15,688 Topics
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[B]Hi All, I'm new to this community, please help in this ...[/B] [CODE][B]do while not rst.eof i=0 End if blnOdd = Not(blnOdd) colName = UCase(colName) do while (i < rst.fields.count) if (rst.Fields.Item(i).Name = colName ) then ValueSelected(j)=rst(i) selectedName="val"& j Response.write("<td align='center'><B><a href= ""#"" onClick=""return returnSingleValue(this,window.opener.document." & frm & "." & … | |
i googled for it i couldnt find anything how do i make an autosave form? like you know if someone is posting something from a text area it saves after a few minutes/seconds ect so if the page gets f"d up or something u can restore from the last draft? … | |
Hi, I'm having a small problem with JS drop down menu. The problem occurs only in IE6 and IE7 (surprisingly in IE8 everything works fine). The problem isn't big though. when you put pointer over drop down in IE, the drop down part loads 2/3 of drop down and in … | |
I am new to javascript, my skills are very limited, so I use the great scripts I see posted on the net by experianced javascript users. I have this script that picks lottery numbers, the numbers it generates are in a little box, but the problem is the box has … | |
hello friends have a look on my attechments.. the rows are dynamically genrated from database..!! In column Amount user fills values....!!! when user click on add ledger.. a new popup window will open with a form... after adding ledger and closing the popup window...!! the parent page will refresh.. so … | |
Does anyone have a clue as to how you would impliment lets say : onclick="MM_goToURL('parent','index.htm');return document.MM_returnValue" inside lets say this: <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript1.2"> <!-- stm_bm(["tubtehr",430,"","blank.gif",0,"","",0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,"","",0],this); stm_bp("p0",[0,4,0,0,3,2,0,0,100,"",-2,"",-2,90,0,0,"#000000","#000000","",3,0,0,"#ffffff"]); stm_ai("p0i0",[0," Products ","","",-1,-1,0,"","_self","","","","",0,0,0,"","",0,0,0,0,1,"#000000",0,"#666666",0,"","",3,3,0,0,"#ffffff","#ffffff","#ffffff","#ffffff","8pt Arial","8pt Arial",0,0]); stm_bp("p1",[1,4,0,0,0,3,0,0,100,"progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Zigzag(GridSizeX=16,GridSizeY=16,enabled=0,Duration=0.10)",-2,"",-2,100,2,3,"#000000","#ffffff","",3,1,5,"#666666"]); stm_aix("p1i0","p0i0",[0,"Order Catalog of Courses","","",-1,-1,0,"#","_self","","","","",0,0,0,"","",0,0,0,0,1,"#000000",0,"#000000"]); stm_ai("p1i1",[6,1,"#666666","",0,0,0]); stm_aix("p1i2","p1i0",[0,"AUDIO CDs - coming soon"]); stm_aix("p1i3","p1i1",[]); stm_aix("p1i4","p1i0",[0,"DVDs - coming soon"]); stm_aix("p1i5","p1i1",[]); stm_aix("p1i6","p1i0",[0,"VHS TAPES … | |
I am creating a code in php to read the content of a file and save it in a php array. this is my code: [CODE] <?php $myFile = "isbn.txt"; $fh = fopen($myFile, 'r'); $i=0; $ans=array(); while(!feof($fh)) { $theData = fgets($fh); $url='https://isbndb.com/api/books.xml?access_key=RPGYD5PC&index1=isbn&value1='; $url1=$url.$theData; //echo $url1; $ans[$i]=$url1; $i++; } ?> [/CODE] … | |
There are several categories, and in each category there are pictures. When you choose a category, all picture names are listen (as a list using Ajax). I want to make the list draggable, so that I can change the order of the pictures. Somehow the Drag 'n Drop function does … | |
Hey all, I had posted this issue previously regarding my Ajax site navigation module not loading correctly. It would load on certain parts of the site and not others. After some research I have discovered that I need to redirect from "www.mydomain.com" and make a call to "mydomain.com" instead. I … | |
can someone tell me how to validate the form, in a way where the text comes below the field to be validated... unlike alerts please give an example for a textbox and a dropdown list... if possible... thanks... | |
I have a large xml file which contains news, articles, reviews, etc. I wanna use AJAX and get only news displayed in a [code]<div>[/code] | |
Hello In my asp page I successfully extracted records from my database. The records are written in Hebrew. I used <% @ codepage=65001 %> and <% Response.Charset= "utf-8" and the display worked ok inside HTML. Inside my asp code i joined all the values to one string using "x = … | |
So I'd like to get rid of the insecure warning I get in IE6-8 whenever I'm on an HTTPS page like this one: [url]https://checkout.netsuite.com/s.nl/c.659197/n.2/sc.37/.f?login=T&reset=T[/url] I can't tell what's not loading, but I'm assuming the two errors I got in Companion.JS v0.5 in IE7 are clues: 1) 'jQuery' is undefined (line … | |
[code=html]<html> <body> <script type="text/javascript"> var str = "r'i`t\"291134837u"; var invalidChar = new RegExp("[',\",\`]","gi"); document.write(str.match(invalidChar)); </script> </body> </html>[/code] I just want my regular expression to match a backslash. Thats all. Tried giving [\\]. Aint working. Tried[\x5c] not working. But this hexadecimal character match is working for all the other characters. Its … | |
this thing is being seen on many websites...! while page is loading.. user see a page loading Icon until the page loads..!!! i dont knw wht exactly it is called.?? i hope u understand what i mean..!! kindly provide some links or script so that i can us e it … | |
Hi, this is my problem: 1. There are two div elements in my page. [COLOR="Red"]2. When the page loads only one is supposed to be visible.(This is where i'm getting stuck[/COLOR]) 3. There are a series of checkboxes. 4. On clicking on one particular checkbox the first div element must … | |
this prgram working in ie well but in mozilla mma() ajax function working the second one not working in mozilla.. plz help me [code=JavaScript]function getHTTPObject() { if (window.ActiveXObject) return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); else if (window.XMLHttpRequest) return new XMLHttpRequest(); else { alert("Your browser does not support AJAX."); return null; } } function … | |
Hi, i am newbie of java script. i faced a problem in java script which is when i want to prompt a message box and enable to let user to type their own password. but i found that a problem is when the user type their own password in the … | |
can anyone suggest of a place i can look for Styles for a Business Web Application... thanks... | |
Hi, I am trying to validate textbox inside gridview footer template as the following: [ICODE] <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> function validate(obj) { if (document.getElementById(obj).value=="") { alert("no data entered"); document.getElementById(obj).focus(); return false; } return true; } </script> [/ICODE] In the code behind, I added the following: [ICODE] Dim InsertN As TextBox = … | |
[code]<script> ..........//some code// //here s will be incresed in runtime var oC2TD = oTR.insertCell(1); oC2TD.innerHTML = "<input type=text class=text_box2 autocomplete=off name=txtCatgName"+s+" id=select"+s+"/>"; alert(document.getElementById('select'+s+'')) [B]//for above alert iam getting null //but when i replace "select" with text box name like txtCatgName //iam getting object and i replace in below line too, … | |
Sir, I am having trouble with a piece of JavaScript code that expands blocks of text. For example, when you click More >>, the text under it will expand. And << Less it will collapse. I can get that to work. I can also get the data out of the … | |
Hi Guys & Gals, I have a JS file for an AJAX app that works great in Firefox, Chrome, and Opera, but not in IE6 or IE7. The JS file is located here: [url]http://www.russwilliamsart.com/scripts/imago.js[/url] and the XML file it grabs info from is right here: [url]http://www.russwilliamsart.com/gallery/Giclees/gallery.xml[/url] I think the problem … | |
HI, I am using Roshan's Ajax dropdown code for my two ajax dropdown menus. All is working fine, but when I want to use $_POST in the submitted form with FireFox, its not working...??? Its working fine in IE. Can anybody please help me with this problem? The Form where … | |
hi guys, if i want to have a streaming video on my site, would it be possible to do by javascript code alone or what are the methods to do this? any software that is needed on the server? any input is greatly appreciated? thanks... | |
hi.Can anyone plz tell me how to link database with html? if you can plz do give the code. thankyou | |
hi friends, hi have an project i design a web page on the web page maker and i want to run exe file direct from my web plz help me out how can i do that it have the option of java script and html codes plz help me out | |
I have been trying this also and can,t get it to work thought i had the right code.Please help | |
Hello How to prevent Javascript Menu from getting hidden under Flash Video (SWFObject ). I am using Open Flash Chart and the chart is displaying fine in my php shoppping cart, but my javascript menu is getting hidden behind the Flash Chart. How to correct this problem? Here is my … | |
Hi all, How I can show the Home Icon and Favorite Icon on the Web Page. Please Also Tell me about the Slider in which I put the Home and Favorite Icon so anyone can make my website as their homepage or favorite page easily. Thanks. |
The End.