15,116 Topics

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Member Avatar for ChrisJ

Greybox, the pop-up window: [url]http://orangoo.com/labs/GreyBox/[/url] I'd just like to know how I can get it to pop-up not in the center of the page. I'd like it to pop-up on the left side of the page. Is that possible? If so can you help me accomplish this? It's ben suggested …

Member Avatar for abhihome
Member Avatar for CaptainColossal

Hi I have an HTML document with a table that is 3 rows of 3 cells each, that presents 9 flash presentations in those cells. I want to use a pair of radio buttons to toggle the presentations in those cells as follows. The page will load with a "jpg" …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for Enrico!

Hi, every one....recently i have learn how to delete rows from a table, but i was trying to do it by mean of the row id, and i could do it...so if any one have a wonderful idea..please let me know. please could you also upload the code when you …

Member Avatar for sysel
Member Avatar for MJ Pieterse

i'm not sure if this is the correct place to post this, but i have a li menu with a sub menu that uses javascript. my normal code for a menu would be for instance: [code] function mmLoadMenus() { if (window.mm_menu_123456789_0) return; window.mm_menu_123456789_0_1 = new Menu("Tables",80,16,"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif",10,"#ffffff","#ffffff","#004E69","#C6282B","center","middle",3,0,1000,-5,7,true,true,true,0,true,true); [/code] the …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for boemboem

Hi, I'm new to Daniweb :) and I have a problem which might be not possible. I want to have a image as bookmarklet. In IE, you have to right click on the image and "save as" favorite or "save as" favorite bar item. [IMG]http://www.twiturl.nl/docu/ie.jpg[/IMG] In FF, you can drag …

Member Avatar for boemboem
Member Avatar for k2k

say i have: document.writeln("0") document.writeln("1") document.writeln("2") document.writeln("3") document.writeln("4") how i do generate them in different order each time but all of them must display? ... please help ex: .... 1 ........ 3 ...........0 ...........4 ........... 2 then another output would be: ........3 .........2 .........4. .........1 ............0 ... all random but …

Member Avatar for essential
Member Avatar for lithodora

Form Validation Script: [code]<script language="javascript"> function handler(where){ //check for unusual characters var iChars = "!@#$%^&*()+=-[]\\';,./{}|\":<>?"; var wspace = " "; for (var i = 0; i < where.value.length; i++) { if (iChars.indexOf(where.value.charAt(i)) != -1) { return false; } if (wspace.indexOf(where.value.charAt(i)) != -1) { return "nope"; } } } function emailhandler(where){ …

Member Avatar for foryounow
Member Avatar for DealthRune

I am using this thread to show an example to a website on my javascript table editer I made. To see the script in action, just put it in one of your text editers (i.e Note Pad, ect... ect...) Description: With this, you can add cells, delete cells, add rows, …

Member Avatar for DealthRune
Member Avatar for drugoholic

The code below is to validate the email field in my form, if the field left empty the javascript will alert "please fill in your email" and then it'll take you to a blank page that says "false". I don't want that to happen, I want them to re-enter their …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for punithapary

Hi, In website i am having popup window.Whenever refreshiung the page popup window will come Its working now and i want to move that popup window based on the mouse movement can anyone give some sample code for this thanks in advance

Member Avatar for creativeweb
Member Avatar for jonow

Is there a way to set up a system there extracts SWFs from a webpage automatically? It would be something were you have a text box and you enter the URL of a page into it. The page contains a SWF. The program goes looking in that page and finds …

Member Avatar for essential
Member Avatar for servis

i have displayed a button on a page, by which a user may report anything to admin about contents complaint. when user click on this button, it leads to a new page where in a form he fills data & send to admin. now i want when user click on …

Member Avatar for drugoholic

Hey there, I'm having a javascript problem and I can't really figure this out, some help would be greatly appreciated. I have this custom made html/javascript form that passes the submitted values to another form (iframe) found on another website. All the fields are working except the "Country" field. This …

Member Avatar for drugoholic
Member Avatar for maicod

Hello, I use javascript to play remote flv videos on my site. But I tried to play videos from youjizz(dot)com using flowplayer and also jw player. The videos are accessable and they are playing fine in FF but if I want to watch them in IE or Opera the player …

Member Avatar for jaykom

[code]$(document).ready(function() { var childrenEle; function toggleReq() { $('fieldset.fieldsetClass').each(function() { id = $(this).attr('id'); $("#" + id).children().not("div,legend").each(function () { var divEle = $("div").attr('id'); if($(this).attr('class') == 'required') { $(this).css("display","block"); } else { $(this).css("display","none"); } }); }); } function toggleAll() { $('fieldset.fieldsetClass').each(function() { id = $(this).attr('id'); $("#" + id).children().each(function () { $(this).css("display","block"); }); }); …

Member Avatar for mschroeder
Member Avatar for mehrdad39

I am a beginner (very beginner) in vbscript and am having a problem running the following script. This was a html file that I converted to vbscript. I keep getting the same error no matter what support files (recommended) I put in the same or windows directories. Would someone be …

Member Avatar for vinpkl

hi all i have two dynamic drop downs of dealer id and category id which work properly with window.location [code] var dealerid; function getList(xyz) { window.location='manage_products.php?category_id=' + xyz; } function getProducts(dealer_id) { var catid=document.form1.category.value; window.location='manage_products.php?dealer_id=' + dealer_id + "&category_id="+catid ; } [/code] but now i want to add static drop …

Member Avatar for essential
Member Avatar for tefflox

I have no experience with javascript, so I would like to know if it is possible to align a paragraph of text so it is placed in the middle of any browser window, using only html and css. Can this be done without js? If not, how much javascript will …

Member Avatar for michaeli99
Member Avatar for webCurious

Hello all! I have 3 different links on my main page (main.asp) - X,Y,Z. Link X opens x.asp , Y opens y.asp, Z opens z.asp When clicking on X, x.asp opens in a pop up. When I click again on X, the focus will come to the same pop up …

Member Avatar for essential
Member Avatar for tanaquil

hi all - i'm new to this forum and would love some guidance on this. i'm using a great script from oreilly for an efficient rollover effect on an image map - highly recommend for anyone needing something like this - link is below - my question is how do …

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Member Avatar for doclucas

Hi, I have the following search code and want to use prototype js to have it submitted without refreshing the page. I tried a few things, but couldn't make it work, would appreciate any help. Here is the html code: [code] <form method="post" action="quick_stockview.php" name="quickview"> <table border="0" align=center> <tr> <tr> …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, I just wonder if this is possible. When i print a page from my localhost or web, the html link information is printed at the end of the page. How can disable it? Thanks

Member Avatar for veledrom
Member Avatar for Xessa

I want to avoid user to press " and ' characters. What must i do in keyup event?

Member Avatar for essential
Member Avatar for sirge

Hi guys, I have a two functions in ajax; say for example the functions are...function AB() and function BC in my form I have a this textbox which calls the function AB() through onKeyUp event. I successfully made calling the said function, but what if I'll be calling the two …

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for Xessa

Hi. I am Turkish. When the text is written in Turkish, some characters are double bytes in the database. Is there a shortcut to find these characters? Will checking if the high byte of the character is not 0 will work?

Member Avatar for jaykom

Hi folks, My example markup as follows [code=html]<fieldset> <input type="text"></input> <input type="text"></input> <select></select> </fieldset> <fieldset> <input type="checkbox"></input> <input type="text"></input> <select></select> </fieldset>[/code] I want to collect all the child elements inside this two fieldset elements through looping, folks please help me out

Member Avatar for essential
Member Avatar for franko75

Hi, i'm setting up a couple of forms on the admin section of a CMS i'm developing. I want to use (unobtrusive) modal forms using JQuery, but I'm not sure how to return error messages/feedback from the server and display them [B]within[/B] the modal window. So this is where i've …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for Wolverine68

I am new to AJAX. I'm trying to write code that will extract from an XML file and then display the results. Keep getting a syntax error. HTML: [CODE] <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> <html> <head> <title>Extract Data from an XML file</title> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> <!--The object …

Member Avatar for essential
Member Avatar for Xessa
Member Avatar for Xessa
Member Avatar for yilmazhuseyin

Hi I am working on a little project I'd like to call post database and I got a little problem. when user clicks a page number, I bring html content from server and add it to page. And I can see the new content on the page. But if new …

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The End.