15,116 Topics

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Member Avatar for Xessa

Well it seems that i have a textbox and a textarea under it. Both sizes are 20 but they don't seem identical. Is there a way to make them identical vertically? Thanks

Member Avatar for essential
Member Avatar for CodeBoy101

Hello all. I''m currently working on a a page which should be able to run a substitution cipher in order to do both encryption and decrption in Java script on the same page. But the problem is only the encryption part works. Right now this is what I have: [code] …

Member Avatar for JugglerDrummer
Member Avatar for whayman

When I enter the integer, I'm not getting the prompt that states if it is odd or even. I am new to this, so this stupid thing has taken me a week to do, but now I am just frustrated. Can someone help me out. [code=html]<?xml version = "1.0" encoding …

Member Avatar for sysel
Member Avatar for Reliable

Hello any and everyone, I have a form inside of an HTML page. The result I want is that when the user hits the submit button that only the section of the page containing the form refreshes. Wen it refreshes it refreshes with a thank you message. Is that feasible. …

Member Avatar for buddylee17
Member Avatar for gagan22

hi all, I want to make one application using javacript or may be it is in ajax. Let me explain my problem: I have one select box name person which have value 0,1,2,3,4,5 . Now i want that when user will select value 1 from select box then person 1 …

Member Avatar for sysel
Member Avatar for spiriad

Hello there, What I want to know is how can I make a drag selection box using JavaScript. What I mean, is when you click the left mouse button and drag, a "wire" (I don't know the term for it) should appear , like on your desktop. I'm sure this …

Member Avatar for wallwriter

Hi guys. I have a page for a choir. There is an image of each member's head which when clicked on a div slides in containing an image and blurb of each individual. The problem.... the div isn't hidden in IE7 or below. Here's a [URL="http://ampedup.co.uk/tstpages/membersIII.html"]link[/URL]. The page uses mootools …

Member Avatar for Vandithar

Hi, I have hyperlinked texts and i want to remove the underline and blue color also. I removed underline but not the blue color i want the font to be in black?? Here is the code: [code=html]<html> <body> <A STYLE="text-decoration:none href=http://www.google.com>This is an example for automatic term mapping</A> </body> </html>[/code] …

Member Avatar for lovemyseo
Member Avatar for flockit

Hello, I want to stick one DIV to the bottom! I've managed to do that but when I scroll down the DIV doesn't scroll smoothly! Below is my code:- [CODE] <div id="x"> <center> <div id="footer" style="width: 95%; background-color:#66CCFF; border: 1px normal black; top: 100px; position:absolute; align:center; height: 50px" align="center"><center>A</center></div> </center> …

Member Avatar for flockit
Member Avatar for sureronald

Hi all. Anyone know of a good ajax resource out there. I have been googling all along but I don't seem to be getting the right thing. I'm still new to Ajax. Any help will be highly appreciated. Thanks

Member Avatar for sureronald
Member Avatar for trenchant

I am trying to convert this excel bsed formula into java - Very new to this and trying to grasp it all. Any help would be appreciated... =B3*(C4/(1-(1+C4)^-B5)) It is a mortgage payment script and I am having a hrd time getting it to work as a java script. Thanks!

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for hoektoe

hi there if you look at the output of my first code or "instance". once a option is selected in the checkbox, the cell next to that cell changes and presents a form to the user, or input field based on the selected option... so in essence this is ONE …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for lstammer

This is what I have from another posting: [code=javascript]<script language="JavaScript"> <!-- // Create arrays to contain all the values // for links and image locations link = new Array image = new Array link[1]="http://www.sugarshack.com" image[1]="/images/stores/sugar-index.png" link[2]="http://www.clientswebsitecompany.com" image[2]="http://www.bastropdba.com/images/services/clients-index.gif" // Create a random number between 1 and last number random_num = (Math.round((Math.random()*2)+1)) …

Member Avatar for JugglerDrummer
Member Avatar for kavithakesav

Hi, Can anyone help in image slidshow (it should be automatically and with next and previous button). Plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz KavithaKesav

Member Avatar for JugglerDrummer
Member Avatar for tonyibrahim

Hello, i have a table with 3 columns, and i have a click bottom on the first column, when i click the 1st column should take the 100% of the table width and the other 2 columns should disappear, then when i click the bottom again, everything should take the …

Member Avatar for essential
Member Avatar for servis

hi, i have passed following parameters in ajax function, [ICODE] onclick = "agU(<?php echo $u . ' , ' . $msg; ?>);" [/ICODE] its not working. when i test the same function in following way it runs fine. [ICODE] onclick = "agU(<?php echo $u; ?>);" [/ICODE] am i commiting any …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for diafol

Hi all, I'm a bit of a jobber with JS, so please excuse me. I'm use prototype quite a lot for ajax calls, but have always used inline onclicks. I'm trying to be less obtrusive by creating event handlers/listeners. I used to do this with the aid of pHp to …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for flockit

Hello, Can anyone tell me how to smooth scroll to a link like this:- [CODE] <!-- Link invisible, used to move up --> <a name="test" id="test"></a> <br /><!-- To cover up the full page and more --> <a href="#a">Scroll to #test</a> [/CODE] When a user clicks on "Scroll to #test" …

Member Avatar for flockit
Member Avatar for gingank

If i wan the alert appear in the same page on the index want code should i write?? I write the code but when i click submit the alert show on next page not the index page so how?? Below is my code:- [CODE]if($from == '') {echo "<script langauge=\"javascript\">alert('Mail not …

Member Avatar for essential
Member Avatar for Remulon

Hi, I am writing a DHTML application which uses AJAX to show dialogue windows etc.. (all the bells and whistles). When I display a DHTML dialogue in the foreground, I use JS to create a div which is a "layer" in between the foreground and the background which essentially "darkens" …

Member Avatar for Remulon
Member Avatar for khr2003

Hi I am trying to use onclick to add text to a textarea, the function I am using is: [CODE]function addtxt(input,add) { var obj=document.getElementById(input) var txt=document.createTextNode(add) obj.appendChild(txt) }[/CODE] and the line that I use to call the function - through php- is: [CODE]<a onclick=\"addtxt('post','$code');\"> <img src=\"smiles/$smile\" alt=\"$smilename\" border=\"0\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\"></a>[/CODE] …

Member Avatar for khr2003
Member Avatar for UzuNarU

Hi I am working on a website, that has 2 JavaScript elements. I have a post in another thread about loading content into a HTML DIV, I have that partially working. Doesn't work from a link yet. Does work on initial page load. Ok my problem is: I am using …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for CasTex

Hello, I have a script that like; [code=JavaScript]<script language="JavaScript"> document.write('<input border=0 type=button value='' '); document.write(' onClick = "location.replace('); document.write(' document.stats.site.value + '/');"'); document.write(' value="Search">'); document.write('</input>'); </script>[/code] Works nice. It directs the user to the location that written in the text input. I mean user write a site and the script …

Member Avatar for CasTex
Member Avatar for happylondoner

Hi there I need to create three dropdown boxes (box 1:colour, box 2: price, box 3:brand) and when the user presses "GO" they are returned with the correct information, pulled from corresponding fields in my MYSQL database. For example, colour: silver, price £100-£200, brand:samsung...should return 5 items on the page. …

Member Avatar for happylondoner
Member Avatar for websurfer

Hi, all: I got a form where some checbox fields will hide or show as user clicks specific choices. Problem is, if one mistakenly checks one of these checkboxes and then hides it, it still does retain the checked value, even if hidden. How can I make sure that the …

Member Avatar for websurfer
Member Avatar for rockaskane

Hi everybody! Lets see if i can explain what i am trying to achieve. i have a form to insert some products into a data base... just a normal form. The hardest part is this. i have a javascript code on a text field that launches a page in a …

Member Avatar for msvinaykumar
Member Avatar for rodmastar

I am not a java guy.. but made this code ( to open new page sized.. on another page of mine but darn i can not get it to do so on this page? Is it a DIV thing... new to these tags too/// [url]http://www.mastar.com/Presentations.html[/url] Where it say Teamviewer button …

Member Avatar for CasTex
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, I have 3 tables and want 3rd table to appear at the bottom of the page when it is printed off because it will be footer.How can i do it? Thanks [code] <table> <tr> <td>Table 1</td> </tr> </table> <br /> <table> <tr> <td>Table 2</td> </tr> </table> <br /> <table> …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for k2k

hi, thanks for ppl answered my last thread and i did get that overcome. thanksss big picture: now. last last problem, my program generates 10 random questions with random wrong answers in radio and one correct answer also in radio. when i click checkAnswer it should check the right answer …

Member Avatar for essential
Member Avatar for cjay175

Hi all, Thanks for any help anyone could give. I am using Jscrollpane to customize my scroll bars. I have the plugin working but what I am wondering is how to implement scrollBy function to scroll by paragraphs. This is what I currently have: Head section script: [CODE] <script type="text/javascript"> …


The End.