 5. SD/ED/Label should be free text. 6. … | |
I am still fairly new to PHP, so I will do the best at explaining what I am trying to do here... I have a database table where I store a bunch of invoices. I am now trying to make a front end to run queries. I don't know how … | |
| Hello, I'm developing an org chart for my company and I want to spend some effort to make it interactive. I'm utilizing the Google Visualization API Org Chart tool and writing JavaScript to extend the basic functionality provided by that framework. This is the general plan that I've devised so … |
Is there a way to fetch my latest tweet in plain-text form using javascript? I was going to use fsockopen(), but my host does not have that enabled. | |
is it possible to insert images in pop-up balloons using javascript? i found codes inserting texts in balloons and i wonder if it is possible with images. | |
Hi I have a PHP page with the following JavaScript and HTML Form, but when I click on the Continue button nothing happens. The action="this_page.php" means that when the Continue button was pressed, prior to adding the Validation bit, would run itself as there is quiet a bit of PHP … | |
Hello guys, i need your help about how to clear value from ajax selected value, the code i use from thread daved83 about AJAX dropdown list. i have modified a little for that code, the code is like below [CODE]<tr> <td style="vertical-align:top;" rowspan="5" width="130px">Shipment by<br/><span style="font-size:10px">(select nearest city <br/>if not … | |
any ideas why this does not load? thanks for any assistance [CODE]<html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="coomang.js"></script> <title>JS COOKIE MANAGER</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="coomang.css"> </link> <script type="text/javascript" > function loadcontent() { var x= "<div class="general">"; x += " <div style="width: 150px; position: fixed;">CREATE COOKIE:</div>"; x += " <div style="position: relative; left:170px">"; … | |
| Hi Does anyone know how to get this javascript code working please? [ICODE]<script language="JavaScript"> var blnSiteUp="1" var camera="Please wait for my javascript to check if the webcam is online..."; document.write (camera) function setblnsiteup() { var blnSiteUp="0"; } </script> <img id=test onerror="javascript:setblnsiteup();" style="visibility:hidden" src="http://ip.benellis.info/images/bg1.gif"> <script language="JavaScript"> document.write (blnSiteUp) </script> <script language="JavaScript"> … |
Hi I have a div that is hidden until a button is pressed to show it, although when the user clicks the close button or the open button the div will hide, although it will keep the users last viewed page within that div there unless they logout or reload … | |
I have this piece of code in the head of my document which allows image magnification. [CODE] <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(document).ready(function($){ $('#[COLOR="red"]image1[/COLOR]').addimagezoom({ zoomrange: [5, 5], magnifiersize: [530,300], magnifierpos: 'right', largeimage: 'images/products/large/[COLOR="red"]KALLY[/COLOR].jpg' }), $('#[COLOR="Red"]image2[/COLOR]').addimagezoom({ zoomrange: [5, 5], magnifiersize: [530,300], magnifierpos: 'right', largeimage: 'images/products/large/[COLOR="red"]EDITH[/COLOR].jpg' }), }) </script> [/CODE] At the moment it allows … | |
Hi, i have working with an aplication ... this: [url]www.plantasic.es[/url] and like you can see, by clicking in a line at the right, each one displays a different image. When the image is loaded, there's a javascript code for re-measurement, for adjusting to the available screen area. The easy implementation … | |
hello, i have to display google images in my website. i would like to add google images in my wishlist simply drag the image into dropbox. it will add into my wishlist. for this i am using this code. this code is from [URL="http://demos.hacks.mozilla.org/openweb/DnD/"]mozilla[/URL] but it is not working in … | |
Hi again I have an HTML form with three groups of inputs. These inputs are all text. Group 1 has 1 input, group 2 has one input, and group 3 has 3 inputs. What I would like to do is this... If a user inputs any data into a particular … | |
hi, i want to build something, like and app, to start with i need like and endless scrolling space with NO scroll-bars, and secondly want it to scroll with my mouse, by hovering my mouse cursor to the left of the page the page would scroll to the right, im … | |
Hey guys; I've been working on a little concept webpage, and it works great in any browser !IE. But, any IE browser will not render the middleAlign DIV's as centered in the web page (like all the other browsers do). Apart from that, and a few other little quirks, it … | |
I tried to make a easy google news search api. I know google news api search can show max 8 items per page, and 8 pages(total 64 items). 1.How to add `image{}`(I want to show the news image), I read the document in google official website, but not understand. 2.Can … | |
MY JAVASCRIPT TO SUBMIT A FORM INSIDE AN IFRAME [CODE]<script> function fsubmit(g){ window.frames.[g].document.g.submit(); } </script>[/CODE] MY PHP CODE TO GENERATE HTML [CODE] echo'<a onclick="fsubmit('.$nayaid.'99999)" href="#"><img border="0" src="images/close_small.png" width="10" height="9" title="Ignore '.$fnam.' '.$lnam.'"></a></font></b></td></tr></table></td></tr></table><span style="font-size: 8pt"> <br></span></div><div style='display:none'><iframe name="'.$nayaid.'99999" id="'.$nayaid.'99999" src="frames/ignore.php?id='.$nayaid.'" width="1" height="1"></iframe></div>' [/CODE] onclick event supplies a value in the javascript on … | |
My Jquery function goes like this <script language="javascript" src="jquery.js"> function TestJQ() { alert("Inside a JQ Function"); } </script> I also added jquery.js file to project. When i try to call this function from Silverlight project it throws an error Failed to Invoke My Silver light code: void MainPage_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs … | |
I have a website which dynamically gets images and then displays it but i have sub image which has to update the main image, but this main image is a lightbox which uses href link so i am wondering if someone can show me how to update this href using … | |
Hi All I need help in making a Drop down search box I have dropdown HTML code and also Search Box HTML code, could you please help me in making both as one I made sample code but not sure why its not working, please do the need full [CODE]<HTML><HEAD><SCRIPT … | |
I have this script and i need some help [CODE]<script type='text/javascript'> numcount=0; t=setTimeout("test()",30000); document.getElementById("incrementBtn").disabled=false; timer_on = 1; function increasecounter() { timer_on = 1; numcount++; document.getElementById('countdiv').innerHTML=numcount; t=setTimeout("test()",30000); } function test() { if(timer_on) { timer_on=0; document.getElementById("incrementBtn").disabled="true"; document.getElementById("score").innerHTML = document.getElementById("countdiv").innerHTML; } } function reset() { timer_on = 0; numcount=0; document.getElementById("incrementBtn").disabled=false; document.getElementById("countdiv").innerHTML = 0; … | |
I am writing a JavaScript program that you click the mouse on a button and it shows how many times you have pressed the button. here is the JavaScript for it [CODE]<script language="javascript"> var numcount=0; function increasecounter(){ numcount++; document.getElementById('countdiv').innerHTML=numcount; } </script>[/CODE] and here is the html: [CODE]<div id='countdiv'>0</div><br/> <input type=submit … | |
Hello Daniweb, I'm currently working on a pretty straight-forward AJAX application. In this application, I get some XML, and then parse it. An example of what I'm working with is as such: [code] <?xml version="1.0"?> <postRoot xml:lang="EN"> <post type="comment" date="January 1, 1970"> <user>athlon32</user> <content>Hello World</content> </post> </postRoot> [/code] Now, I've … | |
Hi all. is it possible to alter a form after an ajax call? what i want to do is this: i have a form with some textfields and a select box with 2 options. what i want to do is when a person chooses one option, i will unset some … | |
I have a website which dynamically gets images and then displays it but i have sub image which has to update the main image, but this main image is a lightbox which uses href link so i am wondering if someone can show me how to update this href using … | |
| Could somebody please help me to add a function to this script in which the image to test if the server is up has a timeout, so it shows an error message to the user instead of just loading forever. The current function of the code is: Attempt to load … |
Hi pals , I am really stuck in parsing a JSON string and take it's values. I got the json string as {"user":{"id":"1","firstname":"Freelogin","created":"0000-00-00 00:00:00","lastname":"Administrator","email":"fred@websecurify.com", "usergroup_id":"1","status":"1","ip_enable":"N","priv":"0","expire":""},"data":{ "1":{"5":{"last_update":"2010-12-13 16:16:16","status":"0"},"3":{"last_update":"2010-12-13 16:41:48","status":"1"}},"2":{"6":{"last_update":"2010-12-13 16:41:48","status":"1"}}},"server_array":[{"id":"1","name":"anes.yyy.net"},{ "id":"2","name":"neseema.xxx.net"}],"service_array":[{"id":"5","name":"POP3"}, {"id":"6","name":"Cpanel"},{"id":"3","name":"SMTP"}],"sort_by":"servername", "sort_order":"ASC","pagelinks":"","totrows":"2","offset":"0","limitvalue":"10", "rows_monitor":2,"current":"monitor","uri":false} Friends How to Parse this and take the Results for further processing in javascript.... I am waiting … |
The End.