15,127 Topics
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I want some information about a browser, to be inserted automatically into a text box when a page loads. However quite how to do this im not sure. I have made the form and have a JavaScript which does the job, but I want to know how to get the … | |
<code>Does anyone know how do I go about getting user's responces once they've entered their responce into a prompt box & assign it to a variable, to utlimately use their responces to concatenate it with other strings to make a sentence. I'm just having trouble assinging user's input to be … | |
I would like some help on creating a function that on clicking a submit button will allow the user to add the data of the selection box into an uneditable text box and hidden file. IE: User selects option 5 [code]<option value="5">Option 5</option>[/code], then clicks the "add Option" button. It … | |
Hello Everyone, I am having quite a problem with a program I am trying to get working. I am trying to make a marks tracking program using an array that has an array of strings 3 elements long called Names. Has a 2D array of integers 3 * 2 elements … | |
i want to know if there is any difference betwen [URL="http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/#"]java[/URL] and javascript... are they the same thing? | |
Hi everyone, Am hoping that someone can please help me with this problem. Its a little indepth for me but i have been unable to find out any information concerning it. On this page [URL]http://www.region3.com/stafflist.htm[/URL] the Email link opens up a popup box that allows you to send an email … | |
Hello- I am creating a puzzle that is like the "Rubik's Cube," although this puzzle is played on the computer monitor, and the puzzle involves images placed on the sides of a cube. The mouse is used to rotate the sides of the cube. Each side of the cube is … | |
Hi, Can anyone help me with dynamically adding to a multidimensional javascript array that has an arbitary number of dimensions? Something like: myArray [5] ['aKey'] [4] = 'hello'; That code does not work unless the cells were populated when the array was defined+initialized. So you can't add new cells or … | |
I have used the Suckerfish drop down menu and have run into a problem. I found the sample code [URL="http://www.htmldog.com/articles/suckerfish/dropdowns/"]here.[/URL] Here is a simplified version of what my code looks like: [code]<style type="text/css"> body { font-family: arial, helvetica, serif; } #nav, #nav ul { /* all lists */ padding: 0; … | |
Hi Guys! I need help with some javascripting because I am pretty new at it. I have a slider (scriptaculous) with values that are saved into a database when the slider handle is moved. I need to write a function that only executes (which saves the actual value of the … | |
I have a problem with a drop down menu box, the box is generated from asp, so the amount of [INLINECODE]<option>[/INLINECODE] available will vary. When there are too many options in the list, the list gets too high and goes off the page, and the last options can't be seen. … | |
Hi all. New to this arena and hoping to find some help. I have internet explorer 6 and norton 6. I'm using microsoft xp. For some reason when I visit websites, the say I have to enable javascript. I went online and read some directions on how to do that. … | |
Hello everyone. I am trying to write a drop down menu Javascript and have run into a little problem. I need to change the (opacity=0) value inside this custom style: [code]<style id="menu_style" type="text/css"><!--.menu {z-index: 3; filter: alpha(opacity=0); position: absolute; left: 200px; top: 100px; width: 180px; height: 210px; background-color: #0000FF}[/code] The … | |
hi.. i need to create an input page wherein a user needs to select from a dropdown box,either single or multiple.. if the user selects single, a java function, wherein values are coming from the database, showing the values in a multiple dropdown box enabling the user to select one … | |
Hi All, I want to pass the value of java script variable in perl? how can I do that. Please help me. Thanks | |
I don't know how I can execute an event of Javascript into a link in a program in Perl. This event of JavaScript have executed a function that return a HTML page. Anybody know how I can it? Is it possible do it this?: $datos=$datos."<a href='" . $me . "?C=OFERTAS2&EMPRESA=".$empresa_param."&NREF=".$nref."' … | |
Help me out in Printing the Web page in Landscape Mode, forcefully. | |
I have a problem that is particular to certain browsers. My Dad's website attempts to show a video when the user clicks on the video title link. On clicking, a drop down box extends, and the video content plays. Then if user choses to close the dropdown box, the video … | |
Hello i am new to the forum but i am hoping that someone will help me here with a problem. I have a site written in FrontPage that is up and running. I wanted to incorporate a brief Powerpoint Point program using it as my opening page onload and then … | |
I put together a few pages of a fledgling site in Dreamweaver MX, so have set out the overall design including the menu bar. But I would like to make the menu bar into a drop down menu. I thought this would be easy but after searching for hours on … | |
I recently read a post by someone stating that you could not encrypt POST or GET sessions while sending data between pages. I wanted to know if there was a way. could one not simply write a script that would encrypt the message before sending along with a key that … | |
I need a Javascript drop down menu maker to work as the add-on of DW. Any advice? Thanks in advance. | |
I Use Dreamweaver For Css,html ,javascript And Other Scripts It's Easy To Work With And Helpful Like Vb For Those Who Know Dreamweaver Give Some Techbits To Newbie And For Those Dont Ask Ur Questions Here!!:) | |
Hi all i will try to be as clear as possible! I am currently working on a site for a customer at [URL="http://www.privacymaker.com/gcs/dev/"]www.privacymaker.com/gcs/dev/[/URL] (where im developing it, the main site location is [URL="http://www.gerbercentral.com"]www.gerbercentral.com[/URL]) well here is the issue i am running into. I have decided to go with mouseovers that … | |
hello ive been trying to insert a java code to change the images of my buttons when the mouse is held over i have followed these codes [html]<head> <script type="text/javascript"> function mouseOver() { document.b1.src ="t5fshop.png" } function mouseOut() { document.b1.src ="t5fshop2.png" } </script> </head> <body> <td width="191"><a href="http://www.bob.com" onmouseover="mouseOver()" onmouseout="mouseOut()"> … | |
Hi.... can ny do this help for meee...:rolleyes: the first page shld contain username and password...and in that register.. the register options shld be jus username,password,email-id... if he entered correct username n passsword then it shld go in to another web page....for example it shld connect to som site [url]www.example.com[/url] … | |
I am developing web site.Which scripting language should I prefer VBScript or Javascript? | |
Hello everyone. I'm trying to write some Javascript code to make a logo on my website flash periodically between two differently coloured versions (i.e. a simple "swap image - restore image job). Here is a simplified version of what I am attempting, with no loops added yet: [code] <html> <head> … | |
In firefox, when I load the maps.google.com/maps web page, the map does not show. If I view the Javaconsole I get the following error: Error: [Exception... "'Permission denied to set property XULElement.selectedIndex' when calling method: [nsIAutoCompletePopup::selectedIndex]" nsresult: "0x8057001e (NS_ERROR_XPC_JS_THREW_STRING)" location: "JS frame :: [url]http://maps.google.com/mapfiles/maps2.63.js[/url] :: oa :: line 1172" … | |
Hi, I am facing a strange problem.... I have a datagrid in which has a few textboxes. 1 of these text boxes is un-editable (it is a computed value). The computations for that textbox have been done using javascript. In the asp page the value is taken using Find Controls. … |
The End.