I did a search of this forum and didn't find anything on this issue. I want to display a specific message based on a date range. For example if it's June 10, I would like to display the message "Schools out! Enjoy your summer break." I would like this message then to be displayed the whole summer. Then in August I'd like a new message to appear. Something like "Heading back to school" and have that appear until Sept when a new message will be displayed.

I'm just starting out and could really use the help.


what programing language are you looking to do this with?

if PHP you could do it by using the date function to get the current date and then use an if statement to sellect the message to print out.

My bad, I just thought everyone would know what I was thinking. I am using java script. I've come up with a solution and now I'm addressing the issue of mozilla and ie rendering different results on getYear. I guess that can be addressed through determining a browser and making a function call based on the browser type.

> I've come up with a solution and now I'm addressing the issue of mozilla and ie rendering
> different results on getYear.


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