15,117 Topics

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Member Avatar for dschuett

I have a datepicker field that the maxDate doesn't seem to be working on. jQuery: $(document).ready(function() { $("#intorgDate").change(function() { var myDate = new Date($("#intorgDate").val()); //ENTER VALUE IN mm/dd/yy FORMAT var mymaxDate = new Date(myDate +7); $('#intnewDate').datepicker({ inline: true, dateFormat: "mm/dd/yy", changeFirstDay: false, defaultDate:myDate, minDate: myDate, maxDate: mymaxDate }); }); });​ …

Member Avatar for dschuett
Member Avatar for mnshwarner

My ultimate goal is to save rendered presentation MathML to a .PNG file. Knowing just enough about programming to be dangerous :-) there may be a better way to do this...I am drawing the equation on a canvas element, then trying to save the canvas element as a .PNG. I …

Member Avatar for mnshwarner
Member Avatar for Inny

I want to Show Videos inside an Image of theater curtains, image should float ABOVE the videos. Cant work out why it wont work, I have. [CODE]<style type="text/css"> #tablist{ padding: 3px 0; margin:0; font: bold 12px Verdana; } #tablist li{ list-style: none; margin: 0; width:130px; } #tablist li a{ padding: …

Member Avatar for lotsakandy
Member Avatar for kukula

Hi there, during developing website for my father's company ( [website](http://www.pgum-sill.pl/nowa_strona/index.html) ) I find out that I have problem with personalization of different lists. In this case I wanted to make a floating menu like thise one here: [Floating Menu](https://d2o0t5hpnwv4c1.cloudfront.net/018_Floating_Menu/demo/dhtml_float_menu_final_nettut.html) (this page is from this [Tutorial](http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/html-css-techniques/creating-a-floating-html-menu-using-jquery-and-css/)) At the pages above …

Member Avatar for fobos
Member Avatar for icedome

Hi guys, Does anyone have an idea of a jquery plugin any other js plugin for editing and saving an image? I wanted to do something like this: [http://www.customink.com/lab/?#shared](http://www.customink.com/lab/?#shared) But only with option to add text and afterwards saving the image. Any help? Cheers

Member Avatar for stbuchok
Member Avatar for jocky c

Hi guys, ive been here once before and you rocked so...... Im using jquery idtabs which contain 2 separate carousels in the same page (id like to up this to 4 eventually). Unfortunately when the 2nd link is clicked the carousel does not perform as it does in link1. You …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for dschuett

I am working on a live feed that pulls records from a database. Firebug shows the JSON being returned as the following: {"newPosts":"<li><span id='message_33'>This is a Test.\nLet me know if it works.<\/span><p class='time' id='time_33'>Apr 14th, 2012 10:13:57 AM<\/p><\/li>","newID":"33"} I have checked the JSON's validity at JSONLint.com, and it IS in …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for dips255

i have placed a text box with onclick and onblur event. onclick shows contents(links) of a div tag below it and onblur hides the div basically it was a jquery based drop down menu but due to some problem I need to avoid jquery. Now the problem happens when a …

Member Avatar for dips255
Member Avatar for Collossus

I am having problems getting getJSON call to work. At the moment it doesn't retrieve any data, however when I change the '$.getJSON' to ' $.get' it retrieves the data in it's encoded format: [{"Page":"User Journey","Description":"Interactive User Journey Diagram","Bounce_Rate":"0","Avg_Time_On_Page":"0","Page_Views":"0","Click_Rate":"0"} What am I missing from the $.getJSON call? getstatistics.php: $query="SELECT Page, …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for gabrielcastillo

Hello, Im having issue's with this jquery code for enabling and disabling select/input box's. I have been googing everything but can not find a solution. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks <?php session_start(); require_once 'includes/ncjhs_summerschool.php'; foreach($_POST as $key => $value ) { if( in_array($key,$CAPTURE_FIELDS) ) { $_SESSION[$key] = $value; } …

Member Avatar for rotten69

Hey everyone, Recently, I have developed a website for my project and was using a 10-inch laptop during the development time. It looked fantastic on a 10-inch screen. However, I faced a problem with the width (CSS properties needed to be changed) of navigation bar on the top when I …

Member Avatar for ctaylo21
Member Avatar for sowh4t

So my code is simple html, I need it to select value when submit and if value= that number, submits something like: "Your number is 1"(without refreshing the page). Thanks a million! <form action=""> <select name="list"> <option value="1">1</option> <option value="2">2</option> <option value="3">3</option> <option value="4">4</option> <option value="5">5</option> </select> <input type="button" value="Submit!" …

Member Avatar for rajesh1158
Member Avatar for rajesh1158

I'm getting user's profile picture along with their name from database and populating them in a div inside an anchor tag. The <a> tag is used so that we can click on any result and it takes to that user's profile page. I tried many codes to traverse the search …

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Member Avatar for Pravinrasal

I used high chart in java-script .In high chart my graph is displayed very well but when I click on "show graph" button it doesn't show directly graph first I want to click on inspect element in firebug then after that graph will be displayed . What is the problem …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for nchy13

everything is workin except window.location .can any one suggest reason for it. thank you in anticipation <?php session_start(); $_SESSION["visiting"]=$_GET['userid']; echo $_SESSION["visiting"]." ".$_GET['userid']; ?> <script type="text/javscript"> window.location="http://localhost/fi.php"; </script>

Member Avatar for rajesh1158
Member Avatar for sibbs06

Is it possible to disable my submit button when my javascript timer has finished and has showed its end message. This is my form <form id="MakeBid" action="MakeBid.php" method="POST"> <input type="hidden" name="propertyID" value ="1"/> <div>Bid Now <input type="text" name="pricesoldfor"/></div> <input type="submit" value="Submit" /> </form> The java script message will be Auction …

Member Avatar for sibbs06
Member Avatar for Dani

This has been frustrating me for about 20 minutes already and I don't want to spend much more time on it, so any help would be much appreciated. The editor that we use which syntax highlights Markdown text has has bug in which it highlights text as code when it …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for sowh4t

So guys, I really need a script that I can select from drop down menu, depends on choose, and updates mySQL row every click gives +1 point. Thanks you!

Member Avatar for talisien

I'm trying to out figure how to insert automaticaly a template. when the editor is loaded. <textarea cols="80" id="editor1" name="editor1" rows="10"></textarea> <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ CKEDITOR.replace("editor1", { on : { instanceReady : function( ev ) { insert = CKEDITOR.getTemplates('default'); // **getting the template to load** this.setData(insert.templates[0].html); } } }); This should …

Member Avatar for Thevenin

Hi all, first of all I want to tell you that I am studying Ajax and the following code could have errors or something else. I am trying to recreate the following HTML form with Ajax: <div class="table_test"> <form name="f1" target="uploader" action="upload.php" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data" > <ul> <li class="title">Image Name</li> <li …

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Member Avatar for walid86

Hi, i'm creating a site which uses achors to change between slides... When i click it, another header moves out of place.. but i am not sure why... any help would be great! www.pixaweb.com.au/emr When you go down to painting tips with the paper behind it, if you click a …

Member Avatar for singh1720
Member Avatar for jelly46

Hello This is brilliant and good to work with, there is one issue i have if someone can help please. I have used example 4 baucase it visually does exactly what i need, however there is one little problem i cant solve. I copied the div and now have 2 …

Member Avatar for jelly46
Member Avatar for Bugaya

I am trying to use JQuery Full Calendar along with Spring MVC. I have made a demo like [that][1]. Target: I need to send the UPDATED calendar's data,after I enter my events, to the controller to handle it. Issue: I've succeded to re-send the calendar I've inistialzed to the controller. …

Member Avatar for Bugaya
Member Avatar for Bugaya

I am trying to use JQuery Full Calendar along with Spring MVC. I have made a demo like [that][1]. Target: I need to send the UPDATED calendar's data,after I enter my events, to the controller to handle it. Issue: I've succeded to re-send the calendar I've inistialzed to the controller. …

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Member Avatar for Albert Pinto

Hi People. I'm a newbie to javascript. I have a small issue. I have a table where I have 5 columns.. I mean 5 <td> In each <td> there are 7 links. When I click a link, a container is popped up... Its hidden at first, Now inside the container …

Member Avatar for Albert Pinto
Member Avatar for Heinz Stapff

Hey Guy's, back again. Listed this one on WebDeveloper.com but couldn't quite get it solved. I couldn't upload an mp4 video file to clarify the massive HTML file to show what was going on so I'm checking to see if DaniWeb uploads the file before I post the script and …

Member Avatar for Troy III
Member Avatar for mbarandao

I have a js confirmation function: function r_u_sure(message, url){ if(confirm(message)) location.href = url; } if I were calling this function with a regular href, I would use the following: <a HREF="javascript:r_u_sure('Are Sure You want to Delete or Modify Car Information?!','www.somewhere.com)"><a/> however my html link which begins the deletion process of …

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Member Avatar for himanshu.1691

i have a page where i have multiple rows in a table and the no of rows is not fixed. it is fetched using php loops from the database....each row has a drop down list containing 3 values.... i want a checkbox at some part of the page...only one.... which …

Member Avatar for broj1
Member Avatar for mrjimoy_05

I have the code below to show the modal-box after a LinkButton clicked. And, what I want to do is how to assign the Textbox value on the modal-box from the javascript. I have a gridview: <asp:GridView ID="GV1" runat="server" DataSourceID="DS1" > <Columns> <asp:TemplateField ShowHeader="False"> <ItemTemplate> <asp:LinkButton ID="LinkButton" runat="server" CausesValidation="False" > …

Member Avatar for patk570

I am running into an error on a javascript problem I have it display if the math problem is wrong, and an alert box that pops up, but when you hit OKAY on the alert box it still submits the form. I am wondering if there is an easy fix …


The End.