15,127 Topics
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Hello All, I'm having a serious problem with AJAX in my web application that has our entire development team banging their head against the keyboard. (Unfortunately, all that banging hasn't yielded a good answer, so I'm hoping one of the experts here have a possible solution!) The core question is … | |
Hello all, i'm trying to show the time between a start & end time selection, problem is, i do not know my way around javascript/jquery that good, so i hoop someone will help me. i have four dropdown select boxes: [LIST] [*]start hour [*]start minute [*]end hour [*]end minute [/LIST] … | |
I'm Trying to put a banner that rotates 3 images on a bigcommerce.com platform which is in HTML and banner in Java - can anyone see why isn't working? Thanks for the help ! [CODE]<div class="Block FeaturedProducts Moveable Panel" id="HomeFeaturedProducts" style="display:%%GLOBAL_HideHomeFeaturedProductsPanel%%""> <h2" dirty="false">%%SNIPPET_HomeFeaturedProductsFeed%%%%LNG_FeaturedProducts%%</h2" dirty="false"> <div class="BlockContent""> <script language="javascript""> // SPECIFY … | |
I'm working on a project which implements google Maps. Now I have to choose between GWT or JavaScript as a programming platform. I'm wondering which is faster when accessing the data to be used to initialise the maps from a remote server? Any ideas? | |
Hi... I have a list of products displayed in a page and it contains a combo box to sort the products in a certain criteria. I want to sort the products just when I choose the criteria from the combo box. I understood I have to do this using onChange … | |
| I have a form that is 19 pages long. When complete, it is sent to a database and also printed. This is the header for the form [CODE] <fieldset class="major1"> <!--fieldset header --> <table> <tr><td colspan="5">Date: <input type="text" name="ard3date$$DOCID$$" value="$$ard3date$$DOCID$$$$" class="sp5" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Student Name: $$F1$$</td> <td class="sp2"> </td> <td>Student … |
I have a script working for me which loads content into an iframe on my index page based on a url query string. for example: mysite.com/index.php?two.php loads "two.php" into the iframe, heres what i have: [CODE]<script type="text/javascript"> function loadIframe() { var urlStr; urlStr = location.search.slice(1); window.frames.myiframename.location = urlStr; } </script>[/CODE] … | |
Hi I want to extract all the names properties of the html form. I have 2 elements (Textarea and CheckBox) and I need to create 2 arrays with all the names of them, is to say, in the array1 all the checkbox names and in the array2 all the textarea … | |
Hi! Sorry for my bad english. I need help. I have a code (it's long so here's short version) that will, when I click on the button 1 (input field 1 and button 1), make a new input field and button with new name (input field2 and button 2) and … | |
hi all i have taken script from internet but in this script i dont understand what does mean this.length. when we write [CODE]this.length[/CODE] as what length we must understand it here is code. [CODE]Array.prototype.max = function() { var max = this[0]; var len = this.length; for (var i = 1; … | |
Hi, I have 5 Numeric fields in my from, I am using onkeyup to check for numeric values only, now I have a total field also. I would like to have a sum of the values entered in the 5 fields to be shown automatically on this total field. How … | |
Hi I was wondering if someone could help me with a code for my website? Basically what I want to do is have a drop down list that is essentially a matrix in the sense that picking one option leads to another and eventually you can narrow down the results … | |
<SCRIPT language="javascript"> function box(){ if (document.getElementById('adminUserName').value == " "){ alert("UserName is Empty"); }else{ alert("UserName Successfully Save"); } } </script> ===================================== <td>User Name:</td> <td colspan="2"> <div id="adminUserName"> <html:text property="adminUserName"/> </div> </td> | |
Would anyone know why my javascript slider does not work in FireFox? Ironically it works well in Ie and Chrome. All I did was modify a JQuery slider to fit my needs and even before I Modified it, the slider still would not work in FireFox Page: [url]http://www.flyteusa.com/flyteusa/index1.php[/url] Code: [CODE] … | |
The following, coming from Sun, works for IE prior to 8, but it fails to work for IE8. Please help. [CODE]<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="VBScript"> on error resume next If isIE = "true" Then If Not(IsObject(CreateObject("JavaWebStart.isInstalled"))) Then javawsInstalled = 0 Else javawsInstalled = 1 End If If Not(IsObject(CreateObject("JavaWebStart.isInstalled."))) Then javaws142Installed = 0 Else … | |
Hello! I've a Javascript function that has to verify if a form field is empty or not. My function works fine on my local server (Vertrigo), but when I upload it on server (online), the function doesn't verify if form fields are empty or not. Please help, I'm not good … | |
I've got a form page with two dropdowns, where people first select a leaf shape, and it shows the image. For example, choosing "auriculate" makes images/leaf_shapes/entire/auriculate.jpg appear. Then they choose the margin design, which could be "crenate" or "serrate" or "undulate" or several others. This changes the image to images/leaf_shapes/"their … | |
I have this code in a C# application that is automating a Web app. I want to execute the javascript function and would like to SEE the results, however when running the app I get an exception "Specified cast is not valid." on line 2 below. mshtml.IHTMLDocument2 doc2 = (mshtml.IHTMLDocument2)ie.Document; … | |
Hi everyone, I have an issue with IE7 not responding as it should after a log-in to a website I built for a client. This same problem also affects the add to basket or add to wish-list functionality, the checkout process, and all other Ajax requests. Here is a breakdown … | |
can someone show me how to call two functions at the same time... and is it possible calling them with the onShow command? thanks | |
hi, i have a question which feels like it should be very easy but my collegues have had some difficult explaining the logic to me. The thing is, I have a dropdown as such, [CODE=jsp] <ui:dropDown binding=..... tabIndex="5"/> [/CODE] and in the jsp page, i want to set it to … | |
Hi All I am working on one project. The requirement for business is like one popup should appear while one menu is moused over. Actually that menu item is "ADDRESS" , and client wants that once that pointer will come over "ADDRESS" ,one small popup will appear with address information … | |
Hi, I need to hide the login screen of my web site whenever a customer has logged in..It should be done with javascript right?? Any suggestions?? Can someone help me to do this?? Thanks....:) | |
I have a Join page on my site(which also has a login form). Is it easy to write java-script to determining if they do not have matching passwords(re-type password for Join form) or a valid email without redirecting you from the page? That way if something is wrong it shows … | |
I have a query regarding the hide/show of the cells in a table. The first column is 'Yes and No' options using combo box, 2nd option is 'input field', 3rd column is also 'Yes and No' option using combo box, and 4th option is also 'input field'. What I want … | |
Hi, In my project im using CGI and c++ in the server. When ever i download files from the server, IE 8 opens a window for every file downloaded. Then it does not close that damn new window. Please help me remove these extra windows. | |
Hey Folks, I am back with CSS 3.0 background options … I hope you’ll love this one…. All the details you can find here [url]http://innovator.samsungmobile.com/cms/cnts/knowledge.detail.view.do?platformId=12&cntsId=7400[/url] Some of the details covered the above article: Background (multiple) The css3 gives the possibility to apply more background images to a single element and … | |
I am creating a form that you don’t actually submit in order to allow people to download files. You select different options with radio buttons and drop-down menus and then use that information to “show/hide” divs with javascript. That part works, but if the user leaves the page and then … | |
Hello, I am trying to add variables from select options, but I am getting the $NaN error with certain items. The first item is the video under the low end build, you have to select MSI Radeon HD430. The second item is sound under the high end build, you have … | |
First off, sorry if this is the wrong section. Adobe Forms isnt exactly Web Development, but its the only place I could find to post about javascript. If this isnt the correct section, could someone please redirect me? Thanks. Now, onto the question (please note, I am inexperienced with javascript). … |
The End.