15,127 Topics
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I am trying to create a music web player that changes song automatically, however the song is instead repeated and whenever next is click, and some codes are executed to stop the current song and start the next, the current song pauses for about 1 sec instead... can some please … | |
Hi, I am looking to be able to display errors from my forms or whether the email address is already taken on the same page. My script is shown below: [CODE] if(isset($_POST['subregister'])) { require_once('../sign-up/recaptchalib.php'); $privatekey = "Hidden"; $resp = recaptcha_check_answer ($privatekey, $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], $_POST["recaptcha_challenge_field"], $_POST["recaptcha_response_field"]); if (!$resp->is_valid) { // What happens … | |
there is table : <table> <tr bgcolor="F3F3F3"> <td align="right" width="240" class="tickerSm">reportdate</td> <td align="right" width="65" class="tickerSm">10/31/09</td> <td align="right" width="65" class="tickerSm">10/31/08</td> <td align="right" width="65" class="tickerSm">10/31/07</td> <td align="right" width="65" class="tickerSm">10/31/06</td> <td align="right" width="65" class="tickerSm">10/31/05</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="ffffff"> <td class="tickerSm">Cash & Equivalents</td> <td align="right" class="ticker">2,493</td> <td align="right" class="ticker">1,429</td> <td align="right" class="ticker">1,826</td> <td align="right" class="ticker">2,262</td> … | |
Hi all. I've tried to make a simple hover effect about small images but it won't work. I also tried to make the following script: 2 seconds after page loading image1 changes 2 seconds after that image1 returns to back state and image2 changes and etc. Can someone help? Best … | |
Can anyone tell me how to position the mouse cursor at the beginning of some text I have inside a text input (some hint words in italics), instead of at the end of the words? It's one of those text hints that will disappear once the user begins typing. I've … | |
Hello. I have a search engine form that is not ajax and it refreshes the page on search. I was wondering if it is possible to type a onclick code where it will contain my php script for the search engine by when you search, it'll send show the result … | |
I have spent days trying to get this web page to function as intended. If I have the .js in a separate file and reference it from the web page <head>, the page works fine. However, once it is embedded instead, nada. This is the entire web page coding, including … | |
i created one blog . In that i put other site links . When users clicked that link it opened in the same tab . i need html codings to open in another tab if users click that link . please help | |
I have this gallery that uses that ipad / iphone swipe from [url]http://www.simplesli.de[/url] but on the iphone and ipad he swipe is a little hard to activate and it doesn't starting moving when I swipe like it has no feedback when my finger is moving across. Does anybody know if … | |
Hi all, basicly, I'm writing some code so that when a user clicks on an image, a div will be displayed where the user has clicked. My jQuery code isn't working, so wondered if anybody knew how to fix it. All of this is in my document.ready() function. [CODE] $("img.image").click(function(e){ … | |
When loading my web page I'm getting this error "stack overflow at line 0" What can be the reason for that? Is it related to the images I'm using in my site? Thanks S.M | |
Hi there, I believe I am having trouble with the response that is received by the Ajax request. I have posted something similar to this but the response returned was XML not plain text (or html). I am guessing this should be easier but I can't figure out or find … | |
I am writting a large if / else tree in an existing website. My include libraries have to be put into the html program using a scripting language called SpeedScript. These includes bring in the login data that I am testing in my if tree. Instead of using the if/else … | |
Hey, I'm trying to make a way for the user to click a link in an email agent and the submit button (previously hidden by css) and it then becomes unhidden. [code=javascript] function showSubmit() { var submit = document.getElementsByName("submit"); if (submit.style.display=="none"){ submit.style.display="inline"; } } [/code] Then the html: [code=html] Click … | |
Hi friends . recently i create one blog for music . i want to knw how to add the Songs in blog for Online hearing . . . please help . . . i searched one day and did not found . please help | |
Hi, this script work im Crhome, but not in IE, or Firefox, please help me!! <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <title>teste</title> <script> function idade(object, birthDay){ now = new Date(); bD = birthDay.value.split('/'); if(bD.length==3){ born = new Date(bD[2], bD[1]*1-1, bD[0]); … | |
hey all i'm new to this all and was wondering if anyone can help me solve a prob i'm havin with my project for a booking system. i have a drop down menu with the day, one for months, and finaly year... all the values are real time dates but … | |
I want to run a function just for specific time (say 10 min). After specific time it will return successful if it is able to execute the function successfully or unsuccessful. The function does a large amount of data processing and updating the tables. I want to stop executing that … | |
<script> var counter1 = Math.abs(5/160); var output = counter1; alert(output); var counter = output.split('.',1); alert(counter); </script> when i run this code i got the error in firebug.. split is not a function.? | |
hi friends, I m new to javascript and asp.net . Is anyone knows what is the exact problem? [CODE] // This is asp.net snippet <marquee id="marqueeLeft" class="marqueestyle" direction="up" onmouseout="this.start();" onmouseover="this.stop();" scrolldelay="500" style="height: 99px; width: 100%;" > <asp:PlaceHolder ID="LeftPlaceHolder" runat="server"></asp:PlaceHolder> </marquee> [/CODE] When I moved the pointer to this <marquee> tag. … | |
Hello everyone, I am currently creating a small JS app. that will help me search PostgreSQL and print related data via PHP. I am using jQuery to help me but I have this small problem. I wanted to test if the code worked, by prompting the PHP file to print … | |
Hello everyone, I am trying to retrieve some data from PostgreSQL using jQuery and PHP. I should be able to enter a date as input -e.g, as 2010-08-09 and retrieve all the data that is dated August 9th- however, when I execute my javascript, all I get as an output … | |
Dear ALl I have recently made some forms using javascript (up until then I ususally did so in php). I have some simple user validation - required fields, correct format for email etc etc When submit is pressed a simple php script operates to send the detail in an email … | |
here an ajax code with javascript I just want to understand the algorithm as I'm very new :) here is the code [CODE] function check() { if (!checking) { id = getId(); if(!isValidId(id)) return; checking = true; $.ajax({ url: '/getit.php', data: 'id=' + encode(id) + "&t=" + getRandom(), cache: false, … | |
| Hi, I'm trying to determine a better method of finding the index value of a form element. I need to find it because the JavaScript validation class has a function for validating a single form element, but it requires that the index number of the element in the form be … |
I dont have much experience with javascript. Please provide javascript to create something like the image below: [IMG]http://www.coolmicroscope.com/java.jpg[/IMG] Things I can't workout are: 1. top and bottom background colors as the above image 2. add two text 3. border color same as top background color [CODE]"data:text/html,<html>¶ <head> <script type='text/javascript'> function … | |
Hi Hi, Please find the attached HTML Source Code. I was able to achieve Collapsing/Expand at Project Level but not at the vendor level. However, same HTML works fine with IE 8 and FF. The Expand/Collapse at the Vendor Level fails with XHMTL Strict 1.0 and IE 7. Can any … | |
So I'm trying to get 3 DIVs to line up as columns horizontally. I've got it to work in some browsers but not all. It's supposed to look like [IMG]http://www.cake-spoon.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/Screen-shot-2010-08-25-at-11.46.10.png[/IMG] However in some browsers it looks like [IMG]http://www.cake-spoon.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/Screen-shot-2010-08-25-at-11.46.30.png[/IMG] The code I'm using (Stripped of all the crap) is [code=html] <div … | |
I'm working on a project and it uses JavaScript and CSS. I don't know a thing about JavaScript and I know a little CSS. Here's the problem: I have a page that has a list of links on the left side and when you mouse over them, the contents appear … | |
I dont have much experience with javascript. Please provide javascript to create something like the image below: [url]http://www.coolmicroscope.com/java.jpg[/url] "data:text/html,<html>¶ <head> <script type='text/javascript'> function blinkIt() { if (!document.all) return; else { for(i=0;i<document.all.tags('blink').length;i++){ s=document.all.tags('blink')[i]; s.style.visibility=(s.style.visibility=='visible')?'hidden':'visible'; } } } </script> <style> html, body { height: 100%; width: 100%; } body { margin : … |
The End.