15,127 Topics
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Hello! I am trying to figure out how to dynamically generate div ids, and then use onclick in correspondence with an image to pull up the correct div. I have been stumbling on this for two weeks and don't know where to turn at this point. Below is the current … | |
Hi every one. I have a problem with combinning two scripts. Fisrt script is working perfectly and taking stuf from mysql: function showUser(str) { if (str=="") { document.getElementById("txtHint").innerHTML=""; return; } if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {// code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest(); } else {// code for IE6, IE5 xmlhttp=new … | |
Hello! I have a code here that has a dropdown box which is populated with data from mysql table, itinerary to be spicific (e.g. Tokyo- London, London - Tokyo, etc.). I also have a textbox that displays the block time (no. of hours required to travel a specific itinerary) of … | |
Not to sure what to do say but here it goes. I am trying to test when a certain part of my page is in focus to display a message box. Here is the page [Click Here](http://yftg.ca/Untitled-5.html). I would like this code to running at all times when on this … | |
My code is working in IE 8 but not working properly in FireFox and Google Chrome. Actually by JQuery I am loading html page in div in same page this working properly in IE but in FF and in GC page opens but not in div it open like target_self … | |
Hi friends, I'm trying to do a online test software in which i would like to provide the user an option to calculate the answer in case of math questions. please give me ur valuable ideas. My reqt: On click of calculate(a button) the windows calculator should be invoked. | |
Need help converting Excel File or CSV to HTML, this project also cant use php, as it must be local, any ideas? | |
2. Write a custom error handling JavaScript function called processErrors that handles a custom error by assigning it to the onerror event handler. Include the block of JavaScript statements needed to pass the arguments sent by the JavaScript interpreter into the processErrors function, send an alert message with the agreements, … | |
Here is my form.html <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function ajax() { var aj; if(window.XMLHttpRequest) { aj = new XMLHttpRequest(); } else { aj = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } aj.onreadystate = function() { if(aj.ready == 4) { document.getElementById("text").innerHTML = aj.responseText; } }; var param = document.forms["fo"]["text"].value; aj.open("GET", "try.php" , true); aj.send(); } … | |
Hi Friends, I have written one HTML page in which i have on button with window.open function. so it opens in new tab. but i want it to open in it frame in that HTML page. Is it possible any how ? Or is there other way ? **Thanks** | |
<script type="text/javascript"> $("div #search_ayat_div").click(function(){ var link1='?verse='; var link2=$(this).html(); link=link1.concat(link2); link=link.replace(":","/"); window.location.replace(link); }); $("div #bookmark").click(function(){ var messageid = $(this).parent().children("#search_ayat_div").html(); var div_id=$(this).attr('id'); $.post("command.php",{ command:'bookmark', verse:messageid },function(result){ if(result=='yes'){ $(this).css({ "border":"medium solid #FF0000" }); alert("Successfully Bookmarked"); } if(result=='no'){ alert("Already Bookmarked"); } }); }); </script> Here at line 17 $(this) is not working. Remember there … | |
I have a jQuery tabs slider that auto rotates and depending on the slide it will adjust the background of the `<div>` element it is in. Auto rotate goes fine, the correct background is loaded, but when I manually click the tabs, it doesn't take the correct values. It's almost … | |
Hi, i don't know what happen in the code. I have this JScript: changeLanguage: function(target) { var rel = target.split('-'), region = rel[3], game = rel[1], client = rel[2], lang = rel[4], ver = rel[1], //not sure... name = $('#' + target).text(), id = game + '-' + client + … | |
How to disable close button of a pop up window using javascript? | |
Hi After learning jquery for about a month, I make an attempt to make username & password authentication form. Howver, i get stuck 2 days now, and i will soon start bumping my head against the wall. What I am trying to do is if user enter the wrong username … | |
Hello friends, I have to create a dense array called "monthName that contains the names of all 12 months starting with "January" So far, I have created this: function showDate(thisDate) { var thisWDay=Today.getWeekday(); var thisDay=Today.getDate(); var thisMonth=Today.getMonth(); var thisYear=Today.getFullYear(); var variable=new Array(monthName[0]="January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", … | |
I am trying to integrate the ColReorder.js(http://datatables.net/extras/colreorder/) [ which enable columns re-ordering option] into my existing data-table. Its works good, but the problem is its affects the CSS / CSS not applying. I don't know whether its clashing with my existing js ( jquery.dataTables.js ). Please help me how to … | |
I have add this code on my page http://technotweaker.com/tutorials/how-to-add-ajax-page-loading-effect-to-blogger-and-wordpress/ and it working fine but there is a lot of empty space at the middle of page and i can't fix it http://www.arianrp.ir/index2.php | |
Hi, Other than ajax(), load(), get() and post(), is there way to load part of page content dynamically from another file using jquery? thanks, VC | |
Hi I Love daniweb for web solution. I want to make a website using jquery. I want to use jquer POST method for my site. My sample code is $.post("search.php",{word:"good"},function(result){ $("#content").html(result); Here the word 'good' will be search in a database using search.php by POST method. I already did that … | |
![example3](/attachments/large/3/example3.jpg "example3") Hi, I have been sitting with this problems for days, I'm not very good with javascript as I am still learning, would really appriciate it if someone could help me. I've got a slidedeck with a number counter which works perfect together, now I'm trying to add another … | |
I am not understanding this at all. I have to have 3 fish swim across the screen in different direction. But I can only get the one fish to swim. I have been looking ont he web and can not find anything that helps me. If someone can help me … | |
Hi, I am pretty new to Joomla. The company i work uses a joomla 1.5 website which was designed before i joined. Now I'm incharge of managing this website by doing some small changes here and there. Problem : There is a page(not index) containing a few images which are … | |
I tried $('#page18').bind("load",function() { alert("total Type") ; }); and also i tried doing this $('#page18').ready( function() { alert("total Type") I want to call a function on Load of a Html5 Jquery Mobile page. I have various Div with <data-role="page"> Each of them has Id.Now with navigation when I reach on … | |
EDIT: Delete post. Figured it out myself before someone responded. ;P | |
I have a loop in php which echo out these divs: <div class="nyhed"> <p class="nyheds_dato_p" style="color:#900;">'.$pub_date[1].'/'.$pub_date[2].'/'.$pub_date[0].'</p> <p class="nyhed_p">'.substr($teaser, 0, 55).'..</p> <a href="'.$url.'" class="nyheds_link">'.$link_navn.'</a> </div>'; When ever a link is hovered, i am adding an animation to change the background color of the div class="nyhed". As it is now, all the … | |
I have a page on my site which, when a button is pressed, pulls in an AJAX response in a <div>. The response also has AJAX in it (this all works as it should). I want to be able to, after several checkboxes are checked, enable a button so that … | |
Some browsers will resort a json array by index to make access faster, I understand this. The problem is that when I pass my json object to jeditable using the data setting, in those browsers my options dont come out in the order I need them (Alphabetic). PHP creating the … | |
Hi, Just before I jump from the roof :-) Need some help here - autosuggest jQuery: <!DOCTYPE html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.2/jquery.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { var timer; $("#txt1").on('keyup', function(e) { var self=this; clearTimeout(timer); if (self.value.length===0) { $("txtHint").text(''); }else{ timer = setTimeout(function() { $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "gethint.asp?q="+self.value, }).done(function( hint … | |
Hi I want to display the value selected from a 3 level drop down list. Its something like this (for eg) : If a select fruit from level 1 , in level 2 i get all the list of fruits in drop down , then after selecting fruit name from … |
The End.