15,117 Topics

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Member Avatar for SangreAngel

I am new to Java and having an issue with it. My website currently works when run on my desktop but once it is uploaded it is not working correctly. Specifically the javascript does not seem to be working once I upload it. What it is supposed to do is …

Member Avatar for sunwebsite
Member Avatar for jonnypixel

Hi, Iam trying to add two small buttons for my edit in place rows. A user at the moment clicks the keyword where a div loads the editable text and they have to press enter key for the data to post. How do i add a edit icon and then …

Member Avatar for xuexue

hi guys, i have this program wherein the user can add freely how many textboxes he want. now my problem is that i have a class on my first textbox which is [CODE]class= "TextBox"[/CODE] then, i want to add that class name to the textbox added by the user..how could …

Member Avatar for soso30

Hi, i tried to use the `ActiveXObject("CiscoURLProxy.URLGrabber")`, but when i run the code it gives the following : Error Type: Microsoft JScript runtime (0x800A01AD) Automation server can't create object please help me to fix it . here is a part of the code : <%@LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT" CODEPAGE="65001"%> <% Response.ContentType = "text/xml"; …

Member Avatar for snep
Member Avatar for nikk8a

Hi, I'm trying to read a select(dropdown) box from an HTML form along with all its options. Can you please guide me as to how this can be achieved. My core requirement is to be able to read a select element with all its option and store it in some …

Member Avatar for Barrett1
Member Avatar for mklein

Dear forum Rather than use a library, I have attempted to write my own attempt at a script that allows multiple elements to be dragged around the page. It starts by loading all divs into an array, and then forms a new array of only divs with the required class …

Member Avatar for quibbie

We have tracking code in place that will track a user from our news letter to our site and then track the user around the site. If the user is in our database we can track the user by email. We now offer free downloads to newsletter subscribers and want …

Member Avatar for xuexue

hi guys, i am generating a certain element using javascript inside a table.. now, my problem is that, inside a cell, i will input a text and a textbox.. if the sequence is like this, text textbox both displays in the screen, if it's like this, textbox text only the …

Member Avatar for xuexue
Member Avatar for MovingGifts

Hey everyone, I am trying to accomplish something with images growing on hover like the fancy grow mouseover effect on google images. Here is what I have: [URL="http://www.1stbusinessneeds.com/tooltip/tooltip.html"]http://www.1stbusinessneeds.com/tooltip/tooltip.html[/URL] The tooltip is offset and is based on the walter zorn tooltip. What's the best way to have the mouseover popup grow …

Member Avatar for lawrenceh

Hi How is it possible to write Ajax code using var timerId = setTimeout("test_function();", 250); and xmlhttp.onreadystatechange=function() but without the user doing anything. Thanks in advance, Lawrence

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Member Avatar for simonquasar

hi guys! i've a mapped image and jquery in the following code, works fine with Chrome and Safari, but Firefox doesn't recognize the onclick function and I'm wondering why! [CODE]<img id="menu" src="/imgs/home/menuOK.png" border="0" align="left" usemap="Map_Menu"/> <map name="Map_Menu" id="Map"> <area shape="poly" coords="16,189,103,155,99,149,5,169" href="#" onclick="$('#contenuto').html('<iframe src=bio.php frameborder=no width=100% height=100% scrolling=no id=icontent><p>Your browser …

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Member Avatar for bwallace

We have a script that's supposed to tell the user how much money they save or lose over a certain period (for example, how much money they have left over each month after bills). The problem is that it doesn't show the answer after the user clicks "Calculate". What's wrong? …

Member Avatar for ptemedia

Hi, This may seem like a really easy fix but I'm new to JQuery and I've been staring at my code for ages now and can't find the solution. The code is for a two line navigation system. It works fine except when the user stops hovering over 'wrap' the …

Member Avatar for cossay

[CODE] <html> <head> <title>MY FIRST AJAX SCRIPT</title> <script language = "javascript" type = "text/javascript"> function checkName() { var xml; try { xml = new XMLHttpRequest(); } catch(e1) { try { xml = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } catch(e2) { return false; } } xml.onreadystatechange = function() { if(xml.readyState == 4) { alert(xml.responseText); …

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Member Avatar for bleedi

Hey, I'm trying to get a random number for a small game which lights up random lights. I can't figure out a way to get the number random. I've tried seeding the Random() function with current time, but it's not working. It always lights up the third light. Here's my …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for nikita.chandra

Hi all ! In my Online Ticket Booking Project on i am using AJAX for source and destination cities.. destination is dependent on source city.. but on my machine Ajax is not working ... while on all the other machine it is working properly.. please help.. i am using mozilla …

Member Avatar for ErlendHL

Hey! I am just wondering: If I want a form to send a AJAX request instead of sending the user to another page or same page; can I [ICODE]<form action="javascript:sendRequest()"[/ICODE]?

Member Avatar for Graphix
Member Avatar for KoolAide2010

I am new to javascript and I am not sure if my idea will even work in java script but here we go. My Dad has a web page and I am trying to help him out with it. He builds duck calls and I am trying to make a …

Member Avatar for KoolAide2010
Member Avatar for Snakers0725

Hi, I am new here in this forum and I am currently studying JS. I need help with something but I couldn't find any existing problem like mine. anyway, I just want to pick a random sound when Play button is clicked. I just need something to start of then …

Member Avatar for Snakers0725
Member Avatar for timrichardson

I'm not an experienced javascript programmer. I'm wondering if there is a library which has a simple approach to drawing a 2d array as an HTML table (when the array changes, I can use this library to update the HTML). I know this is easy to do in raw javascript, …

Member Avatar for zildjianfan

I am trying to have a sidebar that has a fixed position so it scrolls with the page, but can be hidden (toggled) like this: [URL="http://davidwalsh.name/dw-content/slider-coupon.php"]http://davidwalsh.name/dw-content/slider-coupon.php[/URL] only on the right side of the page. I am going nuts trying to figure this out: I've tried dozens of scripts but everyone …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for kbomo

I want to map a field, city, from a MySQL database into Google Maps. I found a nice script to do it, but haven't been able to get it to work. If I hard code an array into locations (var locations = ['Seattle', 'New York']), it works fine. Passing this …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for manishblr1

Hi All, I have a file which contains mixed frames. [CODE] <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/frameset.dtd"> <html> <head> <title>Configuration Screens</title> </head> <frameset rows="71,*" frameborder="0" border="0" framespacing="0"> <frame name="topNav" src="./CSTopBar.irpt"> <frameset cols="220,*" frameborder="0" border="0" framespacing="0"> <frame name="menu" src="./ConfigurationMenu.irpt" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" > <frame name="content" src="/XMII/CM/Testing_AA/Configuration/ProductionCalendar.irpt" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" > </frameset> …

Member Avatar for sunwebsite
Member Avatar for Ender330

Help!!! Ok I have been on this problem all day. Searching and Searching and just when I thought I had it...the script didn't work as it was supposed to. My URL looks like this: [CODE]http://mysite.com/joinform.php?Email=mymail@gmail.com&Username=newuser&Password=12345678 [/CODE] I need to parse the email, username and password from the url into the …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for linomatti

Hello, I have a page, all there is in it is: [QUOTE]<script type="text/javascript"> alert('my test'); </script>[/QUOTE] When I open the page by itself, it displays the alert. Using the [URL="http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex17/ajaxtabscontent/"]Tabs Content[/URL] script, I call that page via ajax. Page displays, but not alert. So please how do I initialize javascript …

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Member Avatar for stevo356

Hi, I have a problem with setInterval (jquery). It works great, but I wan't the element to stop refreshing when a textarea is selected (so that users can insert text). Here is the refresh code I'm using currently. [CODE] $(document).ready(function() { $("#container").load("php/functions.php?page=wall"); refreshId = setInterval(function() { $("#container").load("php/functions.php?page=wall&r="+Math.random()); }, 1000); }); …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for MooGeek

is there any alternatives? My hosting is a Shared hosting so I guess somehow its limited...

Member Avatar for MooGeek
Member Avatar for ALorenzo91

I need Help with a program Details: Design an algorithm that will produce a list of selected student names from a student file. Each input student record contains the students number, the students name, semester hours, and the age. Your program is to read the student files and prepare a …

Member Avatar for jeffreylee
Member Avatar for Acute

Hi everyone, i need your help) i have some elements with same id, say: <div id="myid">Data1</div> <div id="myid">Data2</div> I want to get innerHtml when one of them is clicked, how can i determine which one exactly was clicked? JQuery: $("#myid").click(function(){ //how to get the .html and other properties of clicked …

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Member Avatar for LogicWeb

Working on a web site and noticed that of about 70 pages total, only one page (regarding Roundcube webmail) has an issue with the sub-menu not working at all. This is the header [CODE]<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" /> <head> …

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The End.