15,127 Topics
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hi my html form contains a table tag <table id="MainTable">. i would like to populate this table using a javascript function. my probllem is that i created a table that contains another table inside on of the <td> tags. i tried to write the most basic code: [CODE=javascript]var myTable = … | |
Hi i had a php page and some mysql connections in that page. I need to show a image named loading.gif until the page loads completely.. I tried many but cant... Please any one give an idea... Please Thanks Rajeesh | |
Hi all, Say there are two checkboxes on a page (test1 and test2), I want to write a JavaScript code that disables one if the other is checked. Here's what I wrote that didn't work: [CODE]<input type="checkbox" name="test1" <script language="Javascript">if (test2.checked = true){document.write('DISABLED');}</script>>[/CODE] Please help :D!!! Thanks a million! Jeff | |
hi guys, how to code this vbscript in javascript? thanks.. [code] <script language=vbscript> <!-- Sub CallMenu(n,isHidden) document.all("menu" & n).style.visibility = isHidden End Sub //--> </script>[/code] | |
Hi everybody, i'm having a bit of a problem when improting excel Data into ASP.Net Control using JavaScript. The Problem is, if the Excel cell format is Date then after i use the javascript and import the cell into the control the value become to a string whice the .NET … | |
Hi all. I have a small script that creates and removes elements from an html form. This script also renames some elements upon deletion of another element. But this does not seem to be working properly. The problem is that i can't really figure it out so i was wondering … | |
hello every one i was just wondring if someone can help me to show me how i can design a menu like in the website [url]http://www.comparethemarket.com/[/url] i mean the middel menu where u move the mouse cursor and the contet change.... | |
Hi, I am writing a prgram in php.when i click "log out "button ,it redirects to my first page "index.php".(username & password) and then by clicking back button in the browser ,it showing all my previous pages that i visited. I want to disable back button in the browser (javascript … | |
I found a demo version of a jQuery accordion menu that I liked. I want to implement it on my soon to be published home page, What it does not do is that it pushes and pulls the content below it, as down as the accordion expands and contracts. I … | |
Hi, I cannot get the full physcial path of a selected file in Firefox. Code below works fine in IE. Is there other way to get full path in Firefox as well? Thanks [code] function getPath() { alert (document.formUpload.file.value); } <form name="formUpload" enctype="multipart/form-data"> Filename:<input type="file" name="file" id="file" onChange="getPath();" /> <input … | |
[code] <script type="text/javascript"> function validatePID(inputField , helpText) { if(inputField.value.length != 9) { if(helpText != null) { helpText.innerHTML = "Please enter a 9 digit Number"; return false; } else if( isNaN(inputField.value)) { if(helpText != null) helpText.innerHTML ="Please enter a number "; return false; } else { if(helpText != null) helpText.innerHTML =" … | |
I've a perfect working code in IE but for some reason its not working in Fire fox...can anyone suggest why? | |
Hello all. Got a slightly strange problem, which might be a little dificult to explain. I have some AJAX code which uses javascript to call a php file that queries a database and returns data. Basically I have a problem with the order that things get executed once they are … | |
Hi I have the following CSS menu, which uses a js to create the menu on Mouseover... I want to add a delay onMouseOut... I have tried the setTimeout function, but am having some trouble getting it to work... the submenu just stays out... [code=javascript] var menuids=new Array("verticalmenu") //Enter id(s) … | |
i want to have a big hidden table, then i will have a div and that div will be located on that table, only the intersection of the div and the table will be visible. is that possible? | |
hi guys, i have one main page with two iframe elements, these two iframe elements is assigned same source file as follows : mainpage.htm : [CODE]<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <title>Untitled Page</title> </head> <body> <table> <tr> <td> <iframe id="leftPane" src="iframepage.htm" width="300" height="800"></iframe> </td> <td> … | |
Hi I had a form validation script with me. that is [ICODE]<head> <script type="text/javascript"> function validate_required(field,alerttxt) { with (field) { if (value==null||value=="") {alert(alerttxt);return false;} else {return true} } } function validate_form(contact) { with (contact) { if (validate_required(username,"Userame must be filled out!")==false) {username.focus();return false;} } } </script> </head> <body> <form action="password_process.php" … | |
Hi!! i want to validate a list box onthe onblur event and if no value is selected , display a message on the left using <span> and innerHTML here's what i have written [code] <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function validateCB() { if(document.rec.loc.options.selectedIndex = = 0) { alert(" hi"); return false; … | |
Hello! I have a small script which dynamically creates select tags (they are placed within divs). Each select has a [B]+[/B] and [B]-[/B] sign next to it, and if you click the [B]+[/B] it adds another select below that one, or if you click the [B]-[/B], it removes that current … | |
Hi All, I was wondering if anyone could help me with this one. If you want to see what I have at the moment goto [url]http://www.personally-yours.co.uk/indev/test/state_dropdown.php[/url] This page has two drop downs, the bottom one is populated depending on what is selected in the top one. What I want to … | |
Hi, I'm not much more than a[I] jquery cut and paste - change a simple user definition[/I], guy. I can't write javascript... So, I was trying to marry two jquery "animation effects" in one page and apparently have a conflict. The two things work separately but it seems that there … | |
hii !! i am using the onblur event for form validation to validate that a field should not be empty i am using the following function [code] <scirpt type="text/javascript"> function isEmpty(field) { if ( field.("<name from form>").value = ' '); alert("empty field"); } </scirpt> [/code] the problem is the event … | |
Hi, I want to display a java script confirmation box before browser session is timeout with message as "Your session is going to timeout in 2 mins. Do you want to extend session?", if user is clicked on "Ok" button within the session timeout period, session should be extend. If … | |
Hey all! Pretty simple I hope :D I have a website that absolutely requires JavaScript to be enabled for it to work. How can I make it so that if a user with JavaScript disabled tries to view my site they are redirected to an error message? Thanks! | |
I have a form that sends the value of my input box to search.php where I cature it using POST: [code]<form method="post" name="boxsearchform" action="search.php"> <input name="INPUT" id="INPUT" type="text" value="" /> <input type="image" name="search" src="searchboxgo.gif" /> <select name="choosevar"> <option value="title">Title</option> <option value="colour">Colour</option> </select> </form>[/code] What I would like is to use … | |
hi my page contains a button with a javascript click event. when i click the button i want to check if the page is valid, and if the answer is yes, to perform the event function. if the page is not valid i want the error message to show in … | |
I have recently changed my page so my date that is held in a textbox is in the European Format, ie DD/MM/YYYY The problem is all of my other javascript functions expect it in the 'normal' format. Is there a way I can change the format I now have it … | |
I am using the following to set up a textarea for the input of the body of an email. [code] <td valign="top"><textarea name="zbody" id = "zbody" class="stylefont_textarea" tabindex = "3" onfocus="gotostart()" cols="40" rows="10"><?php echo $sig?></textarea></td> [/code] the php inserts a "signature" into the textarea. When I tab to it, the … | |
is there anyway of distinguishing between whether the button is clicked directly by a mouse or its click event has been triggered logically? [code]<input type="button" id="someID" value="dene" onclick="alert('something');" /> <input type="button" value="dene2" id ="someID2" onclick="document.getElementById('someID').click()" />[/code] now guys i want some kind of thing : when you directly click on … | |
Hello, this may not be the correct forum but I'll start here. I have a system that retrieves information from a database. I want to have some of that information hidden until a user checks a box to display it. The script is here: [code] <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript"> function HidePart(d) … |
The End.