15,127 Topics
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I found a principal differece between the behavior of staticaly (HTML) coded object – the table row, and the same object created dynamicaly (DOM) with createElement() addChild() methodes. The folowing souce creates one HTML row and one DOM row and gives buttons to duplicate each row. [CODE]<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD … | |
Hi all, I have made to select box in which one is adult and other is for child . adult select box have 1 to 10 numeric value and child have 1 to 10 numeric value. but now i want to make if both of select box total is greater … | |
Hi All, This is the parent issue that led to the post [B]Need help with getDOCTYPE() function[/B] ([url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread196837.html[/url]) [B]USING THE BODY METHOD:[/B] The following code will properly get the viewable window area if no DOCTYPE is specified. [icode]document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].clientWidth//Height[/icode] [B]OR[/B] [icode]document.body.clientWidth//Height[/icode] If DOCTYPE is XHTML ANY* the above code reports only … | |
Hi, Can anybody send me the code for selecting image from system through multipart/form. Once it is selected, there should be option for cropping with preview. There are lots of cropping codes in internet, but i couldn't find anything with jsp(all are in php and javascript). I need it in … | |
I'm sure this is a nOOb questions, but... I have a form that's action is an external page and the onSubmit action on the form is blocking ANY javascript validation I'm trying... I've tried all the following options; Spry validation, Dreamweavers built in validation, Webassists server and client validation... If … | |
Hi, When a web browser window is opened, only the menu options should be visible to users. I don't want other toolbars. Also, is it possible to blocking users add toolbar from the menu that will be visible to them. IE and Firefox please. Thanks in advance | |
Hello, I want to [B]log out[/B] the user when close the browser, so i need to call the java script function when close the window. I used the [B]onunload [/B]and [B]onbeforeunload [/B] event but it should call on each page navigation and page refreshing. My necessity is, The function should … | |
hi, how to detect if the file has downloaded completely? thanks. | |
hello frndz.. i have a function in javascript to add new cell in a table...!! tht work perfectly but now i want to create a span tag within cell tag..!! [code=javascript] var cellLeft = row.insertCell(3); chbk1.id = 'change'+iteration; var chbk = document.createElement('input'); chbk.type = 'button'; chbk.name = 'button'; chbk.value = … | |
Hello everone in this forum! Dear Friends, I have problems using javascript in firefox, many functions are not working in firefox like .focus and some ajax code also. I use html scriplets <!-- My script here //---> to hide it from browser that does'nt support javascript. but it is still … | |
Hi, This question is for anyone who has ever had any input on the age old question about whether divs or tables are better for layout and/or tabular data. CSS purists say divs. Others say divs for layout, tables for tabular data (including me most of the time). What do … | |
Well it seems that i have a textbox and a textarea under it. Both sizes are 20 but they don't seem identical. Is there a way to make them identical vertically? Thanks | |
Hello all. I''m currently working on a a page which should be able to run a substitution cipher in order to do both encryption and decrption in Java script on the same page. But the problem is only the encryption part works. Right now this is what I have: [code] … | |
When I enter the integer, I'm not getting the prompt that states if it is odd or even. I am new to this, so this stupid thing has taken me a week to do, but now I am just frustrated. Can someone help me out. [code=html]<?xml version = "1.0" encoding … | |
Hello any and everyone, I have a form inside of an HTML page. The result I want is that when the user hits the submit button that only the section of the page containing the form refreshes. Wen it refreshes it refreshes with a thank you message. Is that feasible. … | |
hi all, I want to make one application using javacript or may be it is in ajax. Let me explain my problem: I have one select box name person which have value 0,1,2,3,4,5 . Now i want that when user will select value 1 from select box then person 1 … | |
Hello there, What I want to know is how can I make a drag selection box using JavaScript. What I mean, is when you click the left mouse button and drag, a "wire" (I don't know the term for it) should appear , like on your desktop. I'm sure this … | |
Hi guys. I have a page for a choir. There is an image of each member's head which when clicked on a div slides in containing an image and blurb of each individual. The problem.... the div isn't hidden in IE7 or below. Here's a [URL="http://ampedup.co.uk/tstpages/membersIII.html"]link[/URL]. The page uses mootools … | |
Hi, I have hyperlinked texts and i want to remove the underline and blue color also. I removed underline but not the blue color i want the font to be in black?? Here is the code: [code=html]<html> <body> <A STYLE="text-decoration:none href=http://www.google.com>This is an example for automatic term mapping</A> </body> </html>[/code] … | |
| Hello, I want to stick one DIV to the bottom! I've managed to do that but when I scroll down the DIV doesn't scroll smoothly! Below is my code:- [CODE] <div id="x"> <center> <div id="footer" style="width: 95%; background-color:#66CCFF; border: 1px normal black; top: 100px; position:absolute; align:center; height: 50px" align="center"><center>A</center></div> </center> … |
Hi all. Anyone know of a good ajax resource out there. I have been googling all along but I don't seem to be getting the right thing. I'm still new to Ajax. Any help will be highly appreciated. Thanks | |
I am trying to convert this excel bsed formula into java - Very new to this and trying to grasp it all. Any help would be appreciated... =B3*(C4/(1-(1+C4)^-B5)) It is a mortgage payment script and I am having a hrd time getting it to work as a java script. Thanks! | |
hi there if you look at the output of my first code or "instance". once a option is selected in the checkbox, the cell next to that cell changes and presents a form to the user, or input field based on the selected option... so in essence this is ONE … | |
This is what I have from another posting: [code=javascript]<script language="JavaScript"> <!-- // Create arrays to contain all the values // for links and image locations link = new Array image = new Array link[1]="http://www.sugarshack.com" image[1]="/images/stores/sugar-index.png" link[2]="http://www.clientswebsitecompany.com" image[2]="http://www.bastropdba.com/images/services/clients-index.gif" // Create a random number between 1 and last number random_num = (Math.round((Math.random()*2)+1)) … | |
Hi, Can anyone help in image slidshow (it should be automatically and with next and previous button). Plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz KavithaKesav | |
Hello, i have a table with 3 columns, and i have a click bottom on the first column, when i click the 1st column should take the 100% of the table width and the other 2 columns should disappear, then when i click the bottom again, everything should take the … | |
hi, i have passed following parameters in ajax function, [ICODE] onclick = "agU(<?php echo $u . ' , ' . $msg; ?>);" [/ICODE] its not working. when i test the same function in following way it runs fine. [ICODE] onclick = "agU(<?php echo $u; ?>);" [/ICODE] am i commiting any … | |
| Hi all, I'm a bit of a jobber with JS, so please excuse me. I'm use prototype quite a lot for ajax calls, but have always used inline onclicks. I'm trying to be less obtrusive by creating event handlers/listeners. I used to do this with the aid of pHp to … |
| Hello, Can anyone tell me how to smooth scroll to a link like this:- [CODE] <!-- Link invisible, used to move up --> <a name="test" id="test"></a> <br /><!-- To cover up the full page and more --> <a href="#a">Scroll to #test</a> [/CODE] When a user clicks on "Scroll to #test" … |
If i wan the alert appear in the same page on the index want code should i write?? I write the code but when i click submit the alert show on next page not the index page so how?? Below is my code:- [CODE]if($from == '') {echo "<script langauge=\"javascript\">alert('Mail not … |
The End.