15,116 Topics

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Member Avatar for realnsleo

HI everyone, i am writing a web application but i need to validate certain strings from the client side using regular expressions in javascript. i want to validate phone numbers for my country, Uganda. can anyone help me with a regular expression validation script that allows any number starting with …

Member Avatar for sysel
Member Avatar for punithapary

Hi, In my website i am planning to do portfolio things in that i gave fade in fade for all images this is working with same size of image.But i have images like this sizes 500/300, 300/150 like if i give this images into portfolio that time if one image …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for NetMyMate

Can anyone please help me: I want to redirect some users based on their location. Is it possible to do so using JavaScript? If yes, please write the code for me!

Member Avatar for JugglerDrummer
Member Avatar for tonykachappilly

my requirement is to create an excel using javascript . i have the results in table format .do any one know how to do this?

Member Avatar for JugglerDrummer
Member Avatar for anish.anick

Hi All, I need to create a HTML page which plays live audio. (I know to play an audio file using <object> tag) But my requirement is to stream live audio please help me to solve this. Thanks

Member Avatar for JugglerDrummer
Member Avatar for serkan sendur

You must do three things to solve this problem : 1) in the object tag add the following parameter <PARAM NAME=wmode VALUE=transparent> 2) in the embed tag add the following attribute <EMBED src="jet.swf" wmode=transparent .... 3) add the same name-value pair to the following script <script type="text/javascript"> AC_FL_RunContent( 'codebase','http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=7,0,19,0' ,'wmode','transparent',...rest …

Member Avatar for serkan sendur
Member Avatar for gingank

Hi guys, I have a php page and the alert i write in JavaScript. When the users fill up the form and click on submit button on next page it will out the alert if do not fill up the name. So the question how can make it display on …

Member Avatar for sysel
Member Avatar for gshockneo

Hi everyone Plz reply..its urgent I am trying to track progress of a database operation . and want to dislplay percentage progress on page asynchronously. Process.jsp - In this i used javascript to call ajax function continuously which returns precentage progress. My Code is : [code] <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for mauimaile1129

Hi, I'm not really a programmer, but have been tasked with performing some AJAX functions to make a call and return results to my page using getElementByID. I have been able to return search results to the page, but now need to make them clickable as it will lead to …

Member Avatar for mauimaile1129
Member Avatar for wxoklp

I have alot of home videos I want to put on my website, and it seems that the easiest way to do it would be to embed it onto my website using HTML script. Problem is, I have no clue how to convert in into HTML script. Could someone please …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for sunilsinha

Hi All, I am trying to create a combo box with horizontal scroller. i.e. Combo box will have a fixed width, if any of its options have higher text, then horizontal scroller should appear automatically. I also tried placing a <div> around <SELECT>. But not getting how to apply styles …

Member Avatar for sysel
Member Avatar for derekn

Wonder if anyone knows what's going on here... I have a page which is generated via Perl that prints a number of data entries in a series of table rows. Each <tr> is assigned a unique id through perl, and when user mouseovers on each individual <tr>, the javascript is …

Member Avatar for derekn
Member Avatar for Qasim Ali

Hi all I have javascript function that insert text into freetextbox at current cursor position. It works well when I call this function onClientClick event passing a string as a parameter (This string is inserted into freetextbox at current cursor position). My code is as follow [code]<FTB:FreeTextBox id="FreeTextBox1" toolbarlayout="ParagraphMenu,FontFacesMenu,FontSizesMenu,FontForeColorsMenu, FontForeColorPicker,FontBackColorsMenu, …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for sarithak

Hi frnds... I saw previous threads regarding photo gallery in this forum.. All threads start from errors in code.... But i want Image gallery total code with db...I was also doing gallery, but it looks not good..code is working fine..but look and feel is not good...also it takes more time …

Member Avatar for mrcniceguy
Member Avatar for jmccullough73

I am quite new to page layout and I have an issue with a Fireworks created menubar and tables. First, everything works in every browser except IE. Of course! The menu drop down goes behind the table data. Also, the tooltip display in IE only shows partial image. Any help …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for nameunknown

Hi everyone, I've whipped up a simple validation script to vaildate simple form elements. My issue is when i submit the form without any data it works correctly. It catches on each individual element and reports the error. When the fields are populated correctly, i am receiving an error message …

Member Avatar for sysel
Member Avatar for jcanaway

alright im making a sortable displays in my website but i am trying to figure out how to pass my javascript array to and external php script through POST method so i can update the column, position, hidden, or closed in the database i am using jQuery Sortable Portlets located …

Member Avatar for sysel
Member Avatar for gagan22

HI all, I have make two form. one in which i will fill value then is will go in next page after submitting with $_Post['value'] . But i need this value in my javascript code in next page . So how i can fetch this value in my javascript code. …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for SKANK!!!!!

I NEED TUTORIAL or help so i can understand how to make my own that doesnt reload ever. please. help me my site is in peril without one!!!! i cannot use a premade one i actually need a tutorial or something so i can make my own. please any info …

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for sysel

I found a principal differece between the behavior of staticaly (HTML) coded object – the table row, and the same object created dynamicaly (DOM) with createElement() addChild() methodes. The folowing souce creates one HTML row and one DOM row and gives buttons to duplicate each row. [CODE]<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD …

Member Avatar for gagan22

Hi all, I have made to select box in which one is adult and other is for child . adult select box have 1 to 10 numeric value and child have 1 to 10 numeric value. but now i want to make if both of select box total is greater …

Member Avatar for gagan22
Member Avatar for oakleymk

Hi All, This is the parent issue that led to the post [B]Need help with getDOCTYPE() function[/B] ([url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread196837.html[/url]) [B]USING THE BODY METHOD:[/B] The following code will properly get the viewable window area if no DOCTYPE is specified. [icode]document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].clientWidth//Height[/icode] [B]OR[/B] [icode]document.body.clientWidth//Height[/icode] If DOCTYPE is XHTML ANY* the above code reports only …

Member Avatar for bretthacker
Member Avatar for pradeepktg

Hi, Can anybody send me the code for selecting image from system through multipart/form. Once it is selected, there should be option for cropping with preview. There are lots of cropping codes in internet, but i couldn't find anything with jsp(all are in php and javascript). I need it in …

Member Avatar for samarudge
Member Avatar for changeco

I'm sure this is a nOOb questions, but... I have a form that's action is an external page and the onSubmit action on the form is blocking ANY javascript validation I'm trying... I've tried all the following options; Spry validation, Dreamweavers built in validation, Webassists server and client validation... If …

Member Avatar for changeco
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, When a web browser window is opened, only the menu options should be visible to users. I don't want other toolbars. Also, is it possible to blocking users add toolbar from the menu that will be visible to them. IE and Firefox please. Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for mani8php

Hello, I want to [B]log out[/B] the user when close the browser, so i need to call the java script function when close the window. I used the [B]onunload [/B]and [B]onbeforeunload [/B] event but it should call on each page navigation and page refreshing. My necessity is, The function should …

Member Avatar for sysel
Member Avatar for cguan_77
Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for nish123

hello frndz.. i have a function in javascript to add new cell in a table...!! tht work perfectly but now i want to create a span tag within cell tag..!! [code=javascript] var cellLeft = row.insertCell(3); chbk1.id = 'change'+iteration; var chbk = document.createElement('input'); chbk.type = 'button'; chbk.name = 'button'; chbk.value = …

Member Avatar for nish123
Member Avatar for spartan.pk

Hello everone in this forum! Dear Friends, I have problems using javascript in firefox, many functions are not working in firefox like .focus and some ajax code also. I use html scriplets <!-- My script here //---> to hide it from browser that does'nt support javascript. but it is still …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for Remulon

Hi, This question is for anyone who has ever had any input on the age old question about whether divs or tables are better for layout and/or tabular data. CSS purists say divs. Others say divs for layout, tables for tabular data (including me most of the time). What do …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic

The End.