15,127 Topics
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Hi , I just want to know,is it possible to assign the javascript array variables to the php array variables. I am new to php ,so please can anyone explain me. | |
http://ibiz-arabia.com/register.php is not validating validation. I am using javascript validation but working. | |
apply css class onmouseover and remove onmouseout using javascript | |
How to hide onmouseover status of an anchor tag When we mouseover on edit link we get some link like this index.php?editid=1; so how to hide this on mouseover | |
Hi everyone. I wondered whether you could help me. Basically i have a list of items in a table. Each item will have a hyperlink on it and i would like it to change the contents of an iframe i have on the page - which i guess means changing … | |
How to disable typing in datepicker field | |
function check_alert (pcheck) { window.alert("You make $"+pcheck); } var paycheck = 1200; check_alert(paycheck); How can the function make an alert with the variable pcheck when the global variable is named paycheck, I'm confused ? | |
Hi, i would like to ask something, i have a table like this : ![c60f5fee223b1398d53631dda019f205](/attachments/large/4/c60f5fee223b1398d53631dda019f205.jpg "c60f5fee223b1398d53631dda019f205") The user will enter a value in the column "out Quantity", then, i want it auto calculate in "Total Price" which is Total Price = Old balance quantity * out quantity and new Balance … | |
i want to creat link using selected text.codes aren't working.how can i fix this? <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Untitled Document</title> <style> #its{ border:1px solid black; } </style> </head> <body> <div id="its" contenteditable="true" > <p>It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable … | |
i am trying to learn how to make a text editor.here i creat a paragraph using "para" button.and inside the paragraph there will be a quote.Every time I press 'enter' within this paragraph, a new paragraph is created, rather than a line break tag (<br>). How can I force a … | |
Hello, I have been able to drag and drop images from a toolbar to a html5 canvas. And now i need to connect two images/objects with a arrow. Basically the scenario should be, when you click on a dragged object, conncetiong points should appear and by dragging one point to … | |
I don't know why I cant find this anywhere online, it should be simple. I'm trying to GET event details based on the (given) event id. I'm looking for event title, description, image, etc... Does anybody know of a way to get these details with javascript? Facebook has posted this … | |
Hello, I am creating a from with 13 rows and 11 columns. and I have a button "EDIT". The from should be disabled and if I clicked the edit button all the fields in the form should be enabled. As I am new to JavaScript It would be really great … | |
How would I use [web.py](http://www.webpy.org) to execute ASP/PHP server files? Or can web.py not do that and can someone provide me a python script that can execute ASP/PHP server files? Should I try posting this in the PHP forum, Web Design, html, and css fourm, or the Web development forum … | |
Hi all, I have a issue that I have been try to solve for a long time... **Background info** I have a form that when submitted, checks validation and also does an ajax request to see if user email exists. Validation is working, and email checking is also working. The … | |
How to call server code from javascript code in asp.net using C# | |
Hi, I realise I might be asking quite a lot here but I have no idea what I need to do in order to get this to work correctly. I have the following. http://jsfiddle.net/Stealthbird97/6k8es/ Just press the "a" key on your keyboard to see what it does. Now, I want … | |
Here is what i want to do, check the image attached, javascript to sum the values of text boxes in a row having individual total, i have this but not working function sum() { var txtFirstNumberValue = document.getElementsByName('ca_score[]').value; var txtSecondNumberValue = document.getElementsByName('score[]').value; if (txtFirstNumberValue == "") txtFirstNumberValue = 0; if … | |
Suppose I had 3 divs, each div has at least one hide/show button. The problem is when I click a show button, both 3 divs will show ups. Example: <div id="container"> <div class="course"> <a href="#" class="clickshow"> Click me to Show</a> <div class="hidden"> Hello </div> </div> <div class="course"> <a href="#" class="clickshow"> … | |
i want to change the colour of output text field when i check the check box. its working fine if instead of output i use inputext field but not working with out put text field. this is the code snipt of jsp page <af:panelFormLayout id="pfl3"> <af:selectBooleanCheckbox label="Noun " id="sbc1" selected="true"/> … | |
In the following function, the first debug output line ("debugPut"), produces what seems like a valid result: X: 427 Y: 197src=http://www.mygameslab.com/Switch/settingsScreen.png and even pasting the image link itself correctly displays the screen graphics. However, the screen never displays and the next debug text which was supposed to print "Kukuriiiiiiku" doesn't … | |
hi everyone, i want a ajax code that submit form that has text data and some files. plz i want code nt the links to others plugins or smth else... | |
Hello. I am having a bit of trouble with being able to submit/record the data from a selected dropdown field to my DB. Here is what I know so far: 1. Connection to DB is fine; All other data fields are submitted and recorded to DB 2. The dropdown (To … | |
Some weeks ago I posted this and I realized from the referrals that it may help to be as a code snippet. This is an example of getting products details from categories – subcategories using ajax call. I am fond of OOP and this is not , but I believe … | |
Hi, I thought I'd share this with you. If you want all fields on a web form to be emptied of ther initial value (if any) on focus and filled again with the initial value on blur. Works with jquery. | |
hi I using PHP/MySQL with Google Maps from here https://developers.google.com/maps/articles/phpsqlajax_v3 and then I used PHP's DOM functions to Output XML from here https://developers.google.com/maps/articles/phpsqlajax_v3#outputxml everything working fine with me but I need to center google map on the marker. here is the code that center the map and make the zoom … | |
i have a script for replace char that i want for URI in php. But now i need these result but using Javascript. i've try to change using Javascript but cant run <?php function seo_title($s) { $c = array (' '); $d = array ('-','/','\',',','.','#',':',';',''','"','[',']','{','}',')','(','|','`','~','!','@','%','$','^','&','*','=','?','+'); $s = str_replace($d, '', $s); … | |
I want to turn this code into a jQuery function using jQuery.fn.prototype. In other words I want to make a function out of it, so that I can call it like so ('examDiv').prototype.('params'); http://jsfiddle.net/wJUHF/40/ the parameters in the prototype are to be used to select the divs in the html … | |
Hello I was hoping someone would be kind enough to assist me with a major problem I'm having with firefox. I'm running a Mac OS X 10.5.8 platform from a Macbook Pro and was using a very old version of the web browser firefox - version 3.6.23 to be exact … | |
new to javascript so this is probably a stupid question. I have some code example below. what i'm trying to do is use the method i've created which takes a filterType and a filter and then filter by using those two varaibles. The problem i'm having is that I don't … |
The End.