15,127 Topics
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I use a mysql database with students and grades for a training program. I would like to create a dynamic form with one field that works like this: if i write the name in the form and press check, and the student exists, i want it to show me the … | |
hi... i am new to ajax and i would like to know the syntax for sending multiple values using post method in ajax. i have tried this code but it doesn't work.. var data = 3; var age = 27; XMLHttpRequestObject.send("data=" + data,"age=" + age); thanks in advance... | |
Hi all. I'm trying to create custom prompt. When I click on the button, appears custom prompt and ask "Do you realy want to submit?". When I click "Yes", the form isn't submited. Here's html code: [CODE]<html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" href="look.css" type="text/css"> <script type="text/javascript" src="script.js"></script> </head> <body> <form name="novo" action="obrada.php" … | |
Hi! I've started learning writing javascript objects with literal notation... [CODE]something = { variable: "value", method: function(){ //code } }[/CODE] instead of the usual syntax... [CODE]function something(){ variable = "value"; function method(){ //code } }[/CODE] the problem is that it's hard for me to adapt procedures which I'm used to … | |
Hello! As the title says, I'm trying to toggle a <tr> element of form based on the selected value of a drop down box. Here is my current code for the dop down: [CODE]<tr> <td><img src="require.gif" align="center" width="7" height="5"> Employee Type</td><td colspan="3"><select name="type"> <option value="Please Select an employee type:">Please Select … | |
I want to make jQuery animate the fade in of a block of text with a few links in it. Here is the code. [CODE]<html> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=iso-8859-1"> <title>Home</title> <LINK rel="icon" href="/favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" /> <LINK rel="shortcut icon" href="/favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" /> <LINK rel="stylesheet" href="docs/navbar.css"> <style> html, body { margin: 0; … | |
Can anyone help me with this code. There are 11 images now. When it was running just 10 it was working fine, but when I added the 11th it won't rotate the 11th but will still rotate the first 10. <br> <script type="text/javascript"> var imgs1 = new Array("/resource/resmgr/Ad_Banner/ad16.jpg","/resource/resmgr/Ad_Banner/ad13.jpg","/resource/resmgr/Ad_Banner/ad14.jpg","/resource/resmgr/Ad_Banner/ad8.jpg","/resource/resmgr/Ad_Banner/ad15.jpg","/resource/resmgr/Ad_Banner/ad18.jpg","/resource/resmgr/Ad_Banner/ad12.jpg","/resource/resmgr/Ad_Banner/ad19.jpg","/resource/resmgr/Ad_Banner/ad20.jpg","/resource/resmgr/Ad_Banner/ad21.jpg","/resource/resmgr/Ad_Banner/ad21.jpg","/resource/resmgr/ad_Banner/ad3.jpg"); var lnks1 … | |
Alright, I am using the "FancyBox" script to load a larger photo, plus information about the photo into a window, ontop of the window.... which works great. However I need to pass the id (or other unique value) to the javascript so it can pass it on and get the … | |
does this flash effect [url]http://www.goodthinking.com.ph/[/url] can code in jquery? or other tips, sample how to do it in jquery? thanks in advance.. . -mrmaxspeed | |
Can someone check the way how I combine the two functions to work for my datepicker. Thanks. Clicking the header, make me select all the dates for that day for the entire month [CODE]selectColumn: function(picker, inst) { var target = $(this); picker.find('div.datepick-month th span').each(function() { $('<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="' + this.className … | |
Hi I was wondering if someone could help me with a code for my website? Basically what I want to do is have a drop down list that is essentially a matrix in the sense that picking one option leads to another and eventually you can narrow down the results … | |
I have this code and i want the mouseover to change the variable auto from true to false. [CODE]if ($featuredArea.length) { $featuredArea.et_switcher({ useArrows: true <?php if (get_option($shortname.'_slider_auto') == 'on') { ?>, auto: true, autoSpeed: <?php echo(get_option($shortname.'_slider_autospeed')); ?> <?php }; ?> }); }; $("div.slide").mouseover(function(){ $featuredArea.et_switcher({ auto: false }); });[/CODE] The last … | |
I need to open an Excel spreadsheet with javascript. I have to check permissions and do a large if else condition. Any help would be appreciated. | |
Ok, here's the catch: i am using ExtJS + PHP + MySQL to make a real-time chat site, based solely on AJAX requests. Yea, reverse AJAX would be cooler, but i haven't met anything easy to use enough to incorporate. (maybe you could suggest something !) The site would be … | |
I have this website which has a slider in the middle of the page. I put a video in the slider but the problem is when I play the video I need the slider to stop its effect so the video can play. Any ideas how to make this happen. … | |
Hi All, I am having issue in calling asp.net web service from javascript. The web service resides in one of our development machine and i am trying to call the web service from my local machine. (The application works fine if the webservice resides in my local machine) The reference … | |
i used the String.length(string) function in javascript to get the length of string but nothing happened. It doesn't give me a value when i tried to view the result using an alert function. Actually, this kind of problem does not only exist with the length function, it's also the same … | |
Hi, I'm working on a simple WYSIWYG editor. So far everything goes well, except for one thing: Most (or, every, probably) WYSIWYG editor I know that has the B, I and U buttons, applies a 'click' effect when the text you are typing is bold, italic or underlined. So when … | |
hello! is there a way that a control outside the updatepanel can read the content of a textbox in the updatepanel? because i want to create the create wizard of a user so i want for the username an updatepanel so i can refresh only this updatepanel because i want … | |
[CODE]function showModalSummary(path, ownerWin, pos, passObj, onClose, title, setFocusEnabled) { path = rootPath + path; if(!title) title = ""; // var doc, dl, features=''; if(!pos) pos=new Object(); if(!pos.width) pos.width=300; if(!pos.height) pos.height=200; if(!pos.left && pos.left!=0) pos.left=(screen.availWidth-pos.width)/2; if(!pos.top && pos.top!=0) pos.top=(screen.availHeight-pos.height)/2; if(isMoz) { pos.height-=27; pos.width-=6; features = features.replace(/:/g, "=").replace(/;/g, ","); } features = … | |
Hi guys, The tabbed menus work, but not in MS IE and I don't know why. The tabs appear, but the content of the tabs just sits all in one panel. Clicking the second tab does not activate the second content panel. My code is a bit messy but I … | |
I have an ASP.NET (2.0) web page for our company Intranet which uses Ajax via Javascript to communicate with an application server via UDP. The web page needs to constantly listen for UDP data to be received and occasionally send UDP data when the user clicks a button. I'm having … | |
I run a social networking site and it has an advanced newsfeed feature. I want to use a clickable AJAX link to refresh just the newsfeed and not the entire page. The code is held in a javascript tab as seen below and I've already added a basic link to … | |
How can I keep the flyout visible, that's triggered with the "By Neighborhood" hover? My script: [code] <!--Sunday 100815--> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta name="description" content="Save money" /> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/> <title>savebop </title> <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ function showmenu(elmnt) { outerdiv=document.getElementById(elmnt); outerdiv.style.visibility="visible"; //now … | |
hi i'm hoping to have a file 1.php, which takes in a userid via form input, which sends it to file 2.php which shows you available options depending on your userid, and a file 3.php which alters database values depending on your action, and applies it to values corresponding to … | |
Can you help me with the equivalent code of this in firefox? Thanks in advance. [CODE]<html> <head> <title>Event Handling</title> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- //MOUSE COORDINATES function updateMouseCoordinates(){ coordinates.innerText = event.srcElement.tagName + "(" + event.offsetX + "," + event.offsetY + ")";//works on IE not in firefox } //--> </script> </head> <body onmousemove="updateMouseCoordinates()"> … | |
Hi, I'm having trouble getting access to a Radio button. I found on the internet that I can use: [CODE]document.form_name.radio_name[number].checked = true;[/CODE] So I'm doing that: [CODE]document.hitForm.Answer_1[0].checked = true;[/CODE] But it isn't working. I have included a picture of the Chrome Dom inspector. [URL="http://yfrog.com/n0radiobuttonsj"]Pic[/URL] The first circle points to the … | |
hi i am hoping that i can explain my predicement properly. i have a form on a page that is working the jquery form plugin. if i use the form in a normal html environment then the form works and the success is placed in the correct div '#f1'. however, … | |
Hi, I need to replace "Link Text" with the value in the variable (myNewString). myNewString is just text e.g hello code document.write(myNewString); <a href="welcome.html">Link text</a> i need some thing like the below or even a php version of it <a href="welcome.html">(myNewString)</a> --this syntax is incorrect it seems THANKS!!!!!!!! | |
hey... I know this is real easy to do and all... but I just can't remember how to do it... I have a textarea named 'code' and a completely empty div [CODE] <div> </div> [/CODE] the textbox get's filled with html code... (dynamically of course) and now I need to … |
The End.