15,688 Topics
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Hi, I have used AJAX lots before and I wondered if it was possible to set variables from an AJAX file E.G. an ajax file could set var set1 = 10; var set2 = 55; with both variables coming from an external file called by AJAX Could you tell me … | |
Hi ppl, I have a select dropdown which has two events an onchange and onkeypress. My problem now is when I use the keyboard arrows to select an item from the list in a select drop down the onchange is selected(invoked) before I even reach the second item in the … | |
hi, i use AJAX, framework - JQUERY. Now all information show in one table( <div id = "user">). [code] var user= setInterval(function() { $('#user).load(user.php?id='+ Math.random()); }, 5000); user.php: $rez= mysql_query($sql, $db) or die("Error"); while($r = mysql_fetch_array($rez, MYSQL_ASSOC )){ $name= $r["name"]; $time= $r["time"]; [/code] But how make this: $name show in … | |
Hi there: This specific to the messages posted by members for various sections on this forum. when I read through the message text, and if the member has typed in some link of other site, on mouse over of this link i see small image of the link contents. I … | |
Hi all, I'm creating a fairly large web-application that uses a reasonable amount of AJAX. My question is; will it cause problems (in terms of process speed, overall performance and most importantly if it's actually possible) to run this application from multiple computers? Primarily if, for example, two separate computers … | |
God i'm having a terrible time trying to do this. Does anyone know how to set a javascript variable as a query result from a MySQL database. As an example, like this: Set this query: [CODE]$query4=mysql_query("select price from pricelist where item='$result3[item]'"); $result4=mysql_query($query4);[/CODE] into a variable: [CODE]var price[/CODE] i just can't … | |
Hi, I'm creating a dynamic site but now I'm coming across a problem when I'm displaying input textbox.The textboxes uses two events onblur and onkeypress These two events they invoke the same function which suppose to determine the function must be executed between Shownext() and tabbackorFront() When a use uses … | |
Hi all, I am having trouble trying to load contents on a tab in accordion on the fly. Which means, the content for a particular tab will only be loaded and displayed when user click on it. Is there any example available? I am still trying it with Ajax. I … | |
Hello, I have written a javascript function for email validation . On the click event of the validate button am calling the function however, the function is not called and returns nothing....so please help me out....plz help me out and do let me know where am going wrong...! here is … | |
I am using the below pre-built script for my mouseover images: [code] <script src="js/chrisdomroll.js"> /**************************************************** * DOM Image rollover v3.0: By Chris Poole http://chrispoole.com ****************************************************/ </script> [/code] And it works on the page simply by adding the following attribute to the image tag, with the behind being the mouseover image's … | |
In other words, can I do this.. [CODE]<cd> <artist>Angella Christie</artist> <album>Hymn & I</album> <song>Blessed Assurance</song> <genre>Gospel Jazz</genre> [COLOR="Green"]<image> http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41TQV56BH0L._SL160_AA115_.jpg</image>[/COLOR] </cd>[/CODE] I'm asking because when I press "Get Schema" Dreamweaver gives me an "Expected entity name for reference(13,16). The "image" tag line is line 16. | |
![]() | Hi, I am quite new to web development. I wrote this script to display current weather it works fine locally. But not able to run on my web server - I get "Access Denied error". Can anyone help? or suggest a better way to get yahoo weather on my web … |
Hello, What I am trying to do is show or hide a div when a user clicks the link, but I have multiple divs that belong in the same place so when the user clicks a link it needs to hide the current div, if there is one, and then … | |
Basically I'm having trouble getting it to work. The instructions aren't really clear at all on [url]www.stickmanlabs.com[/url] . I've got thumbs. I can get them to work individually, but the next and back buttons to the next image isn't working. Can you help me? thx. b | |
Hey all, I'm working on a project combining a javascript bookmarklet and a php script that lets users mail the url of the site they are currently browsing to their email address. I had a PHP issue solved over in the PHP forum: [url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread202375.html[/url] But now I have a new … | |
THis is really silly but nevertheless... I was wondering what does the <Option Selected ...> in the drop down list mean? Does it mean that the indicated option is selected by default? I just wanted to confirm cause even if I remove the "Selected", it still shows the same option … | |
Hi there, Does anyone know how to force Internet Explorer to refresh it's results from an AJAX call? I might be doing something wrong but here is my problem: I use Ajax to present a form containing price values of a product from a database, where they are presented in … | |
How can I create a white loading page like GMail, and when the content of the page is loaded then replace the white page with the original one. I'm using ASP.NET with jQuery. Thanks in advance. | |
I have used this code for ajax pagiantion JS file - [code=JavaScript]document.getElementById('divname').innerHTML = content; ajax.callPage("URL"+str, ajaxSearchFilter); tb_init('a.thickbox, area.thickbox, input.thickbox');//pass where to apply thickbox imgLoader = new Image();// preload image imgLoader.src = tb_pathToImage;[/code] Php file - [code=php]<td colspan="2" align="center"> <?php if($page != 1) { $pageno=$_GET['page']; $pageprev = $pageno-1; if($_GET['city_name'] != "") … | |
Hi, I have a schedule updater that is running perfectly in firefox, but slowly in IE7 (and probably IE6 as well). You can see the script in action at: [url]http://www.jobvid.com/CustomizeNewSchedule.php[/url] Any help would be greatly appreciated! The code is below... Thanks, Dave [code] <script type="text/javascript"> function changecolor(Id,ctrlhide){ var current = … | |
I downloaded a shadow box from the web that uses javascript and based on the size of the div it applies a shadow. This is great however when i apply a slider javascript function to it to make the div bigger the shadow goes nuts and does not like it. … | |
Hello, I am working on a drag and drop interaction for a website using script.aculo.us drag n shop. What I need is for he User to drop chosen products into the cart and submit a message for the site admin to receive the users contact information and desired products. No … | |
Hi All I'm using Dreamweaver's (MX) form validation system for a form and noticed something odd about the last "required" field. The validation system works fine on all other "required" fields, but if there is any copy in the last "required" field, the form is sent to the database and … | |
hello, I have 3 textboxes and user should fill atleast 1 of those. so i have to check that. How to do it using Required field validator/javascript function. [B]Note: I am not using form , the text boxes are in content holder of the page. If i use javascript how … | |
i have a form that on post it runs a php page.But when the result is successful it opens a notification page. The problem is that it opens both the php page and the notification all I would like to do is to show the nofication page. php page runs … | |
i posted this question in other forum but no luck so far, i found a link that has the same goal as i am but dont know how modify this [url]http://www.verysimple.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2007/01/resize_css.html[/url] my goal would be in reverse when enlarge (window browser dragging) my div will decrease size (width) when enlarge … | |
I've got this javascript toggle array script. It was working and I don't know what point it broke, but I am having trouble getting it working again. The code below is linked in an external .js file: [code=javascript] function toggle(showHideDiv, switchTextDiv) { var ele = document.getElementById("showHideDiv"); var text = document.getElementById("switchTextDiv"); … | |
I'm all hosed up...most of this is pretty new to me, so please forgive my terminology. I'm using scriptaculous for the DnD stuff. Using AJAX I'm returning a variable from the server. The variable can be verified using alert(variable), but when I pass the variable as an argument it isn't … | |
hi buddy, i have a problem in tabbed pane that works by java script.problem is---my tabbed pane has two panes.Every pane contain record list with pagination indexes.By default first pane is up.when i work in first pane,there is no problem.But when i work in 2nd pane and click any link … | |
i am checking the checkbox is checked r not by using following code.... if the condition is true i have to checked another box in runtime using docuemnt.form... or document.getElementById like...document.form.chkbox2=checked like that... [CODE]if(document.form.chkbox1.checked){ // }[/CODE] |
The End.