15,116 Topics

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Member Avatar for baruchM

My school assignment is to use browser detect to get the name and variation of a browser. I have been looking for detectible features, but the codes are way long. Document.all is good for seeing if this is explorer 4+, but what is a good thing for finding explorer 7? …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for theheretic1984

My code gives me an error only the first time when i press the checkbox. If i press it for the second time or just to uncheck the checkbox and it gives me the right answer. Can you please help me, i tried almost everything. I use IE7, xampp with …

Member Avatar for theheretic1984
Member Avatar for blackoprogue

Ok, so here is what I've gathered together so far. I've got a countdown timer, that at the end of 180 seconds it executes the function clearit. The problem I'm having I would like to put a user chosen variable in place of the 180. Any help would be greatly …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for ApocDen

This is a very simple WYSIWYG Text editor that only has three options Bold, Italic, and Underline. just copy and paste on the page you want it on. it is really easy to add more features. ENJOY

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for amit.hak50

I want to Build something very similar to the blue box on the page linked below. [url]http://www.designpublic.com/shop/inhabit/14520[/url] on my website: [url]http://www.apartmentdesignco.com[/url] on all the products page like this [url]http://www.apartmentdesignco.com/2010/apartment-furniture/indigo-slipper-chair[/url] would I want image or it is a box I can create via css Thanks

Member Avatar for JoshJ47
Member Avatar for vuyiswamb

Good Day All I have a Method that i have defined that i will access in JavaScript(Page Method) and its defined like this [CODE] [WebMethod, System.Web.Script.Services.ScriptMethod] public static void Getadata(String StrSearch) { View obj = new View(); obj.Bind_SearchBox(StrSearch); // return Scriptt; }[/CODE] And the Bind_SearchBox() method is a non static …

Member Avatar for HFUnited

Hey guys fairly new to PHP as is, I need to run a PHP function call through an onClick which through my research I have found that I need to use AJAX. Let me explain better what I am trying to do. I am currently using Simplepie PHP to pull …

Member Avatar for Medievo
Member Avatar for vau3677

Hi Guys, I'm trying to make an option on my site where visitor could select certain image(s) to print. Here is the closest code, I've found. [url]http://javascript.internet.com/misce...elds-only.html[/url] I'm not good in Javascript to write the code. I would appreciate any help. Here is my approximate code. <a href="#">Print selection</a> <br> …

Member Avatar for vau3677
Member Avatar for mohammed2raja
Member Avatar for ekseks

Here is a code I used for selecting the dates under my specified day (i.e. for all mondays of the month, tuesdays and so on. Take a look: [CODE]$('#dp1').datepick({multiSelect: 5, showTrigger: '#calImg', onShow: function(picker, inst) { var target = $(this); picker.find('div.datepick-month th span').each(function() { $('<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="' + this.className + …

Member Avatar for videoweb

Unable to close the popup. Have done the best I can Can someone please help me here. Would also like to be able to display without scrolling bars Here is the link [URL="http://www.videowebmastery.com/videopresenters/index.htm"]http://www.videowebmastery.com/videopresenters/index.htm[/URL] Cheers

Member Avatar for dnirvine
Member Avatar for freiheit

Hello all, I made a custom theme with jquery theme roller.Accordion panel and a tabs panel. The problem is that the objects are not displaying correctly as they should on my page. When i remove the link to my main css file, the jquery shows up exactly as it should. …

Member Avatar for dnirvine
Member Avatar for Manny7

Hi there, I solve a problem with jQuery plugins. On my page I need to use 3 plugins - the one is lightbox, the next is plugin for google maps. And the last plugin solves scrolling content - I click on the button and on the page shows to me …

Member Avatar for zahnsoftware

Not sure if this is the best topic to post this question. We had an issue where during uploading javascripts, they became corrupt and no longer executed on the web page. Is there an automated way to detect if the uploaded files match the source file to detect corruption? We …

Member Avatar for bryanfl100

How do I insert this: <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="http://www.ABC.com/members/display.php?token=email"></script> Into the values of this: <input id="Email" name="Email" type="text" size="30" /><input name="emailagent" type="HIDDEN" class="textfield" id="emailagent" value='' />

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for Dark_Omen

Hello, how do you add a custom button to a webpage and link it to another page? ANother question is how can you make the button rollover when someone's mouse is over the button and when they click the button? Would I need javascript? Thanks

Member Avatar for mariko
Member Avatar for fudgy

I have 10 navigation tabs in my website. Iam working on retaining the selected value from the drop down and should change the corresponding divs throughout the website....meaning based on selected value the content on all the pages should change...which should not let the user to select everytime ... I …

Member Avatar for fudgy
Member Avatar for phoenix_sdl

I making a form, nothing special, just for myself... so when user loads my form it askes him for his name ( with prompt 'var name=prompt("Your name please",""); ) then says Welcome 'name' (with alert box). THEN he can start filling in the form. What I want is for a …

Member Avatar for phoenix_sdl
Member Avatar for SKANK!!!!!

can someone please fix whats wrong with the new problem. i really have no idea how to change it. 2 pages. the problem is when i have the ajax pages and i go to the next page, it doesnt highlight the number im on anymore. and then there was this …

Member Avatar for SKANK!!!!!
Member Avatar for amko

I'm trying to code a play/pause button via Jquery and the Cycle plugin. I'm able to toggle between the two and the "resume" function works, but am not sure how to make the "pause" function work. Any ideas? Thanks in advance for your time! Here's my JS: <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() …

Member Avatar for amko
Member Avatar for Frankey

Hi there, I have a piece of code that should give my category list a nice accordeon effect to show the sub categories. [CODE] <ul class="categorymenu"> <li class="cat-item cat-item-10"><a href="...">cat1</a> <ul class='children'> <li class="cat-item cat-item-11"><a href="...">cat1sub1</a> <li class="cat-item cat-item-12"><a href="...">cat1sub2</a> <li class="cat-item cat-item-13"><a href="...">cat1sub3</a> </ul> </li> <li class="cat-item cat-item-10"><a href="...">cat2</a> …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for mr_scooby

Have the Javascript function below which takes the name of an input on the form passed as a variable so that 1 function can check many inputs as I have up to 3 fields per form that can accept this data range. [code] function contact_number_check(formObj,field) { var obj = document.forms[formObj]; …

Member Avatar for asmira
Member Avatar for subhankar02dey

I need to disable and enable some drop down list data according to conditions I have two drop down lists. Say, First ddlist has A,B,C,D,E,F and second ddlist has 1,2,3,4,5. When I select C from the first ddlist, then 1,3,5 should be disabled in second ddlist. And again if I …

Member Avatar for naveenl
Member Avatar for lionaneesh

[U]Hey Guyz ....This is Aneesh I am new to javascript... and I needed a Sliding Javascript Dropdown Box ....[/U][B] I got many links on the web but with no explanation...[/B] [B][I][U]What I need:-[/U][/I][/B] I need some links with Sliding Javascript Dropdown Box source and explanation... Thanking You... Aneesh Dogra

Member Avatar for Graphix
Member Avatar for sharonig

Hi, Is anyone familiar with a Data Pager implementation written in JS? I need to write one (to attach to a JS ListView) and was wondering if there was such a thing already. Thanks, Sharon

Member Avatar for SKANK!!!!!

theres nothgin wrong with my ajax, it works and is sending other variables but whe i want to send "pood" from [CODE]function farmers(pood, happy)[/CODE] i twill not work. now when i call the function it goes like this [CODE]onclick="farmers('pisslet', 'popcocky')"[/CODE] now it will not send PISSLET, what do i do? …

Member Avatar for SKANK!!!!!
Member Avatar for SKANK!!!!!
Member Avatar for usiyalla

hi want to learn javascript and i'm using ubuntu 9.04.i have google chrome and fire fox with enabled javascript. All things are good but when i write a js file and open it in browser but nothing happening html code loads but js not any hint why .

Member Avatar for usiyalla
Member Avatar for NickRx

[code] <script language="Javascript"> window.onresize = function (){ alert("Thanks for resizing!"); } </script> [/code] Is there any reason this gets sent twice to IE? Is there anyway I can make it so it will wait until the user is done resizing before it sends it(IE problem)?

Member Avatar for macgurl70
Member Avatar for pietpiraat

Hi all! i'm having difficulties with jQuery datepicker to get two input fields with different dateformats, her is my code sofar: [CODE]<script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { $('#inlineDatepicker').datepick({ multiSelect: 999, monthsToShow: 2, altField: '#datum', altFormat: '"yyyy-mm-dd"', minDate: '+1d', } ); }); </script>[/CODE] Now my problem is i'm showing my datepicker in a …

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The End.