15,116 Topics

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Member Avatar for mraurora

Hi all. New to this arena and hoping to find some help. I have internet explorer 6 and norton 6. I'm using microsoft xp. For some reason when I visit websites, the say I have to enable javascript. I went online and read some directions on how to do that. …

Member Avatar for Mushy-pea

Hello everyone. I am trying to write a drop down menu Javascript and have run into a little problem. I need to change the (opacity=0) value inside this custom style: [code]<style id="menu_style" type="text/css"><!--.menu {z-index: 3; filter: alpha(opacity=0); position: absolute; left: 200px; top: 100px; width: 180px; height: 210px; background-color: #0000FF}[/code] The …

Member Avatar for Mushy-pea
Member Avatar for m3lVn!3

hi.. i need to create an input page wherein a user needs to select from a dropdown box,either single or multiple.. if the user selects single, a java function, wherein values are coming from the database, showing the values in a multiple dropdown box enabling the user to select one …

Member Avatar for msaqib
Member Avatar for manish Kishore

Hi All, I want to pass the value of java script variable in perl? how can I do that. Please help me. Thanks

Member Avatar for cycleops
Member Avatar for LindaF

I don't know how I can execute an event of Javascript into a link in a program in Perl. This event of JavaScript have executed a function that return a HTML page. Anybody know how I can it? Is it possible do it this?: $datos=$datos."<a href='" . $me . "?C=OFERTAS2&EMPRESA=".$empresa_param."&NREF=".$nref."' …

Member Avatar for vonfeldt
Member Avatar for Rupak
Member Avatar for achisolomon
Member Avatar for DanielGardner

I have a problem that is particular to certain browsers. My Dad's website attempts to show a video when the user clicks on the video title link. On clicking, a drop down box extends, and the video content plays. Then if user choses to close the dropdown box, the video …

Member Avatar for designhound

Hello i am new to the forum but i am hoping that someone will help me here with a problem. I have a site written in FrontPage that is up and running. I wanted to incorporate a brief Powerpoint Point program using it as my opening page onload and then …

Member Avatar for azoapes
Member Avatar for cath120

I put together a few pages of a fledgling site in Dreamweaver MX, so have set out the overall design including the menu bar. But I would like to make the menu bar into a drop down menu. I thought this would be easy but after searching for hours on …

Member Avatar for tgreer
Member Avatar for Killer_Typo

I recently read a post by someone stating that you could not encrypt POST or GET sessions while sending data between pages. I wanted to know if there was a way. could one not simply write a script that would encrypt the message before sending along with a key that …

Member Avatar for tgreer
Member Avatar for eihd

I need a Javascript drop down menu maker to work as the add-on of DW. Any advice? Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for eihd
Member Avatar for beatle555

I Use Dreamweaver For Css,html ,javascript And Other Scripts It's Easy To Work With And Helpful Like Vb For Those Who Know Dreamweaver Give Some Techbits To Newbie And For Those Dont Ask Ur Questions Here!!:)

Member Avatar for Mardie
Member Avatar for Killer_Typo

Hi all i will try to be as clear as possible! I am currently working on a site for a customer at [URL="http://www.privacymaker.com/gcs/dev/"]www.privacymaker.com/gcs/dev/[/URL] (where im developing it, the main site location is [URL="http://www.gerbercentral.com"]www.gerbercentral.com[/URL]) well here is the issue i am running into. I have decided to go with mouseovers that …

Member Avatar for Killer_Typo
Member Avatar for bazmanblue

hello ive been trying to insert a java code to change the images of my buttons when the mouse is held over i have followed these codes [html]<head> <script type="text/javascript"> function mouseOver() { document.b1.src ="t5fshop.png" } function mouseOut() { document.b1.src ="t5fshop2.png" } </script> </head> <body> <td width="191"><a href="http://www.bob.com" onmouseover="mouseOver()" onmouseout="mouseOut()"> …

Member Avatar for FC Jamison
Member Avatar for carthick6

Hi.... can ny do this help for meee...:rolleyes: the first page shld contain username and password...and in that register.. the register options shld be jus username,password,email-id... if he entered correct username n passsword then it shld go in to another web page....for example it shld connect to som site [url]www.example.com[/url] …

Member Avatar for tgreer
Member Avatar for sham
Member Avatar for tgreer
Member Avatar for Mushy-pea

Hello everyone. I'm trying to write some Javascript code to make a logo on my website flash periodically between two differently coloured versions (i.e. a simple "swap image - restore image job). Here is a simplified version of what I am attempting, with no loops added yet: [code] <html> <head> …

Member Avatar for kgweb
Member Avatar for levisc

In firefox, when I load the maps.google.com/maps web page, the map does not show. If I view the Javaconsole I get the following error: Error: [Exception... "'Permission denied to set property XULElement.selectedIndex' when calling method: [nsIAutoCompletePopup::selectedIndex]" nsresult: "0x8057001e (NS_ERROR_XPC_JS_THREW_STRING)" location: "JS frame :: [url]http://maps.google.com/mapfiles/maps2.63.js[/url] :: oa :: line 1172" …

Member Avatar for hgltd
Member Avatar for AniruddhaKelkar

Hi, I am facing a strange problem.... I have a datagrid in which has a few textboxes. 1 of these text boxes is un-editable (it is a computed value). The computations for that textbox have been done using javascript. In the asp page the value is taken using Find Controls. …

Member Avatar for AniruddhaKelkar
Member Avatar for ljCharlie

I like to know if CSS can be used to highlight the CSS nav menu if the current page is the page that the menu links to. For example, the folowing code is my side bar navigation menu. [code]#lftSideMenu { float: left; width: 165px; margin: 0 0px 0 0; background-color: …

Member Avatar for hgltd
Member Avatar for havilah
Member Avatar for charter

I'm not sure if this is the correct forum but I need your help please. I have visited some websites and instead of them having normal pop-ups they have overlays. Are they created using CSS, Javascript, Flash or what? Could someone please point me in the right direction as to …

Member Avatar for FC Jamison
Member Avatar for Mikeish

Hey guys I have a slight problem... You see I've got a menu that I attained from the internet. The code that I believe is relevant is located here: [url]http://paste.uni.cc/9962[/url] An example is here: [url][/url] What is happening is that the menu will not drop down. I believe is it …

Member Avatar for Mikeish
Member Avatar for DanaNVB

I'm new to Javascript and could use a bit of advice. I''m looking for a simple way to call a Disclaimer message on a link outside our site.. ... I have tried using the confirm mesage but it still goes to the outside link when someone selects cancel. Can anyone …

Member Avatar for tgreer
Member Avatar for AndrewSmith

Hi guys.... I am having trouble changing the color of the LEFT border in a table. i'm using the following javascript: [code] document.getElementById("cell1").style.border-left="3px red solid"; [/code] cell1 is the correct id of the table cell. If i take away the "-left" part in "border-left", it will change the border of …

Member Avatar for FC Jamison
Member Avatar for jeadeb

Hi there all I am in the process of developing a knowledgebase.. I have some cool click and copy script but it doesnt allow me to format the text that is copied so that I can copy an already fromatted email.. for example: Hi, thank you for contacting us, blablablablablablablablablablabla …

Member Avatar for tgreer
Member Avatar for fuehrer

Hi guys, i'm new to JS and need a little help on this issue of mine..... i'm trying to popup a confirm dialog box whenever i close my browser window,the problem is that i'm able to do this in IE but i'm having problems when i'm using firefox.i'm doing this …

Member Avatar for mostafadotnet
Member Avatar for Gravis

Greetings, I need help with the javascript below. So far, I am able to pass the date through a pop-up calender and this script receives the date in format of "28 Aug 2006 11:47 PM" as a string. I then split the string and take each field for further processing. …

Member Avatar for Gravis
Member Avatar for BT2005

hey all, i was wondering if anyone has the code for "Alternating backgrounds", i dont know if that is the term for it, but its where you load a page, and the background is differnt everytime you load that page, do you follow?, well im very new to html and …

Member Avatar for sjaak
Member Avatar for darylcharm

hi i am new in javascript, can somebody please assist me on how to to this validation: starts with ZPR 11 characters(the rest will be numbers only) total of 3 characters and 8 numbers thank you for your time guys.

Member Avatar for anuradhu

The End.