15,116 Topics

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Member Avatar for jjemphoung

good day! when i click a button, this codes will be executed (tested, its working) var cart=document.getElementById('cart'); cart.innerHTML=cart.innerHTML + document.getElementById('name'+cartNum).innerHTML + "(" + qty + ")" + "<br>"; this is the style of my cart } #cart { overflow:auto; border:solid; height:500; margin-left:10px; margin-right:10px; margin-top:20px; margin-bottom:0; font-size: 12px; text-align: left; font-family: …

Member Avatar for Graphix
Member Avatar for dennishall

Hi there: The code below lays out 3 divs, the 1st. div contains a slideshow, the 2nd. div is a container for the 3rd div which contains buttons to override the slideshow and replace it with a new image in the slidshow div. All the above scenario works perfectly. Where …

Member Avatar for dennishall
Member Avatar for tefflox

I have implemented a feature that works in firefox and opera, but doesn't work in IE -- it is the css opacity setting. I am overlaying translucent divs over a jpg image. Do I need to use javascript to fix this for IE ? [URL]http://listenlight.net/05[/URL] is the page I'm working …

Member Avatar for sahinci
Member Avatar for swornavidhya_m

Hai I am trying scrolling of images as like ([url]http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex2/crawler/index.htm[/url]). I do want to set border for the images with border property as "2px solid #000" and i do want gap between the images so that the horizontal gap value is 20px. I tried even with image border propoerty and …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for MDanz

how do i limit this textfield to three words? [code]<input type='text' size='40' name='search' style='font-size:16px; font-family:Arial;font-weight:bold;' />[/code] i only want three words to be allowed entered.

Member Avatar for MeSampath
Member Avatar for swornavidhya_m

I want to provide sitemap with scrolling of images. I'm handling the method for scrolling image as in "Text and Image Crawler" of Dynamicdrive.com ([url]http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex2/crawler/index.htm[/url]). I've just changed the images and added a click event for images. The crawler.js is the same as in the "Text and Image Crawler" of …

Member Avatar for poison_bubbles

Hi im zee and i'm new to javascript.. The javascript function below..examines if a string value contains only numbers.. My problem is..I can't figure out why it doesn't continue with the 2nd loop and iterate j..please help.! [CODE]<script language="javascript"> <!-- value = "23e"; isNumber(value); function isNumber(value){ document.write('I'm inside the function …

Member Avatar for james chaco
Member Avatar for Gregoriochavez

After weeks of getting a javascript to work the way I want it to, I am informed by the company that hosts my web sites that they want more money for me to have the .js file functional on the server. I am not a coder, nor do I have …

Member Avatar for Gregoriochavez
Member Avatar for bsewell

Hi, I have a hidden DIV, which is going to cover all of the screen as part of a lightbox. I wrote my code based on what I found at docs.jquery.com/Tutorials:Basic_Show_and_Hid . When I click on the link to run the lightbox, the div isn't showing even through the z-index …

Member Avatar for bsewell
Member Avatar for Airshow

[B]INTRODUCTION[/B] Have you ever wanted to pass data from one web page to another when server-side scripting is unavailable, and without setting a cookie? Ever wanted an efficient way to build url query strings? Well now you can. [B]SOLUTION[/B] It is maybe little realised is that data can be successfully …

Member Avatar for jadhav vijay
Member Avatar for seniramsu

I've been having trouble with a seemingly simple function...I have a form where 3 of 5 field values are generated by a script tied in with Google Search (like a business address). The user is prompted to enter their business license #, and as soon as the input field has …

Member Avatar for seniramsu
Member Avatar for seniramsu

Hey, how's it goin I'm trying to write a simple if statement with jQuery...it looks like this [CODE] if ($('#title .general').length == 0) { function() { $('#ubi').empty(); $('#address').empty(); $('#city').empty(); $('#region').empty(); } } [/CODE] First off, i'm getting an error in firefox that has "syntax error" function( ) { } -----------^ …

Member Avatar for seniramsu
Member Avatar for Queen007

Hi, Everyone!! I'm really new in this business and I've been having some trouble with these errors: ====================================================================== Message: Object expected Line: 1 Char: 1 Code: 0 URI: [url]http://www.myblog.com/successblog/[/url] =================================================================== Message: Expected '}' Line: 707 Char: 301 Code: 0 URI: [url]http://www.myblog.com/successblog/[/url] ================================================================== Message: Expected '}' Line: 738 Char: 301 Code: …

Member Avatar for Queen007
Member Avatar for kswsk

I want to matching addresses, without necessarily displaying them on a map by using Google MAP. For example : [CODE]<input type="text" name="drop-off" id="drop" style="color:#666666"/>[/CODE] the customer will enter like this in the texe field : 10 Abbe......., then autmatically the address appear like this for example 10 abbey st and …

Member Avatar for ghtvnath

i presently have a text area which is generated using two arrays.It is loaded at the screen load. It is as following. var channelsGroups = new Array(); var channelsChildren = new Array(); channelsGroups[0]= new Array('Mars Public', 'MARS-PUB'); channelsChildren[0]=new Array(); channelsGroups[1]= new Array('Mars Private', 'MARS-PRIVA'); channelsChildren[1]=new Array(); channelsGroups[2]= new Array('Internet Booking …

Member Avatar for lewilaloupe

Hi, I'm sure this should be easy, but just can't work it out. I have a select dropdown with several options. The user selects an option and fills out the following few fields. If the user then changes his mind and changes the option in the dropdown, I want all …

Member Avatar for Graphix
Member Avatar for reviloera

Am developing a web application how can I automatically capture my users gps coordinates when they have filled in their location address on the fly. thx

Member Avatar for laghaterohan

Hello, Can any one please help me to know how can we highlight the required fields using JQuery? For Ex. I have a form with several fields on it. In that there are 2 required fields. Now, if the user leaves these fields empty those textboxes should be highlighted in …

Member Avatar for dhanapal86mca

How to get the ful path of a file during file upload in google chrome.. i am getting only the file name and not the full path... plz help me to fine the solution Very urgent................

Member Avatar for koykemar

I am trying to create a music web player that changes song automatically, however the song is instead repeated and whenever next is click, and some codes are executed to stop the current song and start the next, the current song pauses for about 1 sec instead... can some please …

Member Avatar for SunnySideUp

Hi, I am looking to be able to display errors from my forms or whether the email address is already taken on the same page. My script is shown below: [CODE] if(isset($_POST['subregister'])) { require_once('../sign-up/recaptchalib.php'); $privatekey = "Hidden"; $resp = recaptcha_check_answer ($privatekey, $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], $_POST["recaptcha_challenge_field"], $_POST["recaptcha_response_field"]); if (!$resp->is_valid) { // What happens …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for luofeiyu

there is table : <table> <tr bgcolor="F3F3F3"> <td align="right" width="240" class="tickerSm">reportdate</td> <td align="right" width="65" class="tickerSm">10/31/09</td> <td align="right" width="65" class="tickerSm">10/31/08</td> <td align="right" width="65" class="tickerSm">10/31/07</td> <td align="right" width="65" class="tickerSm">10/31/06</td> <td align="right" width="65" class="tickerSm">10/31/05</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="ffffff"> <td class="tickerSm">Cash & Equivalents</td> <td align="right" class="ticker">2,493</td> <td align="right" class="ticker">1,429</td> <td align="right" class="ticker">1,826</td> <td align="right" class="ticker">2,262</td> …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for george61

Hi all. I've tried to make a simple hover effect about small images but it won't work. I also tried to make the following script: 2 seconds after page loading image1 changes 2 seconds after that image1 returns to back state and image2 changes and etc. Can someone help? Best …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for seniramsu

Can anyone tell me how to position the mouse cursor at the beginning of some text I have inside a text input (some hint words in italics), instead of at the end of the words? It's one of those text hints that will disappear once the user begins typing. I've …

Member Avatar for andrewliu

Hello. I have a search engine form that is not ajax and it refreshes the page on search. I was wondering if it is possible to type a onclick code where it will contain my php script for the search engine by when you search, it'll send show the result …

Member Avatar for Graphix
Member Avatar for Gregoriochavez

I have spent days trying to get this web page to function as intended. If I have the .js in a separate file and reference it from the web page <head>, the page works fine. However, once it is embedded instead, nada. This is the entire web page coding, including …

Member Avatar for Gregoriochavez
Member Avatar for AjithAnnadurai

i created one blog . In that i put other site links . When users clicked that link it opened in the same tab . i need html codings to open in another tab if users click that link . please help

Member Avatar for AjithAnnadurai
Member Avatar for alexgv14

I have this gallery that uses that ipad / iphone swipe from [url]http://www.simplesli.de[/url] but on the iphone and ipad he swipe is a little hard to activate and it doesn't starting moving when I swipe like it has no feedback when my finger is moving across. Does anybody know if …

Member Avatar for bsewell

Hi all, basicly, I'm writing some code so that when a user clicks on an image, a div will be displayed where the user has clicked. My jQuery code isn't working, so wondered if anybody knew how to fix it. All of this is in my document.ready() function. [CODE] $("img.image").click(function(e){ …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for sara10mor

When loading my web page I'm getting this error "stack overflow at line 0" What can be the reason for that? Is it related to the images I'm using in my site? Thanks S.M

Member Avatar for 99MichaelB99

The End.