15,127 Topics
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So I've just been getting into jquery, been reading some tutorials and I've found myself very confused to do with event delegation/rebinding Basically: User clicks "Show Users" result is retrieved using jquery and is a HTML forms and placed into <div id="listusers"></div> Then when they click the submit button jquerys … | |
Hi, I need help. Im an new to this one. I have been into web designing for a long time. Just the designing part... I'm new to JavaScripts and PHP.. cant hey go together to create a web site that can work with the dynamics of both server sided and … | |
Hi, In my ASP.NET page I have a TreeView where ShowCheckBoxes="Leaf". I want to mark as checked/unchecked all the visible checkboxes by clicking in a button. My code for selecting all/none nodes is like this: [CODE=javascript]function selectAllNone(tvID, value) { var tvNodes = document.getElementById(tvID); var chBoxes = tvNodes.getElementByTagName("input"); for (var i … | |
I have a java tab script but it only shows the correct data for tab 1 on intital load if you go to another and then back to it it says undefind it is getting a variable from a php page var tabs = [ //first tab [ //tab image … | |
Hi, I have a variable time whose value is: time = 2010-09-17 20:00:00 I want to split this value using jQuery or java script. After splitting year=2010 month=09 date=17 hr=20 min=00 sec=00 Thanks. | |
Hi, So far most of my web development experience has been in HTML... I am looking to create a design form similar to one found at [url]www.alliancetag.com[/url]. Basically I will just produce 2 colors of paper, 2 sizes, with 2 lines of text but I want the end user to … | |
Hi, I have a list of divs with IDs which are just incrementing numeric values. I want to select a subset of those divs with IDs between say 7 and 12, like this: $('.myDivs[ID between 7,12]').doSomething(); Anyone know how to do this? I can't find anything in the jQuery docs … | |
I am trying to set up a sort of instant messaging system on a site I am creating. Users submit their messages which are then stored in a database. Other users looking at the page should then be able to see this message as soon as possible. The only way … | |
hi i am trying to make a chat system ...using flash and php everything is done but cant update user-list in real-time ...i have Google it and find nothing ...can any one help me to update user-list as the come and go real-time.... using ajax/jquery/javascript or any thing.... | |
i'm trying to load an page into my site using [CODE]href="javascript:ajaxpage('page.html', 'containerdiv');[/CODE] while the external page is loading is it possible to show some loading animation in tht div [COLOR="Red"]Please help me!!![/COLOR] | |
Hi All, I have to fetch data from an xml file which will provide start and end date of an event.There will be various events. I have to make a weekly calender using jQuery which will display all the events in one week. And there will be two buttons:Previous and … | |
hello guys i am facing a problem in accessing form elements and returing them.. can u please help me.. ? Here the problem goes: <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> function pop() { newwindow2=window.open('','name','height=500,width=500'); var tmp = newwindow2.document; tmp.write('<html><head><title>popup</title>'); tmp.write('<body><form action ="hello.html" value="somthing" method="post">'); tmp.write('<b>Date</b>') tmp.write('<input type="text" name="date"><br>'); tmp.write('<b>Event Title</b>') tmp.write('<input type="text" name="title"><br>'); … | |
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Hello I am new to JavaScript and need some assistance. I am trying to create a page/form where the user enters first and last name and select their title (Mr, Miss or Mrs). There is also the ability to select 1 of 2 options by clicking a link. After the … | |
I am using @font-face tag in my website. Everything works fine in Mac, Vista and Win 7, but fonts are incredibly ugly in XP. This is because font anti-aliasing is kept at very primitive level by default. In my opinion, the best way through this problem is to make a … | |
Hey Guys, I just wanted some help on how I can use Javascript's onClick function to allow my visitors to be able to navigate to different paragraphs. So, for example: [CODE]<html> <head> <title>Test</title> </head> <body> <p> <a href="#" onClick="?">Click here to go to Paragraph 1</a> <a href="#" onClick="?">Click here to … | |
How can i iterate through all javascript functions defined in a document? And how i call them? | |
hey, I have two pages index1.html and index2.html. In index1.html i have 54 links and in index2.html i have a iframe. "When i click on a link on index1.html ........... i want index2.html to load.... and the iframe in index2.html to have The link I clicked" | |
Hi All, I have specific requirement in web development. I am Programmer Analyst in .Net, would like to know the difference between Firefox and IE6.0. Some of the Javascript will not execute in Firefox !! Does any one have better idea about this !!. Thanks and with regards, Madhusudhan.H.K. | |
A number of different server-side programming languages are available. Which one of these languages is NOT one of these? PHP, Java, Ruby on Rails or ASP? | |
I have found the following code and wish to have it do a POST instead of the GET can someone tell me what needs changing so this does a POST ajax.php [code] <?php if (is_numeric($_GET['client_id'])) { include("database.php"); $query="SELECT * FROM `client_addresses` WHERE `client_id` = '". db_input($_GET['client_id']) ."'"; $result=mysql_query($query); ?><select name="client_address"> … | |
If I would have a simple function like this: [CODE]jQuery.fn.example = function(){ this.remove(); }[/CODE] and call it with an empty selector: [CODE]$().example();[/CODE] What element would then [B]this[/B] be pointing to? Or is there a way to make a function able to be executed through both [B]$.example()[/B], without a selector, and … | |
Hello everyone, In attachment File Have ziped file for Ajax Datepicker. The Code is working but i have some problem. if i want to use it with php, how can i know where is the $_POST name . Code : [CODE]<div id="widget"> <div id="widgetField" style="width: 290px; height: 26px"> <span>28 July, … | |
I am reading a xml file and saving the data in array.But I am not able to use the array values later.I have declared everything as global. When I put an alert(myData[3]); I am getting "undefined".Please help. Below is my code: function modify_data(xml) { //alert("tyur"); $(xml).find('person').each(function(){ phone = $(this).find('phone').text(); email … | |
| Hi, I tried an example on [url]http://www.captain.at/howto-ajax-form-post-request.php[/url] for sending a POST form. When I run the example on that specific page, everything works well. Also in Wireshark I see the POST packet passing by. But I'm getting errors when I copy the code to a local html file, and try … |
Hello, How can I pass form data from a form on one page, to a form on another. Here is what I need exactly: I am working on the following website: [url]http://kleinstudiosinc.net/tntexterminating/[/url] There is a form in the header titled "Shedule Service" I would like a user to enter the … | |
Hi all, The following script is a task I set myself to learn javascript, essentially there are several arrays containg keywords which, depending on the array, should highlight those words in different colours. The code works but I get an unresponsive script error and it's very slow. I think because … | |
Hi! Sorry for my bad english. How is made that toolbar on this site always stays on the botom of the page. (So, when we log in, on this site will appears toolbar. When we scroll down, this toolbar stay, it doesn't move anywhere, it stay on the bottom.) | |
Hi, how can i get password length on form in jquery? I get the password with this: var sifra=$("#input:password").val(); but when I want to check if password is entered and length is more than 6 characters, it doesn't work: [CODE] if(! sifra){ $("#sifra_p").show(); $("#sifra_p").html("Niste unijeli šifru!"); greska=1; } else{ if(sifra.length … | |
I am absolutely newbie to Ajax and I need to have this fixed by tomorrow as I have a project to complete so anyone who could help me, I would be really greatful! This is what I have cooked up so far index.php [code=php]<html> <body> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> <!-- //Browser … |
The End.