15,127 Topics
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guys i have come to conclusion that basically pocket internet explorer for windows mobile 5.0 and pocket pc 2003 basically dont support javascript. It is better to do everything based on simplest html tags. | |
hi to everyone i am looking for a image scroll like [url]http://tools.yootheme.com/extensions/yooscroller[/url] to be used not on joomla but to any site. Anyone has an idea where to find it please.... thank you in advance | |
i need documentation for internet explorer 4 javascript support. thanks | |
My intention is to learn Javascript to apply to commercial websites such as building the "pop up" or pull down menu upon mouse interaction, changing the color of text upon mouse in, out etc. What's your suggestion(s) ? Thanks! | |
I’m looking for an advise on where to begin with something I need to accomplish using JavaScript/Ajax on classic ASP platform. I need to add a floating menu like layer to the site that contains user selected information from the page. So for example, a page has blocks of information … | |
Hi, I'm trying to create the functionality of an iFrame with a div. What I need to do is load / reload a div with a partial html file (no <html> or <body> tags) . The html file always has the same name, it just might change or be added … | |
i have built a page which loads content into a div tag from a php page using javascript. the problem i am having is that the title for eachg page is not inside the div so i keep being left with the same title on each page. i have tried … | |
Hello ... I am new at this forum stuff. I have been ripping my hair out trying to put slideshow up on our website using Dreamweaver CS3. I went onto your "Dynamic Drive DHTML" page and found a slideshow that works, however it puts the slideshow on the left side … | |
hi, I have a gallery, upon clicking a gallery set, the page should open it's photos without refreshing, therefore i use XMLHttpRequest. It works fine if i am display just plain text/images, but im trying to display javascript & html content. I want to display my "smoothgallery" according to gallery … | |
(I'am not able to write Javascript myself, I only learned to edit it...) There is a beautiful Javascript Gallery I use in a page. My wish or actually my clients wish is to use this gallery several times in the same page. I just have been copying the script and … | |
Hi there, I'm having a little trouble in 'Setting the cursor focus' on a text box, that I'm creating dynamically, when Clicked on a button (having the onccick attribute). Detail: I have this button [code=html]<INPUT TYPE="button" name="add_ans" STYLE="background-color:#CCFF00;width:50;height:30;" VALUE="Add Answer" onclick="generateRow()">[/code] And this generateRow() javascript function. [code=JavaScript]var answer_count = 0; … | |
i need to know what brand is the pocket pc that is using my website in order to show them a page accordingly. do you have any ideas? | |
Does anyone know of a way to retrieve the output of a webpage and place the output in the current web page (not using iframes)? For example, here is a simple web page (test.html): <html> This is just a test </html> I would like to take the output of this … | |
Hai, In parent window, while submitting form, popup window is called. In child popup window, parent window is forced to go invisible through code. But sometimes it is not working. Aim is to inactive all elements in parent form or invisible parent form while child window (popup) is opened. After … | |
how I can write a function over the "textchange" event of textfield while textfield has no this event? please help me | |
guys when i try to run this code on pc it is fine but it doesnt work on pocket pc : [CODE]<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE></TITLE> </HEAD> <style> .Field {color: black; border: 1px solid #FFFFFF; background-color: #FFCC00;} .Find {color:blue; font: 10px Arial;} </style> <script> var Fo =new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"); var StrOut = new … | |
I need to find the information about Client machine by using Javascript : Information like : How much Avaliable sapce on clinet's machine ? Need to find RAM size . Operation System. Can we have any built in Active X control to get all these values ? Thanks in advacne, … | |
hi guys, by default microsoft pocket internet explorer does not display javascript errors to do that, you need to add a registry key : [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main] "ShowScriptErrors"=dword:00000001 to edit windows mobile registry you can download this software from the following address( i used this software to edit mine, it is … | |
guys i am creating a mobile web application, i dont know how should i incorporate some javascript functionality without passing its limited javascript support, it doesnt support dhtml for example, is there any documentation for that? | |
how I can write a function over the "textchange" event of textfield while textfield has no this event | |
Hello, I have discovered that my flash banner disappears when the menu above it is mouseovered. Anyway, I was wondering if someone could help me with a sniffer script. Example, if the user is on a safari browser then swap out the flash with a static image. Here is my … | |
Hi Everybody, I need some hlep for my website. Whenever i will open my website one pop is required. Can anyone tell me how to do.... please. Thanks in Advance. KavithaKesav | |
I am using a a customized google map which is used to show properties for sale in a specific area. There tree level for this ie by Country, State and City and is done using list menu. It is working properly, It is showing markers when any item is selected. … | |
I know how to access Server Side Session variable at client side(JS)..But i want to know how to Set Sessin varable at Clinet side(JS) & access its value at Server side..If somebody knows help me out!!! | |
hi..i need some ideas...I want to calculate student fees payment on my php page, but my coding here its not working. One more thing is when selected item click and its can display value of the item in other textbox(ex: if course Diploma Multimedia is selected, then the course fee … | |
I created a button for table cell using innerHTML. it is working perfectly in mozilla. But it is now working inn IE. Button is now displaying in IE. Please help me | |
How to display error message when string entered together with the characters outside the A-Z a-z 0-9? | |
Hi to all I want to get the number of users logged in and display it in the header. initially I want to put a key field for the user accounts and if they logged in then calculate that key. but my question is how can I access my database … | |
I am working on a project with `asp.net` and `vb.net` language system. Now I made a table on the asp file, and before clicking on a button "update", by JavaScript, I would like to get all the string data written in the text boxes each placed inside a cell of … |
The End.