15,127 Topics
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Hi guys, i have built a site and having a little problem with safari's browser...i wanted to create an other Stylesheet to ammend the bugs in safari but dont know the javascript code to apply it to my site when the user has safari to use this certain stylesheet.css file … | |
Im trying to rewrite a link with a href function. I need to parse a query string within it ('+tid') But all attempts Have falied. The current onclick/ link function <a href="javascript:who_posted();">Who Posted?</a> is attached to my forums 'replys' number colum in forum veiw' (i have no direct access) it … | |
i am using scriptaculous.js and prototype.js my ajax is returning following tags (text) [CODE]<p id="tobeedited4">one</p> (should manually select "two")[/CODE] and while calling the ajax it has [CODE] new Ajax.Updater('contact_div_edit',"./doit.php", {asynchronous:true, parameters:poststr,onComplete: showResponse, evalScripts:true}); onComplete: showResponse[/CODE] my showResponse function goes like this [CODE] function showResponse() { new Ajax.InPlaceCollectionEditor( 'tobeedited4', '_ajax_inplaceeditor_result.html', { … | |
Not sure what I'm doing wrong but this just won't work, I've tried a bunch of different methods but I just haven't been able to hit the nail on the head. The html page code looks like this: [code] <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> … | |
Hi , I forget where to look on the W3School ,I have [url]www.servisracunara.co.nr[/url] site and as you can see my images on the left side do not work ,so i need to tell me where to look about these clicking on the image in Java Script , I hope that … | |
Hi everyone! I am rather stuck trying to create a very simple savings calculator on a website. All I need to have is a field for number of PC's, Printers, Servers and how much is spent per month on IT. When they click the "get Quote" button, I'm hoping to … | |
Greetings, When you initially load LogicWeb's home page, [url]www.logicweb.com[/url] it hesitates for about 1-2 seconds on loading the ajax tabs up top (you can't miss it, right below main navigation bar). I am trying to figure out why this happens, but I just cannot seem to grasp the cause. I … | |
Is there any way to count users in my chatroom and display whos chatting using javascript or ajax? code in php below has issues, but this is what it should do. <?php $chatnames = file('http://client11.addonchat.com/scwho.pl?id=292747&plain=1'); $indx = count($chatnames); $indxcom = $indx - 1; if ($indx == 0) { echo "<b>No … | |
hello, i am new to asp with javascript <%@language="javascript"%> i want to insert data into Access, but i fail to connect to database using javascript :( do i need to include some file? | |
Hi to all I'm looking for a substituted of the clip Property, I'm using following the code(take from [url]www.w3schools.com[/url]); [code] <html> <head> <style type="text/css"> img { position:absolute; clip:rect(0px 50px 200px 0px) } </style> </head> <body> <p>The clip property is here cutting an image:</p> <p><img border="0" src="bookasp20.gif" width="120" height="151"></p> </body> </html> … | |
I have a asp forum and now i whant to make some tooltip on this one. I whant to show was in the forum when i hit a link. Se the images and then you understand what i meen One more thing is if here are someone that can give … | |
I am fixing an e-mailing system using php and mysql and have hit a stumbling block. i have recently had to take on someone elses work and have fixed most of the problems they had created. I need to upload images and then display them on the newsletters that will … | |
I have a need to force all items in a listbox to become selected before I force a submit. I need something to select everything in a listbox called SpacesServed: $("#form1").submit( function() { . . . code goes here . . . } ); Any ideas? | |
hello i am trying to get uploaded to a server using a hidden iframe so the page does not reload. i have a upload.php page which resizes the file and remanes the file. What i thiink should happen is that the php file should be in the iframe and the … | |
I have a GridView which is geting fiiled on the click of a button have method "FilGrid" I want to use the update panel of AJAX so that the page should not get refreshed at the button click but i m not able to do it .. I have putted … | |
pls help me to set the width of a combo in IE.....is there any way to fixe the width in IE.... In mozilla ,i fixed it using style="width:100px"; thankzzzzzzz | |
I'm hoping one of you javascript guru's can help me because i'm new at javascript!!! I need to return the score from my function and have it emailed with the test results. How do i do it? here is the code: (i know it's mickey mouse but it took me … | |
I'm trying to correct some W3C validation errors found at [url]www.logicweb.com[/url] I'm not a designer by trade, but I learn quickly and would appreciate help on this. The code used for the view packages button is below, and the one that caused W3C errors [code] <div id="view_packages"> <h4><a class="view_packages_button" href="/services/hosting.php" … | |
hi all i want to get a calendar in following format.. [Button to change month]{Month}{year}[Button to change year] -- [List of dates horizontally] How it can be done using either Javascript,HTML or Ajax | |
function SplitText(text,count) { if(text.length > count) { var _temps = text.substring(0,count); return _temps + "..."; } else { return text; } } Example : var s = SplitText("serkansendur",5); s will be "serka". | |
Hi all! I need to know how to [B]repeat a javascript code snippet[/B], until the [B]table's row is full[/B] - so [B]without stretching[/B] it. The row is inside the middle column of an 80% width table, made up of 3 columns, one for a left side graphic, the middle column … | |
I have searched for a tab menu script for a long time but none of them was flexible enough,then i created one for me. The algorithm is nice so the script is not too long although being flexible. your tab menu is in an html table row as follows : … | |
Menu is about three things : 1) Position 2) Show-hide 3) Content the Positining function is this : function elementPosition(obj) { var curleft = 0, curtop = 0; if (obj.offsetParent) { curleft = obj.offsetLeft; curtop = obj.offsetTop; while (obj = obj.offsetParent) { curleft += obj.offsetLeft; curtop += obj.offsetTop; } } … | |
When you assign a source to an image via javascript, it will take sometime to load the image. To get around this problem you can preload the images creating virtual images via javascript as follows : if(document.images) { // create a virtual image var img1 = new Image(); // preload … | |
Create Ajax Enabled WebSite. Set EnablePageMethods property of the ScriptManager to true : <asp: ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server" EnablePageMethods="true" /> In the CodeBehind of the page, register System.Web.Services namespace. Create a Method as follows : [WebMethod] public static void DoSome() { } the method must be static and tagged as WebMethod. … | |
i search for a ready script for smooth scrolling but i couldnt find any. So i did it myself as follows, it works perfectly function elementPosition(obj) { var curleft = 0, curtop = 0; if (obj.offsetParent) { curleft = obj.offsetLeft; curtop = obj.offsetTop; while (obj = obj.offsetParent) { curleft += … | |
hey i have a text box and a button on one page. my question is, when somebody writes something in this textbox and presses submit (the button), the output will be shown on other page... so i need to know what code to put Thanks, 7arouf | |
Helo... Thanks for read my thread... i have problem to make a web page like my.yahoo.com or sourceforge where we wil download and popup newsletter show... where a news click, a new pop-up window show and the web-page(background) become more darker and pop-up window willbe focuss... Anyone can help me...? … | |
I am trying to do a store page for my class. I have a perl script that generates simple HTML tables. The store pages uses ajax to load the tables into the form. The form has all the elements, but when I submit, there query string is empty. I tried … |
The End.