Good Morning Friends
I'm using a modal popup using Javascript that this opening normally through the following syntax:
jscript + = "<script language='javascript'>" jscript + = "window.showModalDialog ( 'DOCUMENTOS2.aspx','',' resizable = yes, menubar = no, scrollbars = no, width = 1850, height = 1650 ') "jscript + =" </ script> "ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock (Me.GetType ()," client ", jscript)
Then I want this window registry data are shown.I'm saving the ID in a Session, instead of passing it a parameter, although it should not be the reason for this.
In this modal popup, I put a break early on, however the system is running is not going through that page it commands present, commands are normal and another machine qualquer.My goal and get the ID and display the necessary data from it.
Would be the behavior in a modal popup window.
Thanks and a hug